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What the hell is wrong with project 1?

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How do you turn the engines off??? I think that is an important thing to be able to do. If there is not a way to turn off the engines then has there been any info as to when or if this feature will be added. I need to learn how to recode is s**t so the sim works right!!! :twisted: :( :twisted: :evil: :evil:



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Lol, there are many more things that will make you angry then. You cannot turn engine off, and you cannot fly miltiplayer. Just give it a chance though - the developers are working on second patch.

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well i tinks it a sim... with a lots of opetnthyal soo ppl give him a chens

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Guest Ranger332
well i tinks it a sim... with a lots of opetnthyal soo ppl give him a chens



" well I thinks is a good sim...thats very open to third party,so people give it a chench"


I spent some time the the mid east :wink:

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lol Ranger, spent some time there myself



The only thing wrong with this game is the people who know it needs work, but instead of trying to help, they just pitch a bitch fit about this dont work and that should be different.

Yes it has bugs still, yes MP sucks still, but we are all trying to make due, and make better, the game that we all know is great

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Lol, there are many more things that will make you angry then. You cannot turn engine off, and you cannot fly miltiplayer. Just give it a chance though - the developers are working on second patch.


Don't be to harsh on him, you apparently can't spell either (look in the bold type)

This community is made up of many nationalities and he is at least trying to speak as best as he can.

Please don't discourage members from posting, because their language barrier. We need all the people together here to make this game better

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Lol, there are many more things that will make you angry then. You cannot turn engine off, and you cannot fly miltiplayer. Just give it a chance though - the developers are working on second patch.


Don't be to harsh on him, you apparently can't spell either (look in the bold type)

This community is made up of many nationalities and he is at least trying to speak as best as he can.

Please don't discourage members from posting, because their language barrier. We need all the people together here to make this game better



Well said Eagle, Ranger. I spent time overseas too and it doesnt take long to grasp what folks are sayin. I teased DJ a little about his english but was tryin to do it in a freindly way as I saw he had a sense of humor. I figured I knew what he was sayin and wanted to make him feel welcome. You guys from overseas can practice your english on me anytime... :)

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You know, it is all a matter of perspective. From where I'm sitting, YOU are oversees.... :P


But still, English is taught here at the schools....


sebastian pons

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Man, the patch hasn't been out two weeks and people are already bitching about when the next patch is gonna be released and it had better fix this or else.


I for one am getting very tired of these rants.


Ranger, I think djmid meant the sim had lots of potential. :D


Give TK and his crew a break, guys. Whew, almost started to go on a rant here. (slapping self on wrist).

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Ahhhh... sigh... It's just a game. I have many games that work better than this one, and yet they are sh*tty games.


Examples: NHL 2003, Superpower, The Settlers III or maybe it was IV, Cossacks, Empire Earth, the whole CFS series, America...


The bottom line is that this game has real potential, yes it has bugs, but its not in the core design (notice how many things got fixed in single play with such a small patch). So when they finally sort out the mp problems all of you overly anxious people will have to shut up, my advice is pop some yellow xanax, or get sh*t faced, or just go get laid. Because its just a game, and there is no reason to be so upset over a game that cost $40.


Basically I'm saying "Stop being so American!!!", instant gratification is not part of reality. It will work out eventually, so be patient, play something else while you wait for patch 2. If you can find them Europa Universalis II, and Waterloo; Napoleon's Last Battle, could take up a large part of your gaming time.





Enjoy the wait! :wink:

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Did somebody mention CFS 3??? and yall think SF is bad?? that one sucks eggs big time...although it makes a great coaster! Give TK and company time...heck Rome wasn't built in a day(if it was we'd have hired their contractor!)

Now to all the naw sayers and cry babies...try to help this community..join in some skinners and help them..help skunkworks develope A/C..just help don't sit around and cry"this doesn't work and taht doesn't work"ok it might not work,help us get things going so we can fix it.

and in my opinion andything flight sim from M$ is becoming some of the biggest stinkers ever released...and no support.ok nice ground(but limited),nice looking A/C but really bad FMs,at least with SF some work is being doem to fix things and improve thte sim.

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You know, it is all a matter of perspective. From where I'm sitting, YOU are oversees.... :P  


But still, English is taught here at the schools....


sebastian pons



hehehe... :lol: I tell ya what pons and dj, one of these days I'd love to go back to Israel for a visit. Maybe come visit you "foriegners", hehehe. :D

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Well pcpilot, at least it is not boring here! :(


sebastian pons

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