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Aircraft Folder Repopulating with Stock Aircraft after game start

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I did try to use the Search function and a manual 'browse' technique, but no luck. I kinda rotate around different A/C eras. Am on the WWII kick again. For some reason my WWII is doing this rather annoyingly. If I delete out the stock planes which are mostly jets. Every time I then start a Single Mission Aircraft folder has the stock planes back.

You know what as I was typing the above, it dawned on me to check the OPTION.INI file for dates beyond WWII and I did. Will return later with a result. Oh, I have all the games and stock expansion packs. Don't have all the DLC. Anyway, yu can imagine how many planes I have to scroll thru.

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Create a copy install and rename...ive had one called Test for years and just has a\c I test or only want with no stock....


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In the instructions on creating an Era Specific Install (either in the SF2 Knowledge Base or the PropHeads Fourm), I found the cure is to leave 1 (count them -one-) Player Flyable (tm) modern aircraft, like a Skyhawk, and 1 (count them -one-) AI controled MIG, I usually use the 21MF as I like that one.

Have 4 different WW2 installs, and they've never repopulated with unwanted crap. As the stock ground objects won't appear due to their dates, you can leave them alone, for the most part 

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i had tried leaving a A-H and the Yak-28   i.e. the first and last.  That seemed to work on post WWII installs (most of the time.) Am trying 1 stock allied fighter and 1 Soviet. Hope it works. It makes sense.

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Guys, this happens to me only in my SF2I install. Made a false A-1H and Yak-38 to avoid the repopulating folders, but it´s not working. Is there another hat trick?

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7 hours ago, Wilches said:

Guys, this happens to me only in my SF2I install. Made a false A-1H and Yak-38 to avoid the repopulating folders, but it´s not working. Is there another hat trick?

Just make them .ini files for all stock aircraft blank and set them to Read Only. It's what I did for ODS 30AE. It wasn't pleasant to save all those blank .ini files for most stock aircraft and objects, but it was worth the effort.

Edited by Menrva

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The secret is left the INIs blanked and Read Only. Worked as you said. Thanks!!!!!

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