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ini tweaking thing

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I like to change some things to suit me better in my SF2 stuff. I would like to change THE COLOR of that dark blue color font for allies aircraft and ground objects that I see everytime I open my map , in game. I looked into all INIs in Flight and Menu folders but I couldn't figure it out where to look exactly and what line is the one I am looking for to modify (if any). Can that font color be modified or not ? I could use a little help here. Thank you

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Maybe in the HUDDATA.ini under this :



But have no clue where we can know what color have which number...

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it looks like: RGBA - Red, Green, Blue and Alpha (opacity)

0 is no color, 1 full color (or 255 uf using photoshop or similar)

so: Enemy 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0  =   255,0,0,1

go to:  https://htmlcolors.com/rgba-color. choose an color and divide each RGB number by 255, the result is the decimal number you must use in each part.

Edited by snowburn
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At first seeing 4 coordinates for the color I thought is CYMK code, but trying I realized that is not and now I have trouble finding a suitable color. I finally found a RGB generator and I can design my wished color.

Thank you for your precious inputs.

Edited by UllyB

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There used to be a TW colour picker tool/utility........dont know if its in the downloads section....maybe for SF1.

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No I thought the same thing and it's not in both SF2 and SF1 sections. 

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No it's not that. I think it's in the file that decides how many lines of text you get.


Which you extract from the Flight Cat, and place in the Flight Folder.

Let me know if you figure out a nice colour scheme.

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Deuces color picker is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong gone. It was on his site.


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35 minutes ago, Wrench said:

Deuces color picker is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong gone. It was on his site.


Have you seen my reply Sir ? I am axious to hear your opinion.

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