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Well I never thought I'd see this.


An A-6 intruder with an opening canopy!

Most of the Vietnam aircraft that come with SF2 have the ability to open and shut the canopy built in to the DATA file, but not activated.

To activate the animation for the A-6 canopy, you do this:


In the DATA file, scroll down to [Nose] and add this:



Then go to down to [Pilot], which looks like this

MinExtentPosition=-0.85, 0.49,-0.35
MaxExtentPosition= 0.00, 1.81, 0.91

Now add this:


Make sure that you put the same number in [Canopy] Animation ID= as is already in [Pilot] CanopyAnimationID=

With InputName=, put the number of the key that you usually use for canopy animation. ID=1 relates to ShiftKey+1, which is what I use.

This works with F-105 and F-100 too, and probably a lot more.

If you don't see the point of this, don't use it.

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Very old news. Most of us have known this since WoV came out (for the A-6). IIRC, there's even a tutorial in the Knowledge Base. Can't remember if it's in 1stGen (SF/Wo*) or SF2 KBs

Also, by Modder Consesus (tm), Canopy animations (manual input type) are Amimation_10, so to use the Shift/0 (zero) keystroke. Also the way it's been done since first discovered in the early 2000s (shift/9 is wingfold, just so's you know)

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I missed that discussion. I appreciate the "news". :)


Thanks, Alexis!

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The thing that astonished me was that there are so many of these native aircraft that have the ability to display an opening/closing canopy, but are inactive.

Why would they add that feature and then not use it? A bit like the fact that there is a drogue-chute key in SF1, but its use has never been implemented.

Now if Wrench can't find the tutorial in the Knowledge base, then how am I supposed to?

There is no Modder consensus. I complained (or whined if you prefer) about the fact that Modders used different Animation keys to activate the same features, and said it would be a good idea if everybody stuck to the same keys. Wrench replied that it was a good idea, but I might have trouble getting the modders to agree.

Anyway, I convert everything to my own list

1. Canopy (including wing fold, if connected) 

2.Trail Decoy (Super Hornet)

3. Air refuel probe

4. Extend antennae (F-117)

5. Slimers (Super Hornet)

6. Night Vision goggles (AV-8B plus)

7. Wing Fold (when not connected to canopy)

8. Back seat cockpit (Tornado - Tonka)

All these keys are attached to switches on my Virpil panel

That's the beauty of SF, you can tweak everything your own way.


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I forgot to add

9. Screen Wiper (Buccaneer).

Or as it says in the Data file "Whyper". It's a beautifully clever animation.

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3 hours ago, alexis99 said:

The thing that astonished me was that there are so many of these native aircraft that have the ability to display an opening/closing canopy, but are inactive.

Why would they add that feature and then not use it? A bit like the fact that there is a drogue-chute key in SF1, but its use has never been implemented.

Perhaps because TK wanted to add some features at some point, but never got around to actually doing it...

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Perhaps because TK wanted to add some features at some point, but never got around to actually doing it.

DING DING DING! We have a winner! Give that man a che-root!!. There are so many things that never got implemented. We have what we have, and that's all we're gonna get.

Having been around this game since 2004, I've pretty much seen it all. Even forgotten some stuff, too

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3 hours ago, Wrench said:

DING DING DING! We have a winner! Give that man a che-root!!. There are so many things that never got implemented. We have what we have, and that's all we're gonna get.

Having been around this game since 2004, I've pretty much seen it all. Even forgotten some stuff, too

Pffff.....always late to the party........:wink::drinks::biggrin:

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6 hours ago, Wrench said:

DING DING DING! We have a winner! Give that man a che-root!!. There are so many things that never got implemented. We have what we have, and that's all we're gonna get.

no patch since 2013, its pretty damn stable-ish by now.

oc course if he were to patch it or make a major new release, everyone would be gaga and amazed he did something for the first 24 hours.

then would come all the bitching. THIS ISNT RIGHT! HIS PATCH BROKE MY MOD!!! (not that i remember that back in '11 and '12...)

so yeah, best to play with and tweek what we got.

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On 2/19/2023 at 10:19 PM, Wrench said:

[...Very old news....]


I couldn't agree more.

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Very old news

On 2/22/2023 at 2:13 PM, UllyB said:

I couldn't agree more.

Then why didn't you tell me about it?

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On 2/20/2023 at 7:04 PM, Wrench said:

DING DING DING! We have a winner! Give that man a che-root!!. There are so many things that never got implemented. We have what we have, and that's all we're gonna get.

Having been around this game since 2004, I've pretty much seen it all. Even forgotten some stuff, too

Indeed. We might have what we have, but a few quick flicks of the pen and we can introduce a feature that he did not implement. Wonder what else is in there?

We can also fix his failures, like badly calibrated AOA indexers. The information is in the Flight Manuals that are out there on websites, available to buy as CD downloads, or professionally published. When I come in to land in my A-6A, the indexers and gauge are on the money for speed and altitude. It is actually not rocket science.

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well, you seem quite froggy,  go ahead an jump on this.  we look forward to your work

as for the references, theres a hell of a lot more out there than even 5 years ago, let alone 10 years ago (when TK last did major work on SF2 as we mod it).

be glad for it and make full use of it

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On 2/27/2023 at 2:47 AM, daddyairplanes said:

well, you seem quite froggy

I don't know what that means.

I can post the AOA figures that I've fixed. I can post the correct fuel loadouts and corrected fuel gauges that I've done over time. The Lightning F6 was the last fuel gauge correction I did, but I've done so many that I can't remember.

And when I post any information, people tell me it's old news, and I should stop whining.

Sorry for the whining I just did.

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