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Win10 Upgrade -- what can I expect??

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normally, this would be posted in the computer/software/stuff section, but most people ignore posts there.

So; as a stop-gap measure until I can afford a new machine, I plan to do the win10 upgrade from win7 on this current machine (circa 2008!!!). It's got a new, larger HD (4tb), a good solid graphics card and plenty of RAM

So, what can be expectd, particually in releation to SF2 and other programs? Any and all advice, help, comments, assitance, etc is welcomed!

thanks folks!

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i was in the tester group for Win 10, so im having to search the memory banks having played with it since 2013? 2012?.   however...

software wise it wasnt an issue except for having to reload some things straight from site again. 7zip stuff like that.  but it was kinda rare that i had to

SF2, i only had an issue with one of the early builds. otherwise worked just fine (and why folks looked at TK wierd for the Win10 version he crowd funded)

keep in mind, im running SF2 on a Win11 system too, so you shouldnt have much issue in 10

biggest problem you'll probably have is where things are located. i dont remember as much with 7 to 10. but its my biggest issue going between my Win 11 laptop and my Win 10 desktop

again, this is just my experience other user experiences may vary

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Expext good time spending in SF2. 3DS MAX 9 works but if you will use right mousebutton menue it will ruin the picture and stay not closed.  So use shortcut buttons instead rightmouse button menue.If you us 2 displays you need tu turn off 2nd display cuz if yu drug mouse it will move to 2nd display and back it in game its not possible.  If you try Alt+Enter or Alt+tab game crash. Exporter to lod, Mue's tool works perfect.

First Eagles works good only with wrapers. Or you will see slow motion.

Comanche Gold do not work. iL-2 works fine.

Photoshop CS2, Photoshop CS5 works fine.

FSX, MS FS 2004 works perfect. MS CFS3 i not try but people say it works

Gunship! works only with wrapper. Enemy Engage works fine.

Edited by bazillius
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I've been using photoshop 6 for a long time -- unfortunately lost the install exes, so just copy/paste into the different HDs. seems to work fine for some reason!


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I have had problems with "first gen" SF and FE. FE2 and SF2 work great.

CFS3 runs great.

No issues with any versions of Office that I have.

Lots of very, very old Win95 games just will not run. Go figure.

DOSBOX runs great.

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Ok, somebody wanna tell me WTF THIS means??


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Lots of hits on Google for this which is never a good sign.

Did you try running it as an admin?

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Did the 7-10 upgrade back in 2019. No problems with SF2 fully merged, June (or July I forget) 2012 patch. Had to replace my sound card though. Old Audigy 2 was no longer supported (got Sound Blaster Z)

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seem like the issue has something to do with TSL protocols. which also is/are causing my email (office 2007) to no longer function.

made a LOT of progress, d/led some MS programs to fix the issue, and maybe try again on Thursday. Won't have time tommorrow as I"m running around (and it's my BD too, 66 years older)

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:HB: Kevin.

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Anyone got recomendations for a free PDF reader to replace my now nonfunctioning Adobe Acrobat Reader???

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As far as I know the reader is still free. Did you try to get an updated version from Adobe?

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yeah, git it working by simply changing compatibility to Winge7.

What I get for whining, instead of looking for the obvious answers!

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