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Crashing During CAP missions in mercenary campaign on desert map

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I looked at several benchmarks for both chips and they were 10% different when performing timed tasks. I have also noted that SF2 does not take advantage of the advanced chips. Increasing power does not seem to help here as the OP has an i7 and is still experiencing this problem.

The campaign manager also determines missions using the war goals listed near the top of the _data file. You should check that out. It's not just the chance given to the squadron. In this case they are all 90 anyway so any mission type should have the same chance. As you are defensive at the start of the campaign you will be on defensive missions like defensive CAS and CAP.

You should start that campaign with a defensive CAS mission if you play as Mercenary and change no other options. I started it ten times yesterday and a defensive CAS mission to Najafi or Mosak came up every time.

A CAP mission came up second as I intentionally failed the first mission. I was then able to replicate the problem. It happened twice. The first time was when a MiG-21 fired an AA-2D at a friendly and the second was when I fired an AIM-9N at a MiG-23BN coming off its attack run on some friendly tanks. The game just crashes to the desktop.

Setting the CAP mission chance for [AIRUNIT008] to 0 in the _data file may help this. The CAP missions should not come up anymore.

You still have not spelled Occam correctly. It's Occam, Ockham or Ocham.

A razor is a small blade that is used for precise cuts. Given the intent of Occam's Razor is to be as precise as possible with as little effort as possible a razor is more appropriate.


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  On 4/13/2023 at 2:54 PM, UllyB said:

A runway is not LONG, MEDIUM etc  because YOU consider it's enough LOL. It has a designation in airstrip files (TERRAINNAME_targets.ini file, see the pictures!) ! If it says there that it's a SHORT one, and in your plane's file it says it needs a MEDIUM one, the game will crash. That was what I was saying. Take a careful look to how things are going in the following phrases please.


This is the short rundown to have a picture in your mind about airstrip sizes:

Sizes for runaways (See targets.ini file in each terrain!)

runaway 1 (MEDIUM - 2500m)
runaway 2 (MEDIUM SMALL* - 2500m)
runaway 3 (SMALL - 1200m)
runaway 4 (LARGE - 3000m)
runaway 5 (MEDIUM - 2500m)
runaway 6 (MEDIUM - 2500m)

And about  "runway 7", "runway 8"...?

Edited by madvad

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  On 4/13/2023 at 4:27 PM, Righteous26 said:

I looked at several benchmarks for both chips and they were 10% different when performing timed tasks. I have also noted that SF2 does not take advantage of the advanced chips. Increasing power does not seem to help here as the OP has an i7 and is still experiencing this problem.

The campaign manager also determines missions using the war goals listed near the top of the _data file. You should check that out. It's not just the chance given to the squadron. In this case they are all 90 anyway so any mission type should have the same chance. As you are defensive at the start of the campaign you will be on defensive missions like defensive CAS and CAP.

You should start that campaign with a defensive CAS mission if you play as Mercenary and change no other options. I started it ten times yesterday and a defensive CAS mission to Najafi or Mosak came up every time.

A CAP mission came up second as I intentionally failed the first mission. I was then able to replicate the problem. It happened twice. The first time was when a MiG-21 fired an AA-2D at a friendly and the second was when I fired an AIM-9N at a MiG-23BN coming off its attack run on some friendly tanks. The game just crashes to the desktop.

Setting the CAP mission chance for [AIRUNIT008] to 0 in the _data file may help this. The CAP missions should not come up anymore.

You still have not spelled Occam correctly. It's Occam, Ockham or Ocham.

A razor is a small blade that is used for precise cuts. Given the intent of Occam's Razor is to be as precise as possible with as little effort as possible a razor is more appropriate.


I know what a razor is :). You missunderstood. It's not about precision in Ocam's blade (sac!), it's about...chance, logic and statistic, in that order.

About CPU tests. What games did you test, can you tell/show me ? If you were looking for tests of todays games or even 10 years ago games, you are just beating a dead horse because that is not the subject of the dispute here, you understand that, right ? I was talking (I remind you again) about old 32 bit games, where CPU i-5 and i-7 features won't mean a thing to them. It matters just the brute force and you are telling me that "in the tests you took a look" is just 10% ?? LOL Maybe you are looking in the wrong place. Remember what I said about leaving from WRONG presumptions you end up elaborating wrong conclusions ?  I guess you have a hard time to really understand that concept. Please try again. We are talking about brute force (no sofisticated modern CPUs features here). An i-7 has double the cache NO MATTER the frequency its clock runs to, so logically, it will be at least twice faster, with the same load in terms of brute computing force, right ? Twice is 50%., not 10%, not 15, not 20 , not 30 etc. That plus what I already stated (older games , especially flight sims were greatly dependable of CPU power !) send us to the initial conclusion: i-7 beats the crap out of a i-5 in any test under the conditions already stated. Now is it clear for you the exercise in logic I just did or should I try again ? :)

About the crash now and your experience , since you decided to help your collegue. Now having your testimony in the matter, the problem is more hazy than it was. Your collegue said initially that it happened when he took off with his plane. For you happened into the mission when those things you are talking about happened. Apparenty there is no connections between the situations, EXCEPT when one type of plane is "asked" by the game's engine to load or it is spawned , the crash happens. So my guess is that those enemy plane loaded weapons that are NOT in those campaign files, so the game's engine couldn't find them and returned a crash as "answer" to that request. It also could be a plane that is not there in campaign files, but being a stock campaign it's a slim chance to be that. or could still be a third situation we are not aware for the moment, because of lack of concludent data.(insufficient data)

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  On 4/13/2023 at 5:06 PM, madvad said:

And about  "runway 7", "runway 8"...?

Where did you see runway 7 or 8 ? Did you see that in a STOCK file ? Or was it a modded one ? Or are you just asking ?

If you did see it in a stock file, please share the info, I would like to take a look. If it's a modded one, there is no need to show it to me.

Edited by UllyB

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  On 4/11/2023 at 5:26 PM, petrouvis said:

Greetings anyone who sees this topic, i have been having problems while playing the 1975 Desert Fury campaign as a mercenary. To be precise when i do a close air protection mission regardless of aircraft or weapons when i order my wingmen to engage after a bit the game crashes to desktop and this happens 100% of the cases on two different installs, in two different computers. I tried stock SF2 and I tried installing again and nothing has changed, the problem persists. My game version is July 2013 with the expansion packs and no DLC, any help is appreciated.

This was the initial post. He said the crash happens when he orders his wingmen to attack. He is well past the takeoff point by this time. Perhaps you should pay more attention to the OP and not your unfounded assumptions. This has nothing to do with airfield size or aircraft selection. He made that clear. That's why I suggested taking the CAP chance out to see what happens.

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  On 4/13/2023 at 7:37 PM, UllyB said:

Where did you see runway 7 or 8 ? Did you see that in a STOCK file ? Or was it a modded one ? Or are you just asking ?

If you did see it in a stock file, please share the info, I would like to take a look. If it's a modded one, there is no need to show it to me.

In IraqWA Terrain...its a mod.
But I only want to know if they are SMALL, MEDIUM, or LARGE...if you have this info.
Just this.

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The game will not generate a visable error message when it crashes bit it will show up in the windows error logs, it will show the faulting module ( area ) that is causing the problem, this in turn will point you in the right area that is causing your ctd's.


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They are both MEDIUM.

The IraqWA_Targets files shows 17 airbases using airfield7 and 11 using airfield8.

I checked the IraqWA_Types file and got the following:




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  On 4/13/2023 at 8:29 PM, madvad said:

In IraqWA Terrain...its a mod.
But I only want to know if they are SMALL, MEDIUM, or LARGE...if you have this info.
Just this.


Righteous26 beat me to it. These are obviously custom made. The game stock ones are limited to what I already told you.

Edited by UllyB
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  On 4/13/2023 at 7:52 PM, Righteous26 said:

This was the initial post. He said the crash happens when he orders his wingmen to attack. He is well past the takeoff point by this time. Perhaps you should pay more attention to the OP and not your unfounded assumptions. This has nothing to do with airfield size or aircraft selection. He made that clear. That's why I suggested taking the CAP chance out to see what happens.

I agree , I've been carried away. I was describing what kind of crashing I encountered myself in the days I was creating campaigns and I just skipped from here to the matter.

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As Sundowner pointed out (that's news to me , too) the event viewer could give you a clue which module faulted. Take a look there and let us know. Maybe we can pinpoint the problem.You do know to read a event viewer log right (Win 7/10)?

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This module is failing:

Faulting module path: E:\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\AircraftObject.DLL


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Well first idea that crosses my mind is to copy over another similar file. If that and other will give the same crash it would mean one thing: 99% people who played the game, never tried that Mercenary side and realized that something was missing from that library. Only TK would know I guess, if that's the case.

I would have upload it for you guys but I am not home right now. If the matter will still count , in a few days, I will upload it, to give it a try.

Edited by UllyB

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It's not the .dll itself that's at fault, it means that something is wrong with a particular aircraft as opposed to to a terrain or ship etc.

So now you need to check aircraft names ,nations etc, anything that is related to the aircraft that are being used ( flyable or ai ) in that particular mission.

Check everything, comma, full stop, case sensitive etc.

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  On 4/15/2023 at 6:03 PM, Sundowner said:

It's not the .dll itself that's at fault, it means that something is wrong with a particular aircraft as opposed to to a terrain or ship etc.

So now you need to check aircraft names ,nations etc, anything that is related to the aircraft that are being used ( flyable or ai ) in that particular mission.

Check everything, comma, full stop, case sensitive etc.

Taking into account that is a issue with a stock thing (no matter its purpose) it needs a serious investigation. When you think to TK who was a one man band and what he did by himself for us , it's hard to think that he forgot or did something wrong there. Of course I left from the basic premise that what that collegue said is true (he never changed anything and played just a stock faulty campaign mission)

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  On 4/16/2023 at 8:35 AM, UllyB said:

Taking into account that is a issue with a stock thing (no matter its purpose) it needs a serious investigation. When you think to TK who was a one man band and what he did by himself for us , it's hard to think that he forgot or did something wrong there. Of course I left from the basic premise that what that collegue said is true (he never changed anything and played just a stock faulty campaign mission)

So I searched the error log and found this is the error I am having:

      D:\Games\Strike Fighters 2\StrikeFighters2.exe
      D:\Games\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\AircraftObject.DLL

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  On 4/17/2023 at 12:43 PM, petrouvis said:

So I searched the error log and found this is the error I am having:

      D:\Games\Strike Fighters 2\StrikeFighters2.exe
      D:\Games\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\AircraftObject.DLL

Yeah , the other fellow collegue already flagged that in the thread. Take a look to what SUNDOWNER said about the issue.

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