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GOG (or Steam) EAW 1.2 or 1.28

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If you have the GOG release, the Campaign Films (The cut scenes) will tend to crash the game during Career Modes when they go to play the .smk movies. This is true for the standard MPS EAW Game as well, just more common.

You can download a 'empty' MOVIES.CDF file and drop it into your EAWv1.2GOG version game folder and it will allow the game to get past the cut scene, by skipping it.

Get the Empty Movies.CDF here at CombatACE in the EAW Downloads if you need it. (Its 7-zip so make sure you have that program to un zip it.)

Edited by MarkEAW
removed old link
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There are HUD FONTS available. They are larger and display bigger on the high resolution screens. (If you need the fonts let me know)

However instead of using them, try setting EAWv1.2GOG eaw.ini to maybe 800x600 or keep it at default, 640x480, then set GOGs DirectX Wrapper Display setting double of your eaw.ini res settings.

This will give decent looking fonts on the higher res wrapper setting. Virtually upscaling. the flight screens etc.....

Oh, don't forget to turn off the Aspect Setting. Other wise you have a window with black columns in it, on either side of the game screen.

Edited by MarkEAW

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What else can I tell you about the GOG version?

You can update it with the un official code group 1.28 to 1.28a to 1.28b updates. Stopping at which everyone you prefer.

I have them uploaded on CombatACE already. I believe they each have a readme with them to see what was fixed and added.

You won't be able to use GOGs DX Wrapper anymore, so you'll want to DL the DxWnd Wrapper by ghotik.


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EAWPRO Will go over the v1.2GOG version easily, make a portable version first. Again you'll want to change wrappers and download the Profile Settings for EAWPRO.

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Hi all! EAW is still my favourite game to date and I was wondering which is the best version for Windows 10 between Steam and GoG? Is there any way to get either version to work with glide for the fog and the likes? I’ve tried setting the steam version to run with glide but it zooms the screen in a ridiculous amount with the eaw.ini set to 1920x1080 and crashes when I try to do a BoB campaign. Any help would be greatly appreciated 

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Always GOG, at least to start with. I hate Steam DRM. I do know people complain that GOG does not keep stuff updated as well as Steam. I'm not sure that would be true with EAW as much as other games.

My 2 cents.

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CD version. Only CD version. Ahahahahaha! Joke! :biggrin:

I think you need to ask MarkEAW

But first!!!!! BUT FIRST!!!! Visit his site. there are all answers on every quesion :wink: as i think https://eaw.neocities.org/

I play with my CD rip using his patches and modifications. I bought it in far 1998

I think GOG. B cuz you do not need steam always on. i like minimum programs is running when i m playing.

I dont think it will be updates for so old game

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The steam version is a re-badged GoG version. 

Some people who bought the GoG version wasted money buying the Steam version only to get what is effectively the same installation.
The GoG version is  basically EAW 1.2 revamped to run on more recent operating systems. There are no modifications to the game itself.

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GOG is the setup or configuration that I guess retroism provided. Steam is basically the same thing, same files etc. But if you have bought both, then you can refund one of them I would think.

Yeah TheBassman77, I would read my help site or skim it, because I could help you here, but It seems your too new to the game and how things are done.
Stick around read and come back when your ready. ;)

However, Damson, a youtuber used the default res and doubled it in the nglide wrapper program. This keeps the cockpit dash from being placed too close to your view, and you get to use the more detailed cockpits.

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Crashing Campaign in GOG/Steam release:

I have a theory, it maybe how the game gets installed, and how and where GOG-EAW saves the campaign files.

I believe you need to be an administrator when running the game.
The campaign files are saved in the games root folder and a saved games folder if I recall.
Windows 10 may have a hard time with that, depending where one has the game installed. I prefer a 2nd drive or a location outside of the /program files sub folder on windows as the modern security on those windows kicks in and maybe blocking or rerouting the files when they are created to a user data location. This maybe interfering with the Gog and Steam releases.

At the moment I don't recall where the gog eaw gets installed, or if you even have a choice where to put it.


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GOG always gives you an options screen that allows you to specify the install folder.

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cool, thanks for that bit of info.

For those having trouble, try installing (or make a portable versions of EAW) in a better location on your HD. Other than \program files.


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9 hours ago, MarkEAW said:

cool, thanks for that bit of info.

For those having trouble, try installing (or make a portable versions of EAW) in a better location on your HD. Other than \program files.


as to me i never install on default way Program Files or Program Files (x86) etc especialy old games. avoiud many problems

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I forget the all the details I found out about how old games that don't use registry settings are prone to have their configuration and saved games moved to a data folder under the user account path on ones OS.

But in Windows its the UAC setting as well the can block a save from the eaw.exe and nothing gets written to the HD.

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Has any GOG user that has Campaign Crashes in Career Mode, found out if the game locations improves the CTD occurrences?

These Crashes I would not think are effected by the Compatibility Fixes applied to the eaw.exe by the publisher. But more about the location of the game and the saved files......



Well I just tried 1.2 standard version. I enter the Capaign and abort while on flight screen, I get a CAREER can't be saved in \savedata error.

Just pointing this out.

Also, try full screen when running the game, that's about the only thing that seem to work for me to abort and auto save. 
Though I need to do more testing.....


I tested the hacked 1.26e exe and the FXEXE exe and they both can save careers. It maybe a fix for perhaps NT machines...? in the exe (I tested the CDF's with v1.2 ,no go).
Its not a wrapper issue as I ran these versions in the wrapper when eaw succeeded in saving a career.

Edited by MarkEAW

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Something changed in the hacked 1.26e by Sybod. It allows Careers to run correctly, or at least avoids career save crash. heh. So try it out if you got GoG game. You just won't be using Gogs Wrapper anymore.


If you choose a new wrapper such as using the the DxWnd Wrapper, you need to set a Tweak called 'patch:IgnoreFileSysErrors' to get the same behavior out of v1.2 as v1.26. meaning saved careers/campaigns will save correctly.
However I'm not sure or don't remember if the 1.2GOG version can be used with another wrapper.

Its best (easiest) for GOG users to try the v1.26e un-official patch, available here at combat ace downloads.

Sorry its apparently a standalone archive here at CombatACE EAW downloads. I don't think you need to really disturb your GOG version. Meaning you should bea ble to use the standalone just by itself.

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Career "Crash To Desktop" (EAW error):

From what I can tell, a (Dec 2023) security update to Win10 causes the career to fail to save every time. It appears to crash the game, however it is a giving a EAW write/create error.

Since I don't remember this Pilot Career save error from before (and its not related to the films that play) I also have watched videos of the standard EAWv1.2 play natively on Win10, in Pilot Career, several times, without issue.
So the GOG Wrapper/v1.2GOG eaw.exe won't be able to pull off this without an update from GOG, or a Win10 security change......

For now make a portable copy of your GOG download and patch it with 1.26, The 126 patch shouldn't have the save career problem when run natively.
or just add a standard MPS v1.2 eaw.exe (as all other game data is identical to GOG, so the MicroProse's official exe will work).

You can get the 126 patch or a 1.2 exe here at CombatACE.
or my EAWHS mediafire download location:
Files Link; https://eaw.neocities.org/files.html

Use the DxWnd Wrapper by ghotik and use my profiles for the game. Download them from my help site.

PS: Sorry for all the directions and no links added :bad: (check around until I figure something out for links)


Edited by MarkEAW
detail corrections, more updates, new links

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More on the Pilot Career EAW save error.

I don't seem to have anymore issues with the pilot career saving correctly on any version or type of the EAW game. Its seems the GOG version of EAW is working on Win10 now too. (not a GOG update though)
It seems sometime that MS may have corrected this problem with an update to WindowsOS. It may have well effected other games and programs. I'm not sure.

Is anyone still having issues with GOG or STEAM, saving career files?

Edited by MarkEAW
more info

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