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I asked this question on SF1 more than a decade ago.


Now that I play SF2, has anyone attempted to make a flight model with functioning bay doors?  The Discovery Channel Wings episode on the Thud said the bay doors retracted into the fuselage so no nuke would bang into it on the way out. I know we all love a good bang but not one that gives you a one way ticket to St. Peter.



Edited by TheStig

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No. TK don't have one. It used for fuel storage. Nor does ArmorDave's Thuds.

If you want a nuke, use the centerline external hardpoint

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Maybe I'm wrong, but the YAP ones came with that hability?

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Yup, because, again, in SEA that space was used for fuel. Which it desperately needed on every mission

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That video was pretty good actually.

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F-105s....F-105s?  Is someone actually referencing the Vietnam conflict other than myself and Sundowner?  I thought all us old geezer fans long disappeared.  Anyway, we like F-105s.  A lot.  But not enough to make one with functioning bomb bay doors, since as Wrench and others shared even though designed for that capability they were never used as intended.  Fun fact, our project advisors including Thud Pilots shared that many times the bomb bay doors were literally sealed/riveted shut.  But who knows, maybe just for fun in the future we'll add that functionality but definitely put it on the "wish list."  Well, since you brought up the topic, just for fun here is our latest Thud updates and bonus sneak peek of WTR Terrain and Atmospherics 2.0...  :smile:





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pretty much everyone doin a Thud in eiher Gen did it for Vietnam and later, when the internal bay tank was nearly a permanent fixture.

not too much thought was given to the Thuds original one way ticket role.......

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Thanks for explaining the real procedure. One learn something new every day.

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WTR, my family knew a Thud driver a long time ago. We met him at San Diego Air and Space museum when I was a little kid.  This was when I first found out about the F-105.  

The G model has always been my favorite among the generation of Wild Weasels.   

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