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Has anyone been able to mod or figure out a way to play as ground vehicles such as per say a Patriot battery or Arleigh-Burke Class ship? I've scoured the forums and web for relevant material, the most recent of such I've been able to find a guy that has uploaded videos of him playing as a S-400 on Youtube. Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but thanks in advance 

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Yes, i t is possible, I made some BRDM for inspecting terrain looong ago, not sure if I still have this...but with some tinkering it is possible, although, with current game engine limitations, it is pointless.

Rumor says it will be fixed in SF5 :yikes:

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To go with yakarov79, there wouldn't be much functionality and so on. I mean the game is limited and clearly wasn't a feature to be made for the game. But I'm sure you can be like the video and do that, but that's a short mission too, and probably not worth the headache to create a ground vehicle and such.

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somebody asks that question about once a year, since the game came out in 2003. Short answer is no. Long answer, not worth the time and effort to attempt.

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Posted (edited)

With engine limitations, two things are quite possible:

- a playable SAM battery

- a playable unarmed ground vehicle

In the first case you will sit in one place, use radar to lock targets and shoot missiles at them.

In the second case, you will be able to drive around and that's it

Not much possibilities otherwise

RE: oh, you could also make a SPAAA like Shilka or Avenger, but you will be only the driver with gunnery done by AI

Edited by OlWilly
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2 hours ago, Wrench said:

Short answer is no. Long answer, not worth the time and effort to attempt.

it hard to believe no one tried to make an Enhanced Electronic Location System  AI for a more accurate, responsive gunner

i mean you could even have multiple on something that acts more like an aircraft, like say a hovercraft.








yup. thats where my mind went with this....

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yes, but then you'd have to deal with them EELS. Fact

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On 24.5.2024 at 1:44 AM, OlWilly said:


- a playable unarmed ground vehicle

Some planes can shoot their guns when they are on the ground (iirc ones that don't have retractable gear but I might be wrong since I didn't experiment with it that much), so you can sort of make a tank or something

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