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i would like to finish my Shafrir missiles and i´m searching for some pictures 

for the Shafrir 2 missile i need some better pictures from the IR seeker , the electrical connector and the nozzle including the weather seal

this is what i have from the ir seeker and the electrical connector



from the nozzle i have only some very dark and very small pictures so anything on the nozzle will be welcome 

this is how the missile looks like now 








for the Shafrir 1 i have only very few detail pictures so if you have anything good on that particular missile please send it to me




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Stuff like this makes me wish I had the patience to learn 3DSMAX, I really do. That's just beautiful either way.

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Shafrir 1

Note the diffrent orientation of front and rear fins and unique launch rail for the Mirage 



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6 minutes ago, dtmdragon said:

Shafrir 1

Note the diffrent orientation of front and rear fins and unique launch rail for the Mirage 

oohhh... that is what i´m looking for , thank you so much 

nothing much that i can do about the launch rail , except making new aircraft models by the way the same problem with the Shafrir 2  it has a very unique launch rail with 2 pins that is holding the missile right beside the nozzle


this is how the Shafrir 2 launch rail looks like , just in case somebody is working on this aircrafts :lol:




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Thanks  Svetlin , That is a good picture and was helping me 

changed the seeker based on the picture above

since i´m most likely never find out was is written around the IR seeker i took the liberty to add something my self , i will change it if by any chance i will get the right lettering 



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Hi, the following video contains some close-up shots of the Shafrir 2, though I do not know if that could help from modelling perspective.


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51 minutes ago, Svetlin said:

Hi, the following video contains some close-up shots of the Shafrir 2, though I do not know if that could help from modelling perspective.


thanks , yap i know that video , unfortunately it has a low resolution   :drinks:

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Shafrir 1 missile , since i dont have any picture of the nozzle and only a picture of an empty rear part where the nozzle should be i can't guarantee that my interpretation of the nozzle is correct

still some work to do 

maybe some of our Israeli friends here at CA can help me with some more info and pictures  :biggrin:

Shafrir 1 and Shafrir 2


Shafrir 1 missile 






Edited by ravenclaw_007
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A quick Google search didn't find anything though, mainly models of the missile, but they're not detailed enough for use anyway.

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This link has an old video showing the Shafrir2 with some close ups. mostly from 0:20-1:20 and after 2:10.


Edited by logan4
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i just had some crazy idea , what if i add all the attachment points from the launch rail to the missile , as soon as you launch the missile this attachment points are gone but as long as the missile is on the launch rail they are there

one problem is that TW was using the wrong diameter for the Shafrir-2 they used 150 mm and the missile has 160 mm diameter so the launch rail dimensions are wrong to , i adjusted the rear bracket as good as i could

if there is anew aircraft model with the correct attachment points i can remove them from the missile







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