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Looks like Ihave an extra of work to do, re-doing A-4s and F-8s to have higher resolution with both textured and TW style.  Fortuantely F-89s, F-102s, and F-106s already have both textured and TW style radar scope.

When that is done, I can finally focus on F-94s and F-101s that uses Hughes FCS. I aim to finish working on all aircraft that uses Hughes FCS + radar then release the next version of alpha while moving on to next aircraft.


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Hello everyone!

A-4 series radar scope have bee re-worked and re-scaled to 1024 for quality and details.  However, after talking wiht one of modders, I realized that not everyone have powerful video card, so I am going to create 1024, 512, and 256 version for anyon to choose and sue for their SF2 installations.   The templates, in other hand, is 1024 by standard.  From there, anyoeno can re-size it to any smaller size too.

By the way, after studying the flight manual of A-4E and F, creaetd the new radar scope for A-4E / G and A-4F / H / L.  Here are screenshots of A-4E and G radar scope:


And A-4F - H - L new radar scope:



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hello everyone!

This week have been quite busy week, so I have been wokring on project from time to time.

During myf ree time, I spent most of time researching and searching for the flight manuls and looking through them.  And that is when I realized that I can not use any simulation as reference for gunsight, since they are often different from the actual gunsight diagrams as shown in flight manual.  So therefore, from now on, I am using flight manual as base for gunsight diagrams.  It is my goal to have most accurate gunsight for different aircraft.  Fore example, forr AD / A-1 series Skyraider, this is what I learned that A-1E / G / H / J uses Mark 20 Mod 4 gunsight:


So instead of using cckpit codes for gunsight, I amusing HUD so pilot can switch between day and night gunsight, and here is screenshot:

This is CAGED version


WHen switching to AA or AG HUD mode:


WIth "HUD", you can switch between CAGE for night gunsight and AA /AG  mode for DAY gunsight.  And please note, when switching between AA and AG ordiancne, you will need to switch to CAGE mode for night gunsight.  

It will take me a lot of time researching and seeeking for the gunsight diagrams for varous aircraft and that is okay. I can take my time.  If anyoeno have library fo gunsight diagrams, please link it here or PM me.  it will be great help.

Thank you.


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Hello everyone!

I have been working on vey early radarr system and texture for AD / A-1 series Skyraider.  Please note that, we can not accruately mod the radar to work the way old radar, such as AN/APS-6.  Therefore to 'simulate' the way they work in simliar ways, the radar system have been heavily tweaked besides the rdar / scannign angles, etc.

In order to use AN/APG-6, there is a very few and simple mode: target blips, aquistion symbol, and AIM dot, that's it.  You steer plane toward AIM DOT and use target range to determine how far you are from target.   Here are screenshot of AD-2W / AD-3W Skyradier:



And here is TW style version:



The work on radar texture is based on the flight manual and docunments:




And from another simulation:


The radar system / texture for next variants of AD / A-1s are being worked on.



Edited by Eagle114th
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Hello everyone,

Here is AD-4 with AN/APS-19. Please let me know if I have this  texture correct or not. I am doing my best to find the pictures of AN/APS-19.  I am unable to find exact picture of it, it is based on AN/APS-6.  What I have learend is that AN/SPG-19 is improved and more advanced version of AN/APS-6.



(AN/APS-19 radar will be used by AD-4 / 5 / 6 / 7 while AD-5N use different radar, which is AN/APS-31.  I am going to look into that radar and hope I can find information on it.)



TW style version:





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Dude, you´re doing a GREAT job here! Congratulations!!!!!:drinks:

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35 minutes ago, Wilches said:

Dude, you´re doing a GREAT job here! Congratulations!!!!!:drinks:

Thank you  and you rocks too!  

I aim to keep doing my best with the avinoics projects everyday!



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BINGO!!! I didn:t realize that if I stay true to the size of gunsight and adjust the offset of view inside cockpit, I am able to re-fit the gunsight in the reflector glass.  From now on, with any gunsight, will stay true to the size of gunsight and tweak the offset.  this time, the gunsight and cockpit seem mor natural.



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Amazing job !!! :good:


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just to let you know, the AD-6 & 7 don't have radars. (check Dels cockpit -- which I worked with him on)

AD-1,2,3,4 (some) use the APS-6 external mount. Most of them (on the late model -4) had the scope removed, and the plated over.

The 4N & NL are rather specific, and somewhat short lived uses. Most converted back to standard (and radarless) by the late 50s/early 60s

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9 hours ago, Wrench said:

just to let you know, the AD-6 & 7 don't have radars. (check Dels cockpit -- which I worked with him on)

AD-1,2,3,4 (some) use the APS-6 external mount. Most of them (on the late model -4) had the scope removed, and the plated over.

The 4N & NL are rather specific, and somewhat short lived uses. Most converted back to standard (and radarless) by the late 50s/early 60s

Thank you for the information.  It makes sense that AD-6 and AD-7 (later knwn as A-1H and J) does not have the radar. By the way, I want to ask you questionsa bout AD-4 and AD-5 to be specific;  It is true that tearly AD commonly use AN/APS-6, and there is also docunment I recenlty read that statets AD-4 and 5 carrying AN/APS-19s which is basically more advanced version of AN/APS-6.  So it mean there are mixture of AD-4ss and 5s with both AN/APS-6 and 19?  

Noteed about AD-4N and NL, it is like AD-5N that specificaly carries AN/APS-31 radar.


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Our last posts got me thinking .... so I did more research, and hunting for info, book/manuals etc.

Oddly, the A-1H maintaince manual DOES show attachment points, wiring, and stuff for the radar pod (APS-19C), and the scope in its usual position in the cockpit. Strange, because I know the Nam era ones never carried the pod, and most had the scope removed. (I can post that book if you want)

I did stumble over the APS-6 manual. It seem more particular to the F6F-5N Hellcat, but the data on the scope may be helpfull (although I dislike the orange display screen). It's attache, and hopefully of some help


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Thank you for the manual! I am sharing the docunment here too!

THis is what I have found from deep hunting and searching through internet;


Besides flight manual, if you look through pdf of flight characterists for each variatns of AD / A-1s, they have data on equipment they carried.  Look for "Electric equipment" or something like that and then look for "RADAR.


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Hello everyone!

The new texture for AN/APS-31 for A-4N / 4NL / 5N / 5NL are now completed.

With the tweaks of avionics.ini, since I do not yet  understtand how to turn radar into circular 360 radar scope like AWAC aircraft.

But good news, fortunately, AN/APS-31 uses 160 degree scope (forward), therefore I am able to use +80/-80 degree scanning on radar scope.

Here is information about AN/APS-31 from various sources:



AN/APS-31 is an X-band search radar containing many of the special features of design and operation contained in AN/APS-15. Its antenna scans through a forward-looking field of view producing a scope presentation of a 160° V on a PPI-type scope.

Therefore I can do this on regular radar scope (forward only) instead of 360 degree radar scope (which I Hoped for).  Here is screenshot:









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Hello everyone,

AN/APG-6 and AN/APG-19 works in SF2 have been changed how it work to reflect the more realistic way they work.  I realizedf that the primtive radar does not feature the acqistion then track, therfore it got me thinking how it woudl work.  Therefore, using SEARCH: then BORESIGHT is closer to how it work. Becasue when using AN/APG-6 and 19, you use search mode to find target and align your plane heading toward target.  Therefore using SEARCH to steer plane: sheading toward it horizontally, then switch to boresight to further adjut the pitch and heading more precisely. 




I am very happy how it works now. F4U-5N will have this as well. AD series have been great learning lessons for me when workong on WWII and post war avionics!


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Hello everyone,

it turns otu I made a big mistake with AN/APS-4 / 6/ and 19, and now I understand the different and the evolution from APS-4 to 6 to 19.  I am glad I di dnot release the mod yet, I am fixing the my misunderstanding.  For AN/APS-6, it will be used by F4u-5N while ADs will have proper radar for variants of ADs / A-1s.  Avioincs is quite complicated topics and I am learning a lot from it in steps by steps.  Ther are many different types of radar for difffernet roles, especialy having many tree lines of changes and upgrades.


After doing further research, I am quite suprised by different radars used by various ADs / A-1s.  I created the table based on the docunments:



AD-2        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-4    
AD-2Q        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-4    
AD-2W        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-20    
AD-3        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-4    
AD-3Q        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-4    
AD-3W        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-20    
AD-4        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-19A    
AD-4N        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-31B    
AD-4Q        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-19A    
AD-4W        -    N/A            |    AN/APS-20    
AD-5         -    A-1E        |    AN/APS-19C    
AD-5N        -    A-1G        |    AN/APS-31C    
AD-5Q        -    EA-1F        |    AN/APS-31C    
AD-5W        -    EA-1E        |    AN/APS-20    
AD-6        -    A-1H        |    N/A    
AD-7        -    A-1J        |    N/A    

(NOTE: for A-1H and J, i use 'N/A" because, even though they very rarely mount the radar pod, commonly they don not use radarright?


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I know, ain't is crazy!!!??!!!

The APS-20 is the huge belly radome, as used on the TBM-3E,  Skyraider AEW (and some Q models), EC-121, PB-1W and other I can't think of. 

Totally agree on the H & J SPADs. If your cockpit used has the scope, I suggest using this (bleow) for the screen. Some people, especially those of that grew up in the 1960s, will get the joke. Obvioulsy, it'll need renaming as I used in in the U-2 with the F-104 pit



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hey, we kids of folks from the 50s and 60s get it too. we just had that bridge between the networks going off the air and 25/8 pron on the iPhone :lol:

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Hello everyone

The work on AN/APS-20 is now completed, and just like AN/APS-31, it ues half of upper circle for radar. It uses full 180 radar scope for both air and air to ground radar.



I am now working on F8U / F=8 Crusader series before releasing the next version of alpha.  What I am going to do is to upscale and create 1024 and 512 version of radar scope.


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Hello everyone

I workin gon creating a completely new gunsight based on the fligh tmanual and information.  What I learned is that F-8s had different gunsights through the variants and upgrades.  I do not have exact information yet, but it makes sense.

According to information I found, F-8s uses Mark Mod 1 / 2 / 7.  Same Mark but different mod number.  What I think is that F8U-1 (F-8A) uses Mark 11 Mod 1 while F8U-1E (F-8B)  and F8U-2 (F-8C) uses Mark 11 Mod 2.  From the recent maual recently found, the docunment stated that F8U-2N (F-8D) and F8U-2NE (F-8E) uses Mark 11 Mod 7 gunsight. I assume that F-8H and J uses Mark 11 mod 7 too, but i am still researching to double check first.

Here is picture of Mark 11 Mod 1 from flight manual:



And here is Mark 11 Mod 7:



NOTE: I am still looking for the picture / diagram of Mark 11 Mod 2 rectile.  If anyone have information no it, please share with me.  So I can accurately create gunsight for Mark 11 Mod 2.  What c onvienced me that F-8A may be using Mark 11 Mod 1 is from this website:



What I realized is that the TK's version of gunisght does not have exact same layout as shown in manual, so here is an example:


NOTE: These are main stationary gunsight without secondary gyro gunsight.


The difference seem a little, but the difference is stil difference. I rather to have precise historically accurate gunsight.  If there is just a fe dots or lines difference, I am still including that.

And notice that the very edge of gunsight touches the border of image border, I do that on purpose, so that way it will be accuate with the size in-game.  SF2 uses mil numbers when displaying gunsight.  if there is gap between image border and the gunsight, then the size wil be off.

in cockpit, youc an see the codes:


GunsightName=Mark 11 Mod 7_SIGHT.TGA
GunsightComputedName=Mark 11 Mod 7_LEAD.TGA

See the code:  GunsightMilSize=

At the same itme, the radar scope is being worked on in higher resolution (1024 and 512) and I want to share the video recenlty found, it is one of holy grail:

(At 13:25, you will see how radar work and what it looks like)

I wish there are more videos like this.  Finally, here is table with data I have found so far related to F8Us / F-8s



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Hello everyone,

After going through trial and errors, I learned that the gunsight texture must be same width and height. So therefore I had to add 'gaps' between border of image and both side of gunsight. BUT to make it accurate size, I did some math and it came out perfect in-game.

I want to share withanyone in case if anyone struggle getting gunsight size showing up correctly in -game.

So here is gunsight in 512 x 512 texture (TGA):



What I do is measure the width of the gunsight from furthest left to right side and the image width in pixels.  And like i said, width and height of image must be the same size.

So here what I have:

512 x 512 image, therefore 512 width

The width of gunsight is 367 pixel.

512 / 367 = 1.39509536784741

And 100 mil, 

100 x 1.39509536784741 = 139.5 -> 140 (rounded up)

in Cockpit.ini:
GunsightMilSize=140 (instead of 100)

And for avioincs, originally I had ImageSize=0.135 for 100 mil

0.135 x 1.39509536784741 = 0.188 rounded up
therefore, ImageSize=0.18

Like i said, the gunsight shows up just correctly in-game as 100 mil for outer circle.

(This is F87-1 or F-8A with Mark 11 Mod 1 gunsight)


And of course, can't forget the optional accessiblity feature too!  Here is al alternative version with working firing cues:



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Hello everyone,

I have reports to share about the progress with F8Us / F-8s avionics overhaul.  Firstly, I want to exprress thanks to Dtmdragon for his excelelnt work with F8Us / F-8s avioincs overhaul, I am using his updated cockpits and avioics as base to enchant his works.   With the new improved gunsight and further enchant the visual part of radar scope and contents init. 

First, I want to talk about tilted glasses, in my opinion, it is most important features. It make the big world of difference with visiblity, and this is why I love working with new cockpits amde by mods, because they usually provide texture to tweak the reflector or HUD glasses.  However, TK's version of cockpits, in other ahnd, does not have texture nor 'polygon' in front of reflectors.  Because of that, I am unable to adjust the tilt of glass.  

However, I thought of one interesting, workable solution to this;  By adding 'area of tilt' in front of gunsight while ensuring there are gap between tilt area and border of refelctor / HUD glass.  Becasue when you tilt the camera / pan around, the elements of 'HUD', always move around with your camera (gyro effects).

However, to show you the difference;

Gunsight without tilted area:


Now with tilted area in front of gunsight:

(NOTE:   The instruction on how to remove the 'tilted' area and restore the gunsight system back to COCKPIT.ini based method will be provided., in case if anyone does not like the tilt area in reflector.  The issues with this method is that, when you shift the view angle away from refelctor, sometime it will show the 'double gunsight' effect becasue there are two gunsight overlapping each other. I am stuck with this issues due to SF2 mmodding limitation, however If anyone know the solution to this, please let me know.)

(Mark 11 Mod 1)



(Mark 11 Mod 7)



now next is updated radar in 1024 (tehre is also 512 version) and noe that 'Y" symbols now aligns with the horizontal bar when plane is level:

AN/APS-67 (F8U-1E / F-8B and F8U-2 / F-8C)




TW style version




Next, AN/APG--83 (F8U-NE / F-8D)






The next series of F8Us / F-8s are being worked on.


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Hello everyone!

Merry belated Christmas!  It have been quite hectic monthh fo rme, therefore it is just today I began working on mods again.  While wokring on F8U/F-8s series, afer having leraend how to work with avoinics more, went back to make some tweaks to gunsight and cockpit offsets, and this time, gunsight is now at correct size. I also realized I forgot to add '100 MILS" to top of gunsight.  This is the deafult offset thaht fits the gunsight on the refelctor glass.  Y ou can use button to widen FOV to zoom back a bit.  


I am doing some updats to A4D / A-4s sereis aafter realizing the new methods of making gunsight works better without 'double gunsight 'over lapping each other.  I dsicovered a new method while working on F8U / F-8 series. I plan on adding 'filted' glass area for gunsight too.


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Hello everyone

HAPY NEW YEARS!!! Let's do our best for the year of 2025!

By the way, I am continuing to researching and searcihng for the name of gunsight / optical sight that A4Ds / A-4s variants ues. It is quite challenging to find. If anyoen know the name of gunsight shown in screenshot, please let me know!

Based on excelelnt work of Crusader's A-4 gunsighht and DCS A-4E I have seen, here is new gunsight:

NOTE: The tilted galss behidn gunsight is also added to give best visiblity during brightest part of the day.





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      View File SF2 Avionics Community Pack (SF2: ACP) - Alpha v0.3
      Welcome to SF2: ACP first release of alpha.  Before I explain about the pack, I want to express big thank to the wonderful communities and modders of Combatace and Combat Flight Sim Tavern (Discord), including Thirdwire for the simulation.
      You all are the reasons why this pack exists.  I want to use the passions to improve SF2 into higher levle with avionics.
      This requires a lot of research, reading flight manual, and tons of tweaking in avioincs and cockpit ini, along with countless of testing in-flight in SF2.
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      ----------------------- TEMPLATES ------------------------
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      Please note, the standard size created for radar and gunsights;
      For Radar scope, it is 1024 x 1024.
      For gunsight, it comes in two sizes:
      512 x 512 (For MIL 80 to higher MIL)
      256 x 256 (For MIL 70 to lower MIL)
      ----------------- HISTORICAL VS FICTIONAL ----------------
      Avionics overhaul for Historical vs fictional aircraft
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      ---------------------- INSTALLATION ----------------------
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      ----------------------- CHANGE LOGS ----------------------
      v0.01 - First release of SF2: ACP
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      ------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------
      I want to give big thanks to the people who have suported me, helped me with the project, shared the books, mods, information, and gave me the advice on various aircraft avionics, especially giving me the feedbck.  I also want to thank to the modders for the excellent mods that makes SF2 the greater sims. I use the various mods as part of this projects too.
      Thank you dtmdragon, Stary, Wrench, FANATIC MODDERS, KJakker, Crusader, Gunfighter6, Nightfall, Centurian (Outlaw), USNRaptor, and the rest of awesome fellow people of Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern!
      I also want to credit the great works of the developer teams who develops Wing over Korea, The Mirage Factory for great quality cockpits and other files, and the great communities from Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern.
      Finally, Thakn you Thirdwire (TK) for the Strike fighter 2 simulation.
      To anyone who is missing from the credit part, please let me know ASAP. I will update the credit page.
      Thank you for enjoying the mods!

      Eagle114th / Flowing Dragon
      Submitter Eagle114th Submitted 11/15/2024 Category Avionics  
    • By Eagle114th
      Welcome to SF2: ACP first release of alpha.  Before I explain about the pack, I want to express big thank to the wonderful communities and modders of Combatace and Combat Flight Sim Tavern (Discord), including Thirdwire for the simulation.
      You all are the reasons why this pack exists.  I want to use the passions to improve SF2 into higher levle with avionics.
      This requires a lot of research, reading flight manual, and tons of tweaking in avioincs and cockpit ini, along with countless of testing in-flight in SF2.
      The mods is not perfect, we do our best with the mods.  We do it with the joys of our hobbies!
      This pack includes the following features:
      - New gunsight / optical sight
      - New texture for radar scope and another avionic equipment (See note #1)
      - Improved cockpit and radar through cockpit and avionics ini tweaks for semi-realism (See note #2)
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      - Improves glass texture (If possible)
      - Accessibility - Optional, includes the AAM firing cue on gunsight for people who can not hear the sounds of missile locking on targets.
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      - Tweaks to the view angle around cockpit
      NOTE #1: Due to the nature of lighting system inside cockpit in SF2 engine, I had to apply the darkness level on top of texture scope, in order, to prevent them from glowing.  In templates, you will see "darkness" layer for this reason.
      NOTE #2: As mentioned in note #1, due to little resources (Information / data) on early cold war era radar, at least half or most of tweaks are based on an educated guess. For exampe, AN/APG-33 radar that is used with E-1 FCS in F-89B and C, there are some data on it, but no data on elevator nor azimuth angle limitation.  
      ----------------------- TEMPLATES ------------------------
      There are templates for gunsight, radar, RWR, and another type of avionics assets.  It is there so anyone can use it to create their own avionics for any aircraft. You will see the folder:
      Please note, the standard size created for radar and gunsights;
      For Radar scope, it is 1024 x 1024.
      For gunsight, it comes in two sizes:
      512 x 512 (For MIL 80 to higher MIL)
      256 x 256 (For MIL 70 to lower MIL)
      ----------------- HISTORICAL VS FICTIONAL ----------------
      Avionics overhaul for Historical vs fictional aircraft
      I am dong overhaul for both historical and 'what if' fictional aircraft.
      For example, in this alpha version, there are avionics overhaul for F-8A to F-8K, along with France F_8s.  It also includes 'what if' JASDF F-8EJ Crusader. 
      ---------------------- INSTALLATION ----------------------
      There are readme inside each aircraft folder, please read the instruction to install the mods.
      ----------------------- CHANGE LOGS ----------------------
      v0.01 - First release of SF2: ACP
      v0.02 - Includes avionics overhaul for A-1s, A-4s, F-8s, F-89s, and MiG-15s
      v0.03 - MAJOR updates, 
          > gunsight and radar are now in higher resolution.
          > Tweaked cockpit panning angles
          > Tweaked night lights for night mission
          > New texture to add 'Old CRT' effect to early cold war aircraft's DTV
      ----------------- CURRENT / FUTURE PLANS -----------------
      I am currently workong on F-86s series before moving on the next aircraft.  If you have any feedback or request for aircraft avionic overhaul, please post in CombatAce forum discussion:
      ------------------------ CREDITS ------------------------
      I want to give big thanks to the people who have suported me, helped me with the project, shared the books, mods, information, and gave me the advice on various aircraft avionics, especially giving me the feedbck.  I also want to thank to the modders for the excellent mods that makes SF2 the greater sims. I use the various mods as part of this projects too.
      Thank you dtmdragon, Stary, Wrench, FANATIC MODDERS, KJakker, Crusader, Gunfighter6, Nightfall, Centurian (Outlaw), USNRaptor, and the rest of awesome fellow people of Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern!
      I also want to credit the great works of the developer teams who develops Wing over Korea, The Mirage Factory for great quality cockpits and other files, and the great communities from Combatace and Combat flight sim tavern.
      Finally, Thakn you Thirdwire (TK) for the Strike fighter 2 simulation.
      To anyone who is missing from the credit part, please let me know ASAP. I will update the credit page.
      Thank you for enjoying the mods!

      Eagle114th / Flowing Dragon
    • By Viper63a

      View File SF2 F-111A Jets for Vietnam: The 428th, 429th and 430th TFS from Tahkli RTAFB
      SF2 F-111A Jets for Vietnam: The 428th, 429th and 430th TFS from Tahkli RTAFB!
      v2.0 20241207
      This mod includes upgraded version of...
      * F-111A Combat Lancer jets for Vietnam 1968: The 428th, 429th and 430th TFS from Tahkli RTAFB!
      Installation: Important!
      * Backup\Delete\Move the "F-111A" folder out of your installation "\Aircraft\" & "\Decals\" folders...
      * Unzip and copy the contents of the the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder and overwrite if required. 
      Add F111 SoundList
      Lastly, Read the "Add F111 SoundList.txt" readme file on updating your your "Flight\SoundList.ini" file with the custiom F-111 sound files included in this pack. 
      Credits: Updated by Viper63a, dtmdragon, Lel and Fanatic Modder!
      * FastCargo's Super Vark package 2.4 (SF2)
      * Slick Cowboy's F-111_improvedskinpack 2.0 (SF2) 
      * Dave's EF-111A Version 2.0 (SF1)
      * LeL's F-111 TAC Pack (SF1)
      * Spinners [Fictional] General Dynamics F-111A 'Early TAC' Version 1
      * Hi Ho Silver - The Afterburner Mod v.1 (SF1/SF2) 
      * Florian - "AmokFloo" - Western Style Pilot Models (SF1/SF2)
      Submitter Viper63a Submitted 06/17/2015 Category F-111  

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