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Putting weapons onto other aircraft
TheUnseenWalrus, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - General Discussion
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So, about a year and change ago, I posted about the horrible frankenstein of an install I used to make Wings Over Europe, the Steam version, run on Windows 10. You may be delighted and/or terrified to hear that it both runs and runs well, and is stable.
However, I have encountered a different issue.
I would like to fly the Hawker Hunter. The vanilla engine noise it ships with is absolutely horrible, to the point of making the aircraft unflyable. Being the spiffy little autodidact that I am, I went into the game's root folder, into the objects subfolder, and within it, tried to locate the sound folder so that I may replace the engine sounds. Yes, I checked the game's basic Sounds folder, and the engine sound for the Hunter specifically, among a few other aircraft, isn't there.
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By JamesWilson
Hi everyone,
I recently got into weapon modding and wanted to edit some missiles.
I went for the Weapons Folder with the Weapons Editor, and some weapons were missing, even tho i can see them and equip them in-game.
I wanted to edit the AA-2D Atoll for my Su-22M3, but there's no AA-2 folder inside Weapons folder, nor inside plane folder, even tho the missile is equippable and i can see it/use it in-game.
Since there's no Atoll folder, i have no idea how is it possible for me to have it in-game, and even less i know on how am i supposed to edit it through Weapons Editor, since i can't select the folder.
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By JamesWilson
after seeing the TMF F-14 has wrong and inaccurate speed and fuel indicators, i found out the default Third Wire F-14 has working and accurate ones, but i dont wanna use it cause the TMF Tomcat is better and the cockpit too more realistic too, so can you switch the speed and fuel indicators on the TMF F-14 with the default Third Wire F-14? And for fuel too? Do you need to 3D model and/or do something else other than edit some text files?
And is it or it's not possible to do?
Down here are 2 pictures from the correct cockpit in the default Third Wire F-14:
And 2 from the TMF F-14 (the inaccurate one):
Thanks for helping.