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How many of you fly USAF F-35As with regularity?

How many of you fly USAF F-35As with regularity?  

18 members have voted

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  1. 1. How many of you fly USAF F-35As with regularity?

    • all the time
    • no way man, SF2 is a Vietnam sim
    • some, but would fly more if there were more USAF skins

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  • Poll closed on 03/25/2025 at 04:01 AM

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much as the title states. there's not alot of skins for the USAF out there despite there being 15 non training units out there, with another 6 hard identified as gaining 35s in the next few years.

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I did an early skin when it was with the Gorillas, but it was AETC if my mind serves me correctly. I think it's fairly unpopular with people here, as you've posted regular photos of at least the skin you're working on. I just don't find it fun to fly that much since the avionics (I got rolled up by an Su-33 one time because well, I didn't know it was actively hunting me) pretty much sucks. My view is that it's got some nice lines and all, but I do favor the C version anyway, and I've flown that more than the A anyway.

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Not a regular flyer of them but I do have them in some of my installs and sometimes include them in ultra-modern missions if I’m flying something else like an F-15E.

We have a skin for one of the 48FW F-35A squadrons that I use when flying those Strike Eagle missions on the premise that the wing would deploy together.


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not much considering the lack of 21st century Redfor aircraft that could even give a decent fight (except maybe the J-20). Just doesn't feel like bringing a full auto Glock in a medieval swordfight

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theres a few (but yes very few) opfor aircraft for it to square off against, in particular Chinese jets.anytime a Su-57 goes public round here, it seems to be the work of a Felon (pun very much intended)

Allen, the Liberty Wing now has two stealth squadrons, the 93rd retired its Eagles and gained -35s. the 492d and 494th still fly Mud Hens


overall, checking the waters here. havent fully made up my mind one way or another yet, the Flying Tigers were meant as a brief side project. not the start of another rabbit hole (although much shallower this one is)

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Having a look at all of the right now, from the "rework" package. I gotta say, the inis need MAJOR work. I've found a boatload of flaws in hit boxes, loadouts, and other small tweeks.

Right now, working on the B model for the Marines; collected the skins, randomized decals, assigned them to their squadrons -PROPERLY- with the correct syntax, etc.

DA: do you want to look at the A model? I've done some adjustments, but not fully gotten into it


note to simonmiller: the skins are good, just needed a few small adjustments. I like them!

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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, Wrench said:

Right now, working on the B model

Just in case it may help a bit, here's my version of the F-35B data ini file.
I remember I spent a lot of time tuning the engines spec for making the hovering more doable.


Edited by Cliff7600
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I tried to do that years ago, but given I wasn't an expert in modding flight models, thanks for this.

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4 hours ago, Wrench said:

DA: do you want to look at the A model? I've done some adjustments, but not fully gotten into it

hell, im toying with just the skins. not sure i want to dig deep into the ini's. not to mention im not a practitioner of the dark art of flight modeling :lol:

that said, i am going thru online and scrubbing serials for units from 2019 onward. theres currrently about 21 squadrons id'd between now and 2030, of which 8 have yet to get jets. 5 already have skins but from at least 3-4 years ago and some serials are changing (looking at 388th FW)

i probably will wind up doing a skin pack, i just dont want to admit it right now :rofl:

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Just FYI, I was working on a rework of all F-35 variants with a friend. I still have the WIP folder on my HDD. Similarly to the recently released Eurofighter add-on, it features new cockpit textures, new skins for other countries like Italy, reworked sounds, data and more accurate loadouts. The FMs need a lot of work though. I may be able to look at it again over the weekend, if there's any interest.

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15 hours ago, Menrva said:

 I may be able to look at it again over the weekend, if there's any interest.

biggest thing is are you interested?

as im scrubbing serials, it seems that almost all the skins we have so far are for pre COVID era serial wise, and i noticed practically none seem to have the unit tail bands. which is what got my interest going as well as noticing that the non ACC units are getting progressivly more ornate tails

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Rob: so, I should halt work then???

shoot, and I even made 18 Bu Num decals for the USMC (although they only use 10 - 12 aircraft per squadron - just in case so made the extras)

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4 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

biggest thing is are you interested?

TBH I lost interest, because we'd need more accurate F-35 models and cockpits. Especially the cockpit, me and my friend have reworked the textures entirely, but I cannot improve upon its functionalities and overall look even after several .ini tricks to most of the cockpit's 3d model nodes. 

At the same time this is what we have, so it would be a pity to leave in the dust what we've done so far. If I get enough help in making such an "F-35 complete collection" package with accurate skins and decals for all countries, count me in!

39 minutes ago, Wrench said:

Rob: so, I should halt work then???

Absolutely not! If you and @daddyairplanes are already working on F-35s, I'd say let's join forces and make this thing happen. I'll be sending a PM.

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The BuNums are just 'generic' for early models. Just wanted to see if there were enough meshes to do so. With all painted one insignia, and perhaps NationName (in this case "MARINES" or even "NAVY" on their birds, that leaves 1, maybe 2 open slots for decals.

(this skin shown is the original "prototype" lighter gray, badged for VMFA115. Just because.


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Ahhh, the joy of knowing that eventually I'll be able to stealthily coast in at night, unseen by the S-3 &400's...and deploy a nuke on their A$$E$. I'm waiting for this one.

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4 hours ago, Wrench said:

 Just wanted to see if there were enough meshes to do so. With all painted one insignia, and perhaps NationName (in this case "MARINES" or even "NAVY" on their birds, that leaves 1, maybe 2 open slots for decals

yeah, rescue marks take one up already on the A.  hell, i decided to put the shark mouth for the Flying Tigers on the skin instead of decalling it. now cant help but wonder if it would have come out warped like that "MARINES"


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