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About Capt_McFly

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  1. SU-27U Flanker

    Try this video, hope it helps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvetfvIEFmU&t=5s
  2. 4.jpg

    Is that the plane from Yukkikaze?
  3. SF2I Kfir HUD mod v1

    Hello may I know where to find the Windows\Fonts folder?
  4. Tornadoes Package

    I have a problem can't takeoff with them they stick to the runway like glue above 180kts when I try to pull up for takeoff the rigth gear explodes and then the whole airplane, anyone knows a fix for this?
  5. Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2

    yeah I thought so, anyways I'm trying to retexture it but I keep getting a black aircraft any idea on why that would be?
  6. Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2

    is there any template for this aircraft?
  7. Nations.ini

    oh that file gets extracted with the SF2 extractor right?
  8. I want to add new nations, every one is talking about the nations.ini and following the number sequence but where is the nations.ini? my fligth folder doesn't have that file where do I find it?
  9. EF-101D Jammin VooDoo. What If...

    Missed the oportunity to name it "Shammin Voodoo" gret work btw
  10. Kfir Over Israel. SF2.

    I need some help, I have no sound for the 'KFIRs (all of them), I have ambient sounds even friendly and enemy aircrafts sounds.
  11. Well it worked, I just created the Terrains folder like you said and added the items like Wrench said in the readme. Thank you both for the help
  12. whats the .cat file? I only have .bmp / .hfd / .jpg / .lod / .out / .shd / .tfd / .tga / .tod / .txt and some config options (they open up in notepad)
  13. well in my defense I dind't knew about the terrain folder that has to be created in the mod folder, base on that an how the aircrafts are added made me wonder if there was a special procedure in order to add it
  14. I was looking in the knowledge base about how to add new terrains since I want to add this one (see link below) but the readme on the file, let's say is not beginner friendly, any video or guide about adding terrains will be apreciated. I also downloaded this one because it was mentioned on the readme Thanks in advance

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