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Everything posted by Talez

  1. Apr 2013 patch level and JDAM seems to be completely broken. It works fine with 2012 patch, I confirm. But not anymore.
  2. SF2NA: Black Sea Crisis (Part 1 of 4)

    This campaign reminds me that... old game.. that.. EA USNF. The original game campaign was on similar setting if I remember correctly...
  3. Games run on Windows 8 great!! WoX, SF2 X, everything runs as ever before and my CH control manager runs without problem either. Windows 8 changes UI a lot but the bottom line is, comparing it to Vista is a blasphemy.
  4. I've changed some coefficients on Flaps to ease take-off. After 2012 Mar. patch, the plane was almost unflyable unless you start the mission in the air and skip the landing altogether. It seems the game cannot compensate lift force from stealth figure? Anyway, here's the link: http://ge.tt/api/1/f...0/blob?download By the way, I've picked up the original .ini file from Operation Darius final version. So, copy and paste may not work directly on this upload.
  5. Operation Darius Part 1

    Awesome! Gotta show this to my Iranian friends!! Anyway.... USN campaign seems a bit messy in 2012 Apr patch. The planes waiting for catshot sinks their nose into the carrier... whoops.
  6. I've found another problem on AV-8B... It seems RWR screen is floating on wrong position. Check the picture below. Actually, AV-8B has TEWS system and the Avionics.ini for the AV-8B says the right thing... But the actual RWR display seems to use the MFD...
  7. Sorry for late reply. I can't play the game in weekdays. Anyway, wingman no longer crashes after take off but shows a bit risky movement. The armament was 4 Mk. 82 Snakeeye and 2 Sidewinders with filled up fuel. Also, magical phase shift effect happens when he passes me by. So, technically, no crash occurs!!! .ini magic saves the day!! One more thing... I've found that F-15E cannot use ripple quantity setting when ripple interval was set to 0. The bomb drops one by one no matter how many ripple quantity was set. (of course, if we set ripple interval > 0, everything works fine.) It seems the game doesn't support simultaneous discharge of ordinances. I'm not sure why it doesn't work while jettisoning all the A-to-G equipment is possible. But if this turns out to be game engine limitation, I guess we can delete ripple interval 0 from all the aircraft.
  8. Menu Music (ODS)

    OMG! Watch out for Men In Black from da coooopie wright agency!!!!
  9. I tried USMC campaign mission. Also Single missions as well.
  10. OOOOPS! Maybe I posted wrong place!! http://combatace.com/files/file/12834-desert-storm-part-2-for-sf2/
  11. Desert Storm Part 2 For SF2

    A few problems found so far. (hotfix 1 and 2 installed) 1. F-117 dashboard cover sometimes turns into green, especially when operating EO instruments. 2. Ground Terrain around King Fahd AB has some weird discontinuity. Some part seems regular desert but the other seems the Sahara desert with tons of tons dunes. 3. AV-8 mission is unplayable. I usually start from carrier deck. Wingman tends to disregard whether I'm blocking his way or not. Also, even though I clear his front quickly, he scratches his tail to the deck and explodes. 4. Some F-117 flight has unrealistic planes (at least 8) per flight and they operate when the sun is still shining. 5. RWR in MiG-23 and planes use the same cockpit doesn't provide visual feedback. 6. Also, they don't have waypoint indicator either. It is in fact, impossible to navigate without the help of HUD information. 7. Some MiG-23 variants has wrong HUD mode. No piper for gun but shows piper for R-27. 8. Again, F-117. Sometimes, they RTB with their bay door opened!
  12. They don't have any actual distance meter but you'll find the screen changes once the Walleye gets valid lock. The # indicator will expand and fixated. If you drop Walleyes once these are confirmed, they yield perfect hit!! Oh yeah, it's a game!! Of course, low altitude ground skimming flight never hits either. I guess it's not impossible but hard to achieve with Walleye than dumb bombs.
  13. F-22 Cockpit

    OMG! I gotta install Operation Darius too!!
  14. Al-Qaim is a small town just located at the 'cross-section' between the boarder and the Euphrates river. Exact location can be shown here. But it seems to be changed the name or was decimated during the war. Some source(Google Earth) says a bit east from the boarder. Also, this article mentions H2 airfield and its location. Check this out. The location from the article. It seems a bit far away for the term 'a few clicks' but I'm no specialist and the direction is still South.
  15. Cheers! I've never imagined flying such quality modern aircraft in this game. +1 customer if you're planning to go commercial add-on pack. Also, here's my first F-117 flight video. Moreover, It's my first flight on modder's aircraft!! In fact, I've found some glitches on ground textures, cockpit lighting(see video...), and a bit low quality cockpit with bug(MiG-23) but who cares! It's a mod!
  16. Operation Darius Part 4

    Awesome re-packaging! It's been a joy playing EF2000 and F-22 on SF2! But it seems Carrier operation for F/A-18E/F is a bit glitched. when I'm on the carrier, my plane rolls on the catapult deck and my wingman pitches down to carrier's deck and explodes when catshot.
  17. Hi, I've downloaded A-6E by Allenjb42 to use it for SF2: NA. Anyway, cut to the main topic. See the screen below. It seems the window frames duplicated. Obviously, the cockpit had its own window frames while the other window frames from external model appears as well. Furthermore, if I change line of sight, some kind of semi-transparent conical polygon appears. The mysterious polygon chunk seems attached to the cockpit window. It seems some part of exterior is shown for cockpit view. I'm not sure if the problem relates 3D model or not. Could you provide any feedback on this matter? Thank you.
  18. That worked!!! Although the refuel tube isn't visible anymore, I guess it will work anyway!! Thanks!
  19. They usually shoot me down with AIM-9Bs... Maybe they consider me stealing their kills.
  20. ROKAF certainly participated Vietnam war. Only with C54 though... Here's their usual route. http://cafe3.ktdom.com/vietvet/note/pnote01_13.gif Thanks for nice skin. Mind if you can develop this nose art in next release? It's one of most symbolic and illustrious nose are in South Korean flight simulation community.
  21. Anti Virus software

    ClamAV Actually, I use Windows Security Essentials as well. It's free and provided by Microsoft themselves. Can't be worse. However, the best anti-virus software is you.
  22. For me, 1. Symphony No.7 in A, by Beethoven 2. Symphony No. 4, Op. 29 - "The Inextinguishable" by Nielson 3. Lohengrin, Act 3, Scene 3: Heil, König Heinrich! by Wagner Actually... I wasn't a classical lover. But this animation illuminated a bit. (Ooooops, the link seems a bit weird, here's the correct address: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legend_of_the_Galactic_Heroes)
  23. CH Fighterstick/Pro Throttle

    Thanks for reply and sharing insight! I gotta map that mouse button to eject as well! I hope my rusty brain is able to absorb new contents.
  24. CH Fighterstick/Pro Throttle

    Installed them and configured a profile for SF2. Software! At first, it was a bit confusing to use the CH programming software but managed to program very simple key mapping and behaviors(I said simple, but it covers all the behaviors that I've programmed on my old Saitek ones.) Also, the software seems quite stable enough unlike Saitek SST which sometimes take hours to load. Also, much flexible in file management. I'm using Dropbox to store my documents but SST wasn't able to read profiles stored in Dropbox directory while CH one does. But, apparently, a bit detailed tutorial would be great. Google redirected me a tutorial in the CH-hanger site, but it seems a bit focused on how to but why. I guess it's time to open the manual and perform RTFM by myself. The hardwares! One thing is, I've never used rudder pedals at all. So, adjusting neural control signal(?) from wrist twist axis to legs would take some time. But, at least, I was able to control yaw axis far more properly than a week ago. Fighterstick is a blast. My old friend(combatstick) returned! Dead precise and linear control allowed me sleek turn, precise gunnery, near perfect runway alignment, etc. etc. The stick itself seems a bit large for normal desk, though. Lowering stick mount by placing my palm a bit higher would work better, but I think it's not impossible to adjust myself into current setup. Throttle feels light. But precise. Rotary style throttle would have been better for me, but I was X-45 user. Again, time will solve it. Lack of rotary handles is a bit disappointing but the additional throttle axis on Fighterstick compensates this shortage, partially. But, one problem is, the mode switch. Ok... I didn't even program any other modes but the mode change switch keep changing mode indicator LEDs. It's again, not a big deal but a bit confusing. Also, Fighterstick and Throttle seems separate modes... more confusing... Overall, I'm confident on my invest so far. ps. Oh wow, they really had 'Made in USA' engraving.

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