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Everything posted by Sheriff

  1. Thanks, Wrench. I thought that might be the case. I was trying to avoid that process .Done it before .Will do it again.
  2. That video can be found on a great compilation of Grumman videos on Amazon. Look for "F-14 Tomcat And Navy Fighter Weapons School "Top Gun," at NAS Miramar" (2008)" . The AIMVAL/ACEVAL video that's included on the disc was recently used in an updated video , "Bogeys and Bandits", that we produces over a year ago at Northrop Grumman and can be found on You Tube. " No Points for Second Place" is classic and the Miramar Air Combat Maneuvering piece alone is worth the price.
  3. Campaigns or missions? For anti-shipping missions, I save the mission then edit the resulting mission file replacing the enemy unit with a more formidable ship type. For example some of the versions may spawn a couple of ocean liners as targets. I save the mission, then edit mission data by changing "GroundObjectType" from ocean liner to Kashin DDG. Just makes sure the ship type you enter is in your Ground Objects folder and consistent with time frame. For campaigns I suspect you could change naval unit types shown in the campaign data file.
  4. Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero

    Just beautiful all around !! Thanks for including appropriate torpedo. Having great time doing some additional skins.. One problem though. Engine and gun sounds not heard even though they are in Sound folder. I even changed Engine Sound to one that I know is picked up in-game.
  5. I agree with comments above regarding sim vs real world accuracy but ,as with in-game aircraft performance, they seem to be about right in comparison to contemporary in-game systems. They are designed to be VERY effective . When all aspect missiles were evaluated in ACEVAL/AIMVAL the findings drove the AIM-120 program to develop a launch and leave longer range missile. However, they still have their limitations. Firing at targets with high angle off and close in results in some missiles not being able to "square the corner" and they miss. And they are vulnerable to counter measures. It would be interesting to see if effectiveness of AIM 9s, Archers, Pythons , Aphids improves decoy response in later models . I think I'll look a data inis to see how the :CounterCountermeasure= and NoiseRejection= entries compare between various models . My main complaint is AI launches CM as soon as I fire IRM as Snailman says above. Even when firing from low 6 o'clock with no other bandits around. In 4th & 5th gen fighters an array detecting missile launches is possible but on Mig21 and 23 (?) I don't think so.
  6. Lately when I'm involved in 2 v many / 2 v lots more engagements, I'll fire a Sparrow down range without a lock-on to stay offensive, break up bandits, get them to react. Does the system know I'm taking an out of parameters shot and disregard? it appears that it's acting more human. Or have I just been lucky?
  7. Thanks for your comments. I guess I'll have to test a few more of those no lock shots to see how long luck holds. I especially like going with dirt simple F-5s against F-14s. Lots' of slick moves ( lots of decoys helps)required to even get a shot off.
  8. While they can be merged as stated you may want to keep installs for distinct time periods. That way you avoid having anachronistic opponents spawn in quick missions. For example ,despite operational usage dates ,you may see Mig-17s spawn in a WW2 scenario.
  9. Third Wire A-4E/H/F Ahit upgrade/ Enhancement for SF2

    DYMD, Looks like great addition. Good explanation of changes . However I see no pipper /gunsight in any of the HUDs. Please advise. Thanks.
  10. What is the time frame? If too far in future we'd be looking at totally non-vocal comms. Fast but not very dramatic.
  11. SF2NA Expansion Pack - Part 1 of 3

    This is too Cool!! Finally a real challenge with SAMs actually trying to KILL YOU instead of just being eye candy. Main resaon I bought SF2 North Atlantic was to engage Soviet SAGs but SAMs were lame. NOW with this mod they work almost too well. Run a few anti-shipping missions and save the mission set ups you like. Then edit the saved mission files removing that poor ocean liner the game puts in there and replace it with Krestas, Kirovs etc. Then try taking them out with an aircraft lacking jammers and decoys!!!! . Even with ARMS and heavy ECM you will be challenged. PLUS new aircraft ,great new skins! Hooray!
  12. Carrier Duel: KNM Norskehavet vs the Kiev

    It appears to be an AI issue. Wingman and I launch with same load.( 75% fuel load . 1x Harpoon, 1 x Standard ARM) He pitches up to steeply at launch and appears to stall. I apply a bit of forward stick and get up just fine.
  13. Carrier Duel: KNM Norskehavet vs the Kiev

    Jonathan, Problem was Campaign Folder was inside Missions Folder!! So do you end up flying something other than S-3 as campaign progresses? My winman supposed tocrash on take-off?
  14. Carrier Duel: KNM Norskehavet vs the Kiev

    Jonathan, It is in SF2NA I placed the new Kiev Data and Ini files in Kiev Folder. Still nothing?!
  15. Carrier Duel: KNM Norskehavet vs the Kiev

    Sounds Interesting but neither this nor Nimitz v Kittyhawk Duel show up in Campaign Selections. Also what file are you referring to when you state" If you have a modded Kiev, simply change CarrierNumSquadrons=1 to CarrierNumSquadrons=4 and continue normal use." Thanks,
  16. Mig29C-Ukraine.rar

    Great looking Fulcrum ! I've done three more skins already.
  17. F/A-18 Series By The Hornet Team (BETA!)

    They do look great!! For sure, BUT I don't see the update that "Spiff" refers to regarding the missing decals folder. Are they in the B/D Beta?
  18. Mirage Factory IDF F-4E Kurnass 2000 for Strike Fighters 2

    No change. Work-around is to start with different aircraft on mission creation page then change aircraft selection to Kurnass 200 via load out screen.
  19. Mirage Factory IDF F-4E Kurnass 2000 for Strike Fighters 2

    Just one problem. On loadout edit screen, game freezes up when I select another other aircraft in flight.Have to close and restart SF2 via Task manager.
  20. Another Viper!!

    SF2 Can't be beat for Sky Mods.
  21. 29adder

    Blue White Pack Ice Splinter Scheme.
  22. Indo5

  23. Thai5

    Not historical but I really like that scheme.
  24. Question-If you follow instructions as shown below ,specifically "Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory from all eight unzipped packages to your Mod Folder (created in Step 1 above). (Note: do not simply drag and drop the folder named "To_Mod_Folder" or you will end up with a non-working install.)" You'll see folders identified as Part 1.Part 2 etc" in the Mods Folder. Did you mean to say" Open PartX folder in zip application window then extract those subfolders to the Mods Folder? Thanks,
  25. We recently produced this new You Tube series. "Bogies and Bandits" on the Northrop Grumman Channel. It talks about AIMVAL/ACEVAL, ROE, Link 16 and new systems that have developed over the years. There are 4 parts. F-14 features in parts 1-3. F-35 Info in part 4. Check them out. Part 1 [/url]Part 2 [/url]Part 3 [/url]Part 4 [/url]

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