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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. indeed. would have been smarter to use the AD-4N, as that's what is was designed for
  2. and then what? they still wouldn't read it, and read, still "not get it" when explained
  3. how many times, in how many ways, do we have to say to ONLY way to get the lod for Capun's SR-71 is through them? Go through the whole thing in signing up for their downloads. and don't us all caps -- that shouting, and considered quite rude...
  4. the main thing lacking are mission-specific briefing texts (like in the Janes ATF/USNF/FA series), so it's impossilbe to "carry the plot line" within the game. Externally, yes; sepreate text or pdfs for each mission sitting somewhere's else. that thing has been lacking since the release of the original games, and would have pushed this series into a wonderfull place for story telling
  5. interestering! never knew that, with respect to the water. if you notice, i did say "for any tiles NOT water related", meaning the regular bmp tiles, not the water or land/water tgas in truth, more than likely the wrong tga or 3d object for the trees
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. Update on my broken toe

    hang tough, brother! all will be will!
  8. File Name: SF2 WW2 F8F-1 Bearcat (PTO) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 July 2016 File Category: F4F / F6F / F7F / F8F SF2 WW2 F8F-1 Bearcat 7/22/2016 "A Somewhat What If aircraft for WW2 PTO '46" ***Note: Due to massive changes in the skins, decals, and inis, if you have created a WW2 Version of the Bearcat, you ARE advised to move, remove, rename or otherwise hide it from the Game Engine. THIS mod will cause conflicts, due to aforementioned changes, with many of the original parts.*** This full aircraft package includes mods to Geo's F8F Bearcat, (re)creating the original 600-odd F8F-1 versions as deployed from August, 1945, just as the War ended. I've made the assumption, for PTO '46 users, that the A-Bombs, for whatever reason, were not used and the aircraft entered full squadron service for Operations Olympic and Coronet. See the 'Changes' section in the "Notes" below. The package includes 2 skin & decal sets: VF-19 (USS Langley, CVL-27) as seen in 8/45, enroute to the War Zone, as the war ended) VF-3 (USS Coral Sea, if the CVB class carriers had entered the war in the later parts of 1945) With the exception of the nation marking, which remain painted on, all other markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Many are by Geo from the original release. Other (modex) are by me. The ship code letters ARE correct for the late 45 thru late 46 time frame. The skins have been partly repained to remove the incorrect "G" system marking used on the orignal VF-19 skin. Skins remain in bmp format. As they carry no markings, this will allow other skinners the freedom to create other carrier air group codes, although new modex numbers will probably be required as well. The hangar screen is an SF2 version of my 1st Gen "Box Art" one. All weapons (drop tanks), sounds and a pilot figure are included. Other weapons used (rocket, bombs, etc) use those you should already have in the WW2 Weapons Pack. The canopy opens with the standard keystroke, Shift/0 (zero). Wingfold is =NOT= active, as it never was when originally released in 2006. The aircraft is NOT exported, having only the single user, the US Navy. The aircraft has been given a Service Start Date of of July, 1945. The data ini contains a new (if somewhat experimental FM, but MUCH closer to stated performances). It may require further fine tuning by experts; to that end I've included the USN BuAer's "Standard Performance" chart PDF within the main aircraft folder. This is for those remaining FM gurus to use, if they wish, to further refine the FM. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. PLEASE read it before installing, ok? As always, read the "Notes" section for notes and other ramblings Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  9. Version


    SF2 WW2 F8F-1 Bearcat 7/22/2016 "A Somewhat What If aircraft for WW2 PTO '46" ***Note: Due to massive changes in the skins, decals, and inis, if you have created a WW2 Version of the Bearcat, you ARE advised to move, remove, rename or otherwise hide it from the Game Engine. THIS mod will cause conflicts, due to aforementioned changes, with many of the original parts.*** This full aircraft package includes mods to Geo's F8F Bearcat, (re)creating the original 600-odd F8F-1 versions as deployed from August, 1945, just as the War ended. I've made the assumption, for PTO '46 users, that the A-Bombs, for whatever reason, were not used and the aircraft entered full squadron service for Operations Olympic and Coronet. See the 'Changes' section in the "Notes" below. The package includes 2 skin & decal sets: VF-19 (USS Langley, CVL-27) as seen in 8/45, enroute to the War Zone, as the war ended) VF-3 (USS Coral Sea, if the CVB class carriers had entered the war in the later parts of 1945) With the exception of the nation marking, which remain painted on, all other markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Many are by Geo from the original release. Other (modex) are by me. The ship code letters ARE correct for the late 45 thru late 46 time frame. The skins have been partly repained to remove the incorrect "G" system marking used on the orignal VF-19 skin. Skins remain in bmp format. As they carry no markings, this will allow other skinners the freedom to create other carrier air group codes, although new modex numbers will probably be required as well. The hangar screen is an SF2 version of my 1st Gen "Box Art" one. All weapons (drop tanks), sounds and a pilot figure are included. Other weapons used (rocket, bombs, etc) use those you should already have in the WW2 Weapons Pack. The canopy opens with the standard keystroke, Shift/0 (zero). Wingfold is =NOT= active, as it never was when originally released in 2006. The aircraft is NOT exported, having only the single user, the US Navy. The aircraft has been given a Service Start Date of of July, 1945. The data ini contains a new (if somewhat experimental FM, but MUCH closer to stated performances). It may require further fine tuning by experts; to that end I've included the USN BuAer's "Standard Performance" chart PDF within the main aircraft folder. This is for those remaining FM gurus to use, if they wish, to further refine the FM. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. PLEASE read it before installing, ok? As always, read the "Notes" section for notes and other ramblings Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. something to do with the additives in the fuel, things like naptha, tolune, etc, iirc
  11. check and remove any "height map scale = "statements for any tiles NOT water related, then retest. may also be a TOD issue with the 3d object that is the tree.
  12. aircraft information placard (aka "data block"). every usaaf (and usaf) aircraft has/had one (not sure about USN/USMC) carries data on aircraft type, serial number, fuel octane requirements, etc nothing to worry about when re-skinning
  13. anybody understand what that last post means??
  14. File Name: SF2 WW2 BT2D "Skyraider" (AD-1) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 July 2016 File Category: USN/USMC Other SF2 WW2 BT2D "Skyraider" (AD-1) 7/21/2016 "A Somewhat What If aircraft for WW2 PTO '46" **Note: consider this 'version 3.0', replacing the SF/Wo* version based on MontyCZ Skyraider I'd done many years ago. THIS version replaces that one completely. Delete it if you still have it.** *Note you =MUST= have SF2:V as part of your merged install, as the mod references the stock A-1H lod for the aircraft.* The is a semi-what if aircraft, as the BT2D did exist (and was renamed the AD-1 in 1947). This mod assumes that the aircraft WAS deployed to the Western Pacific in WW2, in the event that the development and/or usage of the A-Bombs was curtailed for some reason. The aircraft comes with three skin/decal sets (although only one actual skin residing in the main folder; the "Brain32 trick".) VB-14 (USS WASP) VT-88 (USS YORKTOWN) VB-19 (USS CORAL SEA) The skin remains in bmp format. All markings are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. All Aircraft carry the new style (post-July 1945) "letter code" ship identification tags. These ARE correct for the time from 7/45 - 12/46(ish). VT88 & VB19 also make use the "hundreds" series modex numbers, which also started usage 7/45. VB14 remains with is double digit modex numbers. Several other ship ID code decal are provided, for those wishing to replace other SB2C & TBM units with the BT2D. Other units can be easily made if one knows their code letters (I do!) Other units may require new, different sequenced modex number decals. All weapons, sounds and a pilot figure are included. The canopy opens with the standard keystroke, Shift/0 (zero). Wingfold is active, by using it's standard keystroke, Shift/9, but it's not reccomended to fold the wings when loaded, as due to some sort of game limitation, the weapons will NOT move with the wing (no matter how much I've tried to fix that). The aircraft has been given a "start date' of of June, 1945. The aircraft is equipped with radar, (AN/APS-4) in an external pod, and is speced to carry and deploy just about all USN weapons of the period, including "Bat" glide bombs, and torpedos. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  15. Guess I should do a Tigercat as well???
  16. Don't you know how to use Mue's Lod Viewer? that'll give the mesh name but it you remove it, the fin will be short
  17. nothing in my (extensive) library has ever said anything about their use in SEA. They were long out of USAF/USN service. In the FAC operations they'd been replaced by 0-1s by the late 50s. VNAF started using 0-1 in the early 60
  18. Permission Granted, my friend! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. You're welcome! next one, will be the (corrected) WW2 version of the F8F-1 Bearcat (in answer to your question in the screenshots thread, that's the ASM-1 "Bat" radio controlled glide bomb. Lindr made it several years ago, and that is my SF2 upgraded version)
  20. Version


    SF2 WW2 BT2D "Skyraider" (AD-1) 7/21/2016 "A Somewhat What If aircraft for WW2 PTO '46" **Note: consider this 'version 3.0', replacing the SF/Wo* version based on MontyCZ Skyraider I'd done many years ago. THIS version replaces that one completely. Delete it if you still have it.** *Note you =MUST= have SF2:V as part of your merged install, as the mod references the stock A-1H lod for the aircraft.* The is a semi-what if aircraft, as the BT2D did exist (and was renamed the AD-1 in 1947). This mod assumes that the aircraft WAS deployed to the Western Pacific in WW2, in the event that the development and/or usage of the A-Bombs was curtailed for some reason. The aircraft comes with three skin/decal sets (although only one actual skin residing in the main folder; the "Brain32 trick".) VB-14 (USS WASP) VT-88 (USS YORKTOWN) VB-19 (USS CORAL SEA) The skin remains in bmp format. All markings are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. All Aircraft carry the new style (post-July 1945) "letter code" ship identification tags. These ARE correct for the time from 7/45 - 12/46(ish). VT88 & VB19 also make use the "hundreds" series modex numbers, which also started usage 7/45. VB14 remains with is double digit modex numbers. Several other ship ID code decal are provided, for those wishing to replace other SB2C & TBM units with the BT2D. Other units can be easily made if one knows their code letters (I do!) Other units may require new, different sequenced modex number decals. All weapons, sounds and a pilot figure are included. The canopy opens with the standard keystroke, Shift/0 (zero). Wingfold is active, by using it's standard keystroke, Shift/9, but it's not reccomended to fold the wings when loaded, as due to some sort of game limitation, the weapons will NOT move with the wing (no matter how much I've tried to fix that). The aircraft has been given a "start date' of of June, 1945. The aircraft is equipped with radar, (AN/APS-4) in an external pod, and is speced to carry and deploy just about all USN weapons of the period, including "Bat" glide bombs, and torpedos. As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. (although slightly What-If, I couldn't resist...) "I'm taking my Bat, and NOT going home!"
  22. Sopwith Strutter 9700

    Gmax won't accept the 3rd Wire exporter. Otherwise, we'd have been using it 10+ years ago!!!
  23. it's "usable" but has MANY flaws (not the least of with is a double prop arc for some unexplained reason) See image below I don't release things when I'm not sure who the original creator is (as was seen recently with the nastyness caused by DNSDesigns with Denis Olivera and the Tucano)

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