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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Yup, known issue. The 'quick way' to fix while in-game, is pause the game, and then unpause. the sound should return
  2. as long as he's scaled (height, not texture!) I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO down for having kaiju in the game!!!
  3. and with that, since it's all been worked out, ladies and gents I'll be closing this thread. thanks to all involved in getting this sorted out quickly, quietly, and without much fuss!
  4. Wilches, do you know who the creator is??? It's DEFINATELY not Veltro's
  5. Geary, use the Lod viewer to get the basic coordinates
  6. And my more accurate rebuild of the stock IsrealME terrain too, adds and fixes a LOT of original mistakes
  7. Humpday Heavies

    Stumbled on a video on YT about 617 Squadron, and the last of their Vulcans. Thought this would be a nice shot...always loved the way the look, since 'Thunderball'. Just have the Gerry Anderson feel to them
  8. I thought THIS was the modeling help you needed!!!
  9. A loss to the community ...

  10. thank you for saying that. it means a lot to lot of people!!
  11. Spinners, you should upload it here too. Just "a generic desert camo". One never knows when it might come in handy! For somebody!!
  12. F-4E AUP Phantom II, HAF



    F-4E Phantom II AUP, Hellenic Air Force Mod A Stand-Alone aircraft for WoI (but usable in ALL versions of the game - read on!) This package will create a complete, 'nation specific' aircraft; the F-4E Phantom II AUP as used by the Hellenic Air Force. Right now, it uses the WoI avionics70.dll, and has a fully functional HUD, CCIP, multi-mode A-A radar, and a Ground Mapping radar. As you all should know by now, the GM radar ONLY works in WoI with the HUD and whatnot. This aircraft, however, IS still usable in SF/WoV/WoE, with a modified avionics ini, which I've supplied. Full instructions are in the "To Install" section below. This a completion of a pack started by Sundowner, and he supplied me with the Hi-Rez Ghost skin, and a bunch of inis, along with the Ghost Gray camo 370 & 600 gallon drop tanks -- you WILL be adding these, so get your Weapons Editor warmed up!! -- NOTE: these are HI-REZ skins; 2048x2048. For those with older, slower machines or those with smaller vid cards, you might want to resize the skin bmps down one step to 1024x1024. You =WILL= loose some detail, but it's a trade off you sometimes must make. -- All I've basically done, is some ini tweeks for loadouts and some extreamly small changes. They ARE correct serials as issued to these Phantoms, but I cannot claim 100% historical accuracy as to which squadron had which number set. A new Hangar screen is included, based of Ant's original; it's WoI style one, even though I've left the SF/WoV/WoI style in, for when the Patch comes out for those other games, you can just use that one. It's called "woe_F4E_HAF_Hangar.bmp". So, you can choose, depending on your game, which to use. It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, or even NONE at all!!! Remember: this is designed for use in WoI =ONLY=, because at present, it's the only avionics70.dll that supports HUD/CCIP and Ground Mapping radars. It is probably usable in the others, but not with the WoI-style avionics ini. To that end, I've created an SF/WoV/WoE version, called -obviously- "woe_F4EAUP_AVIONICS.INI". See install instructions for further information. If used in anything OTHER than WoI, it is reccomened you use this modded ini, or run the risk odd game crashes. I'd like to thank Sundowner for trusting me to complete and release this package. Ant gets 98.6% of the credit; the remainder is mine! After all, he DID all the hard work with the skin; and I gotta tell ya, the detailing on it is superb; as we've come to expect. Make double-damm sure you read the enclosed readme -- it's there for your convience!!! Happy Hunting!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  13. the title reminds me of one of the most famous movies of all times The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies
  14. Sometimes, Real Life (tm) gets in the way. We do our bets and best too! :)
  15. Happy 4th!

    Happy forth!!! Just don't drink a fifth!!!
  16. Find the movie references ....

    My fav was the 'ghost of Col. Kilgore' reference!!!
  17. Find the movie references ....

    Been watching the anime (actually season 1 in English dub on HULU), and came across this on YT. I was laughing my ass off at the references. As to the overall series, it's actually QUITE good! It's called "Gate", and about an JSDF expedition to another world through a gateway. It's a "medeval" style; elves, magic, dragons, etc. Enjoy!
  18. How odd that is, as it's been in Gunny's Ordanance Shop since 2009 (ish) Just to save the effort in looking for it, I've attached it's zipped folder. Unzip, and drop into your /Weapons folder M118.7z and converting from SF1 to SF2 is a very simple matter of text editing. IIRC. there's a tutorial in the KB; but it's probably buried near the back
  19. There are active 'steam vents' on the volcanos on the Kamchatka terrain revamp I did. IIRC, used the smokestack effect attacked to a oildrum1 object. I think, other than using swambast very cool effect (and cinder cone) maybe the 'sam trail effect' smoke could be use (it's white-ish) like is used for reactor cooling towers

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