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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I'm sure I can find time, if needed. A-20s are what's needed. At least 4 models (A,C,G,K). Although, depending on how the meshes are built, a C could be back-tweeked to an A. I've lots of decals for both, PTO versions. MTO versions of the Boston III/A-20C will require a camo paint job and, obviously, like TheWarrior said, replacement Ju-88s and He-111s
  2. here's an idea .... rename BOTH the data and loadout inis, so the game reverts to stock. pick a year to fly AFTER 1974, and see what happens
  3. File Name: Republic P-47C Thunderbolt (ETO) by Cocas File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 December 2014 File Category: P-47 SF2 WW2 ETO Republic P-47C Thunderbolt 12/8/2014 = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.* This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examinations and so forth. This pak contains a NEW model, representing the P-47C Thunderbolt as seen in early to mid 1943 when first arriving in England. There is one "base" skin map, and the marking represent the... 334th FS, 4th FG This was the first "combat ready" version of the Jug, but was quickly superceded by later improved models (D Razorback), hence it short operational life. This has the bulged keel, with provision for a single drop tank or bomb. This should be the equlivant of the C-5-RE version. All markings are decals; this will allow super easy creation of other squadrons by simply creating a new SCode decal, although those with a purer historical heart will also have to run down the matching serial numbers for their decal creation. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. The mod has the correct nose arts, matched to plane-in-squadron letters and serial numbers for the 334th FS. All the 1stGen Hangar and/or Loading screens were either rebuilt to SF2-spec, or created new for this package. They are in jpg format, and fit SF2 styling. Damage textures are also new, in DDS format. The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Even though there is no other P-74Cs available, when in game you'll see: P-47C Thunderbolt (CAF) on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein =for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division= dedicated to Ken "Major Lee" Golden, Thunderbolt King Click here to download this file
  4. Yes, indeed. That's where the various "mods folders" reside. The Utilities folder is for the 3W gun and weapons editors (sf2 versions) The ExtractedFiles is just that, someplace to put the files extracted from the various and sundry cat (catalogue) files ------------- The unfortunate fact of the matter is, the majority of the ww2 axis birds, for any theatre, are only available at Capun's site (ie: the Dev A-Team, hereinafter refereed to as "The DAT"). They also have a lot of the Allied birds as well. Although, there are a GOOD number here. And more to come, depending on our model makers. They do have a few "total conversion" WW2 mods. They call them 'all inclusive'. You can read all about the necessary things you need to do here: http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineeringllc.com/Forum/viewforum.php?f=6&sid=3d3ae895720381fcfca9c22056f6a084 that link takes you to their Instruction Sets.
  5. this is the STOCK loadout ini for the 3rd Wire 21bis: note the use of the sf2 "operational year" switch
  6. ALWAYS copy/and paste the exe to be "cloned" into the core files directory of SF2 C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 it will drop in as a "copy", for example, StrikeFighters2 North Atlantic -copy.exe. Then, you just rename to what theatre you want. Then and ONLY then, run the exe to create you ww2 mods folder. Then the removal of stuff can start, and the addition of the ww2 theatre specific bits can start the other pic, is of a basic install (mine is full-5), plus the 3 major ww2 theatres, and one for Korea. It should be noted that PTO covers ALL, including CBI. However, in reality, CBI should be it's own mods folder as the planes and vehicles and so forth are different from "regular" PTO that would include the SWP, Central and northern Pacific regions. However, in the long run, you'll be needing to get the latest patch level, and 99.9% of the stuff we're doing is designed for that. Create the mods folder ONLY after patching ... otherwise you'll be starting over, and creating a ww2 exe from the latest patched version of which ever original you're building from
  7. and here's the D Razorback, in late war CAS/Armed Recon configuration (yes, I know the 56th was all that involved with ground attack -other than strafing things- but for other units.)
  8. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO Republic P-47C Thunderbolt 12/8/2014 = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.* This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examinations and so forth. This pak contains a NEW model, representing the P-47C Thunderbolt as seen in early to mid 1943 when first arriving in England. There is one "base" skin map, and the marking represent the... 334th FS, 4th FG This was the first "combat ready" version of the Jug, but was quickly superceded by later improved models (D Razorback), hence it short operational life. This has the bulged keel, with provision for a single drop tank or bomb. This should be the equlivant of the C-5-RE version. All markings are decals; this will allow super easy creation of other squadrons by simply creating a new SCode decal, although those with a purer historical heart will also have to run down the matching serial numbers for their decal creation. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. The mod has the correct nose arts, matched to plane-in-squadron letters and serial numbers for the 334th FS. All the 1stGen Hangar and/or Loading screens were either rebuilt to SF2-spec, or created new for this package. They are in jpg format, and fit SF2 styling. Damage textures are also new, in DDS format. The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Even though there is no other P-74Cs available, when in game you'll see: P-47C Thunderbolt (CAF) on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein =for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division= dedicated to Ken "Major Lee" Golden, Thunderbolt King
  9. might help to know WHICH ships were added, as they may need "other parts" either not in your base install or ???
  10. Any Americans and Canadians on this site?

    I'm from California!!
  11. I think so. Every other tod ini I've seen (or created) always seems to have it the only one that might be able to answer it is TK. But don't hold your breath EDIT: you made me look! Indeed, it IS adjustable, as shown below in the TE's object placement dialogue. But, what would be the point of having it randomly appear? One needs all the object present when placing the target objects, otherwise you may wind up with a factory with building growing out of the top or side?
  12. Neither collidable nor destroyable. Been a very large sore point with 99.9% of players since 2002. Object Chance, is exactly what it says it is. TOD objects are present 100% of the time, as they are for all intents and purposes, permanent terrain objects. the position is the x/y coordinate for that particular tile; most probably, like the terrains themselves, measured from the lower left corner the angle is the compass direction in degrees (north, 0, is always the "top" of the tile) map class 0 is a "Solid Object" map class 1 is an "Alpha Object" (obviously the tree tgas) heights make no difference, as the TOD objects are always vertical with respect to the center of planetary mass (meaning: they point up no matter what the curves, ridges, valleys, mountains do. you can, and will, have things looking quite odd on hillsides at times)
  13. You can copy & paste said Default ini into the other /Controls folder of the other 3 mods folders, and have the same set up for all. I've been doing it that way forever!
  14. ah! I must have read over that part! 'Cause I don't see the actual x/y references in the display above. this is what I meant: that's what the inside of a tod ini looks like
  15. don't forget, those shown are NOT the stock TODs. The location and size of the buildings and trees show they're Stary's. His city items tend to be one or more very large groups of buildings, unlike the stock single buildings. What isn't shown are the locations (x/y coordinates), that are only available in that particular tiles tod ini. But still, a good find!!
  16. Storm Over The Sahara

    yes, indeed. the terrain engine has seen NO significant changes since 2003. This is NOT counting the SF2NA IcelandNA terrain, which is not a TFD/HFD/TOD type, but a LOD terrain. ALL items (trees, buildings, etc) are added via the targets ini. Think of it like that model of Ford Island you made for me years ago for the Hawaii map, but creating the entire surface features of the island of Iceland. Unfortunately, what it added in shader driven water effects, it lacked in many places (land/water interface actions, plane and boring surface textures, and causing very low frame rates on even high end machines) -------------- that is a VERY cool ruin!!
  17. Storm Over The Sahara

    Not necessarily true; there's all those "Lost Cities" . Like Hamunaptra. Or Am Shere (so speaks the Master of the Terrain Easter Egg <grin>) ----------- The tile set I used, for example on the "modern' North Africa, is the stock 3rd Wire IsrealME, with some additional tiles for the ports and such. These had been renamed to the Desert tile set naming conventions for ease of the terrains rebuilding. These are 256x256 OTH, Stary's High Res IME set is 1024x. In all honestly, it isn't really necessary to go to 2048 as it will affect frame rates. The and terrains just don't have the level of detail. OTH (again!) a featureless desert is easy to create with the tiles we have.
  18. Indeed, as all have said before me, if they are recent downloads (like in the last 14 months!), they are already at the July 2013 patch level. But, to be safe, start the game(s) and check the date in the lower right corner. -- nice painting! Looks like a DD to me, just by the gun mounts
  19. Wish Major Lee was still around; could use his expertise. -- Cocas NEW P-47D Razorbacks, still wip. Testing paint job and decals
  20. Don't say that too loud ... cause it'll get patched and locked. You need to use Gerwin's extractor, and it pulls EVERYTHING Actually I think it would work better the other way around, as SF2 has some FE2 coding in it. But it's definitely worth experimentating with in BOTH directions
  21. Yes, you'd need EVERYTHING from all the cat files. LODS especially. This goes for the terrains as well, but that can be "adjusted" by simply creating a terrain subfolder, and dropping the terrain's cat file INTO the named terrain folder. Just like how 1stGen SF/FE did. I would think that a better way, albeit not easier, would be after extraction, the put the various objects into the actual folders where they'd be needed. Aircraft lod (D7.lod) into the /DVII folder), the cockpit lod and all the various bits into the /cockpit folder and so on. Same thing for all the decals. Be more work, but would be simplier in the long run to folderize them, and simply rewrite the decals inis
  22. Nick, I moved the post the the SF2 General Discussion Fourm if you've downloaded them recently, they (the sf2 games) should all be a the July 2013 patch level. This will also allow you to buy (if you wish) the various DLC (Down Loadable Content) paks TK has produced. ---------------- It's good to see you back! I remember your posts during the Olympics in Athens. When you get settled into the SF2 series, you might find this terrain's 'modern' version fun to fly over. http://combatace.com/files/file/12989-eastern-mediterranean-terrain-for-sf2/ while (mostly) designed for the SF2NA environment, as it has the 'carrier zones', it can be used without (better with it, however! for flying off carriers!). My apologies that the Corinth Canal is slightly incorrect again, Welcome Back!!
  23. Storm Over The Sahara

    OMG! Those vehicles are AMAZING!!! Love the wrecker/tow truck. A question: shouldn't the umbrella say "CINZANO" ???? (LOL!!) I'm not ready at the moment to go back to the Med, as I'm still working on East Asia (there's a thread in the WW2 forum on "THAT terrain") Plus some new Thunderbolts and Beaufighters Daniel and I are working on. But, yeah I think I can look at it at some point next year. Redoing the "modern" one back to WW2 would be a 'job of work', but mostly retargeting. It's quite doable. Have to remove the modern airfields and SAM sites and such, but not too terribly difficult. I'll look at it in the near future (early next year maybe)
  24. One of the main issues is the fact that it is NOT an SR-71. The YF-12 is a completely different aircraft in configuration, shape and (intended) usage. Every mission statement in the data ini is WRONG. The only thing the Blackbird did was fly very fast, very high and take pictures. In 3rd Wire parlance, that means only RECON as a mission statement. Don't even get me started on those textures .... Why do you think I went to decals for all on the F-12? If you really want to start doing modding for this game, you need to do all the research and skull sweat. You also need the skills and knowledge to back it up with. You can't just dump something like this on the community; we have people here with beyond expert level knowledge on damn near every subject that can be encountered, from ini editing to real world operators of the aircraft themselves. You can't call a VW a Cadillac, and expect people to believe it. If you want to do skins, why then (for example the F-35 and Me-262 -which can be a subject all it's own), was it necessary to upload an entire aircraft? As part of the team that worked on the 262 mod --again don't get me started-- everything was correct as of the release date. And I'm quite surprised the JSF team didn't go all ape-shit crazy when they saw that "mod". Which seems to have been built from ValAstur's "What If..." JASDF version, and also carries the wrong color US national insignia (should be subdued, not full color) Also, be it know that Veltro is NOT a signatory of the Freeware Accords. That means permission MUST be obtained before modding & uploading his products.

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