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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. airfield names you're showing are printed on the map IF the names of said airfields have been changed in the Desert4_targets.ini, a completely NEW set of planning maps should be generated. But... you'll loose the "aeronautical chart" look, as the only tool around to do that is Gerwins TFD tool. You can, of course, try extracting the 3 planning map, and using a clone stamp tool (like in Photoshop), try and remove the D* and P*, then using layers add the corrected names. More work than it's worth. the other stuff, I can't help with, sorry!
  2. Best advice I've seen in a LOOOOOOOONG time!
  3. all of which were scrapped at the end of ww2, those that survived. And were never exported
  4. what you seek could probably be in the menu cat, as those are menu screens
  5. depends on which Mark, and which series, I guess. At least 2 and possibly 3 different types of mid-upper turrets, too! I have the Warpaint on the Halibag, which has some pretty good diagreams and photos, if you need it!
  6. ok, thanks for the updated templates, but I've still got a weird bit here on the fin. Using the 11/22/2013 P-40K-5 lod. It's only on the right side, left side is OK So, my question: where is this mapped to? tail_add? tail? ???? got 3 skins and/or whole aircraft mods that do this (the other 2 are 23rd FG in China) thanks brudda!! (btw, glad to have you back!) edit: forgot picture!
  7. thanks! that template will help! yah, I'd finally figured out WHERE it was on the map; the "sides" section. So, I just duplicated the layer, and trimmed it down a bit! I know the feeling about having too many templates!!
  8. I guess the old "Tunisia" terrain doesn't work?? (NOT the DAT one from their WOA mod) (it's actually in for overhaul; being retiled and have the targets "repaired" to fit the new tiles)
  9. yes, it's folder is called "CL-83", and it's a Cleveland class light cruiser. (possibley called "Manchester" ???) been available since KAW came out 2-3 years ago (but NOT is post-refit config)
  10. File Name: SF2 AD-4N/NA Skyraider, Armée de l'Air File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 April 2014 File Category: A-1 SF2 AD-4N/NA Skyraider, Armée de l'Air 4/3/2014 = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED, at Latest Patch Level = *At minimum, SF2:V is required, as this mod references the stock 3W A-1H lods.* **Note: It is also =REQUIRED= you be at the lates (7/2013) SF2 patch level. The data ini supplied is FROM this last patch level. Those End Users NOT up to speed, may experience visual oddities on the aircraft, as some things have been changed over the last few patchs. No support is, or will be availalbe, to those End Users.** This mod represents Skyraiders as used by the AdA in the early 1960s, and will give you a new, nationalized aircraft. The aircrft represented here is from: EC 3/20 "Oranie" as seen in Algeria in the early 1960s. All skins are in jpg format. All markings, excepting the squadron color bands, are decals. Recal randomization is TRUE. The aircraft BuNums are 100% correct for those Skyraiders in French service, but should be considered "generic" in nature as they do not represent any individual aircraft in any particular squadron. The canopy opens with the Standard Animatin Keystroke, Shift/0. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  11. Happy Birthday Wrench

    thank you gents, thank you Very much!!
  12. the Cuba map or the Guppy? VC-11 (it'll have 1 USN, 1 USMC 2, FAA -standard RN and 1 Suez) (btw, nice Tigershark! looks familiar! LOL!!
  13. Poems By Cats

    I know these ALL too well!!!
  14. looks like one of mine ... just judging by the object placements in the port. and juding by the 'beach' and the city tile, I'd go with Cuba OTC+ ---------- required screenie: Suez Guppy
  15. looks like a wonky tga, but first check in the that effect's ini has the right shader statements for SF2 (had this myself, with the 'parachuting pilot mod' -- didn't work in sf2 until I added the new shader statements)
  16. true, Ant. forgot about Gerwin's tool. IIRC, Gerwins' tool saves the new HFD/TFD DIRECTLY in the terrain folder; so if you screw up you have NO way to restore from a backup copy, like with the TE, that stores the new ones within itself. (smart terraformers always back up the tfd/hfd in the terrain folder BEFORE adding the new ones!!) OTH, I can do it in TE in less than 90 seconds!!
  17. you can ONLY change tiles via the terrain editor; the same way you flatten --which MUST be done-- an airfield. You CANNOT just add a tile to the terrain data ini, drop the bmp/tga into the terrain folder and expect it to work. You must add it to that terrain's texture list, place it on the map, and generate a new TFD. Ain't no other way to do it. as to locating a 'region'... http://combatace.com/topic/44621-adding-objects-to-your-target-areas/
  18. never seen any US aircraft in CBI that used letter codes ... that was strictly ETO and MTO (and MTO stopped in late 44)
  19. Cooliooo!!! more targets. Thanks to Veltro and Paulo!! add this to the AircraftData section, in both data inis: DestroyedModel=B-52_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect this'll give you the dead barbecued bird on the ground
  20. I'd wondered what had happened to the Bison! --- since I got the AdA -4N Skyraiders, figured I'd (re)build the USN -4NL off the 3W SPAD as well for Korea. must find time to dial in the bits for the Guppy Martin did, too.
  21. moved to a more proper forum, where it might actually be looked at and answered Meaning: PLEASE!! Do NOT post in the Knowledge Base; it's for answers, not questions. Thank You! ------------------- SF/Wo* requires DX9. you'll have to reinstall it (DX9 that is. IF Win8 allows it)(
  22. hmm, "mach 4" Foxhound. sounds like THIS thread belongs in the "What If/Fantasy" category
  23. Version


    SF2 AD-4N/NA Skyraider, Armée de l'Air 4/3/2014 = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED, at Latest Patch Level = *At minimum, SF2:V is required, as this mod references the stock 3W A-1H lods.* **Note: It is also =REQUIRED= you be at the lates (7/2013) SF2 patch level. The data ini supplied is FROM this last patch level. Those End Users NOT up to speed, may experience visual oddities on the aircraft, as some things have been changed over the last few patchs. No support is, or will be availalbe, to those End Users.** This mod represents Skyraiders as used by the AdA in the early 1960s, and will give you a new, nationalized aircraft. The aircrft represented here is from: EC 3/20 "Oranie" as seen in Algeria in the early 1960s. All skins are in jpg format. All markings, excepting the squadron color bands, are decals. Recal randomization is TRUE. The aircraft BuNums are 100% correct for those Skyraiders in French service, but should be considered "generic" in nature as they do not represent any individual aircraft in any particular squadron. The canopy opens with the Standard Animatin Keystroke, Shift/0. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  24. How do you like your insurgents?? Deep Fried....
  25. LimitedNations=TRUE in the terrain's Nations ini. Takes precedence over all others

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