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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Happy Mach 1 Day!!!

    TOTALLY forgot about this!!! On this day in 1947, Chuck Yeager went supersonic in the Bell X-1 for the first time. Enjoy!!!!!
  2. Happy Mach 1 Day!!!

    Opps!!!! My bad!!!
  3. I'm wondering if we could get LESS for a description????? asking for a friend
  4. View File SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack 9/28/2022 -For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended =MUST= have SF2:V installed!!)- This pack contains some mods to the stock 3rd Wire B-52D & the user made B-52F model "Stratofortress" as used by SAC during the 1950s through the 1980s. There are actually 3 aircraft in this pack; due to "oddities" with some loadouts, I found this was easier to do: B-52D (57-64) nuclear strike B-52D (64-83) conventional, with "Big Belly" mods B-52F (58-78) conventional & Nukes. The F, while retaining is nuke abilities, is mostly for conventional iron bombing after 1965. Almost all markings are decals, with very few things painted on. All serial numbers are historically correct for the models depectied. BUT the D cereals should be considered 'generic' in nature as they represent no particular unit. The F serials, OTH, and the nose arts, are also correct, but not 'per squadron/wing'. It should be noted, the F gets all serials for the 89 aircraft produced. These are updated version of the originals issued in 2009. The D model gets all new decals, made for this mod. Decal randomization is true. Most skins remain in their 1stGen bmp format. New sounds, effects, pilot/gunner figures, weapons, and hangar & loading screens. Various effects are included for the nuclear weapons. The SF2 date switch is used for some skins, and also in the loadout ini with year-specific loadouts. These aircraft are equipped with an "optical" bombsight for you perverts that inisist on flying the Heavies <g>. In each aircraft's folder is an instructional jpg on "how to". There are also different loadouts for conventional or nuke, accessable through the games' mission editor. An example of the skin listing, from the 52F: 2nd BW >1964 7th BW (3960th BW) <1964 the >1964 (less than or 64 and eariler) and <1964 (after 1964 ie: 65 start date). This should give the general idear. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! As always, =PLEASE= read the "Notes" section for various thoughts and musing on this mod. There might even be valuable data/information for you to find! ALL original readmes have been included, when discoverable. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 10/07/2022 Category B-52  
  5. SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack 9/28/2022 -For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended =MUST= have SF2:V installed!!)- This pack contains some mods to the stock 3rd Wire B-52D & the user made B-52F model "Stratofortress" as used by SAC during the 1950s through the 1980s. There are actually 3 aircraft in this pack; due to "oddities" with some loadouts, I found this was easier to do: B-52D (57-64) nuclear strike B-52D (64-83) conventional, with "Big Belly" mods B-52F (58-78) conventional & Nukes. The F, while retaining is nuke abilities, is mostly for conventional iron bombing after 1965. Almost all markings are decals, with very few things painted on. All serial numbers are historically correct for the models depectied. BUT the D cereals should be considered 'generic' in nature as they represent no particular unit. The F serials, OTH, and the nose arts, are also correct, but not 'per squadron/wing'. It should be noted, the F gets all serials for the 89 aircraft produced. These are updated version of the originals issued in 2009. The D model gets all new decals, made for this mod. Decal randomization is true. Most skins remain in their 1stGen bmp format. New sounds, effects, pilot/gunner figures, weapons, and hangar & loading screens. Various effects are included for the nuclear weapons. The SF2 date switch is used for some skins, and also in the loadout ini with year-specific loadouts. These aircraft are equipped with an "optical" bombsight for you perverts that inisist on flying the Heavies <g>. In each aircraft's folder is an instructional jpg on "how to". There are also different loadouts for conventional or nuke, accessable through the games' mission editor. An example of the skin listing, from the 52F: 2nd BW >1964 7th BW (3960th BW) <1964 the >1964 (less than or 64 and eariler) and <1964 (after 1964 ie: 65 start date). This should give the general idear. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! As always, =PLEASE= read the "Notes" section for various thoughts and musing on this mod. There might even be valuable data/information for you to find! ALL original readmes have been included, when discoverable. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. hmm.... we REALLY should get one of our 3d guys to build us a McDonalds!!! ' ====== required screenshot
  7. Eurotrip or a non Official CA Getaround

    You can't believe how jealous I am!!! Not only to see the planes, but meet our long time internet buds. many thanks for the photos!!!!
  8. I may not know where I'm going, but I sure know where I been ...
  9. outstanding! i didn't even think of that , using the TFD tool. when I used the height adjustment function, it never seemed so prescise (area say a few hundred square meters) well done!!!! (in an addendum to my post above, i remember Russo made a ICBM silo that was open, and actually DID go below ground; or appeared to.)
  10. all that should be in the readme. just saying.
  11. It's a pity we can't (actually) have things below ground -- seeing something like an open pit mine would be cool
  12. Humpday Heavies

    A Gathering of Eagles (google it!!)
  13. I Published My First E-Book!

  14. Bottom line, in MY opinion, based on 20+ years with this game === Don't Mix Mods
  15. View File SF2 UH-1B Huey Slick & Hog Remod Pack SF2 UH-1B Huey Slick & Hog Remod Pack 9/14/2022 -For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)- This package contains remods of Pasko's 1stGen UH-1B helicopters, both the 'Slick' and 'Hog' gunships. These aircraft have been given unique name identifiers, as to not have the conflict with other mods of these same birds. I've collected just about all the 1stGen skins I could find for these, and created all new decals for them. Where possible, and discoverable, any serial/BuNums associated with a particular unit have been marked with a star (*). All serials ARE historically correct for the models depicted. In the case of the Canadian Hueys, no "(*) star" is used as the 10 serials ARE the 100% historically correct ones. This mod depicts several models of the UH-1B that are visually "pretty close" to each other. In truth, their minor differences won't effect gameplay in any way, shape or form. These are the UH-1B, UH-1C and UH-1E. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. UH-1B Slick == US Army; early and late skins (dark or lighter OD) US Army Medevac: possibly representing 57th Medical Detachment USMC : VM0-2 "Cherry Deuce" (used both Slicks & Hogs) Canada: CF-118 3 skins covering their uses and from 1966 thru 1995 in their Search & Rescue and utility service. UH-1B/C/E Hog == US Army; early and late skins (dark or lighter OD) US Navy: HAL-3 Seawolves USMC: HML-167 "Warriors, VMO-6 "Tomcats", The sF2 'date switch' is fully active, so watch for it. Also included are (finally) damage textures, a destroyed model, all weapons, sounds, pilot figures and so forth. The "275rocket" is a stock 3W item, and therefore not included. FM is relatively untouched (ie: "as is"), so be aware. I'm sure further refinements of the FM are needed. On the aircraft selection drop-down menu, you'll see: UH-1B/C/E Huey "Slick" (P) UH-1B/C/E Huey "Hog" (P) Obviously, the "P" stands for Pasko. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! Also =PLEASE= read the "Notes" section for information about Nation assignment for the American birds. Where possible, ALL original readmes have been included. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 09/23/2022 Category UH-1  
  16. Do we have these anywhere?? Been looking at all the BUFF mods and can't seem to find them. yes, i'm looking at the stock 3w D for some minor upgrades. TIA!
  17. never mind! i found all the bits inside the B-47's zip. Now, jsut have to make them work! (meaning: show up in the alternate loadout)
  18. we did?? I"ll look for it. but, just in case, send me what ya gots! thanks Kev (that sound ssoooo funny!!!)
  19. well, is started as simply adding correct (or at least the right-for-that-mark) serial decals. I hate naked skins on the birds. Now, I'm doing some fiddling with loads. Not going to copy the stuff from the SF2V Exp packs; if folks what that they can download it. This is in mind for those that just want an improved early version BUFF for their "regular" SF2 installs. Now, does anyone also know where the "MT003Effects" might be located? Needed for the Mk.15s still have to finish the remod on the B model Hueys, but they're almost done.
  20. awesome!!! more eye candy for airbases is MORE than welcome!!!!
  21. they're not saved. but, isn't there a way to save individual missions with the mission editor?? (don't really know, just guessing)
  22. *still have time before the midnight line is crossed into Thursday .... * not just the Hogs, but the Slicks as well

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