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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. you mean Zur's old model??? It's not in the 1stGen downloads??? I know I have it, give me a few days. Lots of serious personal real life (tm) issues with the wife health right now ....
  2. Postcards from Korea

    good stuff! some of those I've never seen before!!
  3. <cough> LimitedNations = TRUE on the IsrealME map. Only nations in the IME_nations ini will show up during campaign play. And mostly, in single missions as well (ie: no USMC A-7s, for example). This is what the limited nations statement in the terrain, AND aircraft user lists are for.
  4. if you have the SF2 weapon's editor, yes. it works
  5. Planes on a Stick July 2021 edition

    "Proud Bird" resturant, just outside of Los Angeles International (images from 2017)
  6. Found it... it's a mod of Pasko's 1stGen Hustler
  7. I guess you haven't tried the SEAD version of the B-58 I did, like 10 years ago. Based off the #6 ship from "FailSafe" (movie and book). They're externally mounted anti-radar missiles (4 of them), with a special (weapon) touch. I'll see if I can't find the link again ... it's been a (quite) a while. As to your ARM armed Stratojet ... my suggestion is to clone the original bay/hardpoints for ARMs only. See if that works. A hell of a lot easier than screwing around with the 'main' bay. Also, by default, iirc, 32 is max number of "carrying items" for any single station
  8. yes, and doing ACTUAL research on the Real World (tm) aircraft ... well, we all know that's impossible
  9. a picture is worth 1000 words click on the airplane icon, and you get a drop down. the rest should be self evident
  10. can you at least TRY and use some punctuation?? You're post are almost unreadable. Help us out here, huh?
  11. VS: you mean MPS in the FlightControl statements, yes?? (thats what they're calibration is) If it's the bird I thinking of, ground landings are pretty "ok"'; its just getting back on the boat where the issue is.
  12. can we try using some punctuation, please?? without it, makes the posts difficult to comprehend. thank you
  13. Parachute retarded bombs

    Please, gentlemen!! In these days of political correctness, they are NOT retarded bombs. The new term for them is "vertically and horizontally velocity challenged bombs" If fact, "bomb" may also not be correct, it should/could be replaced by "multi-weight explosive package". thank you for you time and consideration
  14. 6 groups is the limit I'm just curious, as to WHY the loadout ini, with it's specific mission tasking statements, is NOT working for the loads the OP is trying to customize. and, maybe, we should know WHICH aircraft he's trying to modify??? Experts abound around here
  15. the biggest map i know of, WW2 CBI (i never finished it) given it's size, must have WELL over 1/2 million tiles, but there are only 204 different types. I would double check the texture list against the _data ini and make sure they're all in numerical order, and in the SAME order. I've never heard of what you describe happening.
  16. i hope they throw the fucking book at him. we need to bring back keelhauling for shitbirds like that
  17. "Footfall" by Niven and Pournelle spurt bombs were fusion detonation-pumped x-ray laser devices
  18. any spurt bombs yet (see who gets the reference )
  19. no, that's not what I said. the US Canberra's have their guns angled DOWN (a certain number of degrees). Setting them to zero, on the up/down axis will bring them closer to the gunsight. They also did NOT have lead computing gunsights, as they are bombers, and don't need them. the boresight stuff dtm posted is actually for the AI usage, it won't do anything for player controlled aircraft. Leave the avionics ini alone as well.
  20. put the gun aim angles to zero. leave the cockpit alone we found this issue out about 15 years ago
  21. your randomization is off by one DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=11 0 - 11 is twelve numbers (0=1) what you're showing is 13 decals
  22. Read my post above, dated August 2017. Pretty straight forward LOOK at the screenshot below, you'll notice a folder named "Extracted Files". Do something like that, and you can't fuck up the game mods folders

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