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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Not entirely true ... Saved single missions are readily editable (sp???). The trick is you have to select you single mission, start it, end it, then SAVE it. You'll wind up with something like this (btw, this is a sample test mission, so don't try to play it) you can see the start date and time are listed, and easily changed with a text editor (Notepad, etc) But, it can only be done that way. The Game Engine (tm) only allows year choice.
  2. somewhere around here i have an American North East map. had is since the early 2000s , but can't remember where it is. If you think about it, such maps (included the Texas/Mexico American South west, CenUS, ANW) really aren't worth a damn outside of "The Wingman" or "Red Dawn" type scenarios * . AKA: Occupied America. Unfortunately, we don't have H-Bomb crater tiles (although they might be easily made) (* guess we can add "Man in the High Castle" to that as well)
  3. actually, there is. MidWestUSA. By me. ===== didn't Gepard just show WW2 Panzers with numbers??? I seem to recall that ...
  4. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    looks like a Taiho class
  5. yes and no. we have an "American Northwest" terrain, but it's not representative of the actual Pacific Northwest. Alaska (Bering Straits) is the closest we have
  6. and what about everyone else wibbly-wobbly-ing around the sky? watch flights 2, 3,4, and you'll see what I mean. also, use the f6 view, and you can see they airspeed numbers like i said in my post, "at worst, it's a hack". you don't have to use it
  7. I did it slightly differently -- mind you, this is at best an inelegant solution, and at worse a hack this is for the Huricane Mk.1A, by Raven BACKUP YOU DATA INI FIRST!!! here's the =FlightControl= Section, with different numbers [FlightControl] StallSpeed=42.19 CruiseSpeed=114.0 ClimbSpeed=90.66 CornerSpeed=125.170 MaxG=5.00 MaxSpeedSL=162.0 MachLimit=0.60 PitchDamper=0.5 RollDamper=0.125 YawDamper=0.1 GunBoresightAngle=0 RocketBoresightAngle=-0.1 Then, down in the engine section, I raised the horsepower SLPowerDry=990000.00 TK MK.9 spit uses 1113479.3 for it's "dry" HP (non wep). As the Hurricane didn't have WEP ... and only 1000-ish HP.... anyway, it's a hack but it stops the mass crashes. Climb speed is still around 105-100 knts (indicated), at 42% power -- which I still think is too low, but it better.
  8. awesome! looks better than the model i did all those years ago ... and it moves by itself (with me pushing it across the floor making "tank noises")
  9. How about just not clicking on it??? Remember BOLD is shouting, and is considered rude. When it's used, it should only be for emphasis (sp?) of a point, or to draw attention to that point. Thanks!! Have Fun!!
  10. awesome!! I'd built the 1/35 Tamyia ACAV about a million year ago (1970s) thanks!!!
  11. Can we NOT use bold face type??? Please? The kill markings are not linked to any particular aircraft. They are linked to YOU, The Player (tm), by your pilot record. They will show up on anything you fly. As Cliff said, they're location and use is set by the DecalLevel=3 in the decals ini. All stock player flyable aircraft have this already set up.
  12. as far as i know, it can only be done from the MAX file. there's a "uvmapping" or unwarpping tool or something like that. pretty sure there's tutorials on YouTube i'm sure our 3d gurus will step in soon enough to clarify
  13. only if you want the visible gauge. otherwise, you can have the simple "audio only" that just beeps when scanned, and goes to a higher PRF when you're locked up. And you should probably use the vector type; i don't know of any real aircraft that use the SF1 style "3 ring" (although there probably were ....) === when I added the RWR to the F-104G cockpit, I just told the cockpit ini to use the secondary ADI face... now if I can just find which mods folder HAS that modded one ....
  14. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    that one would require a new lod; one minus all the power turrets and with picture windows installed <gr>
  15. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    excellent! (I was thinking of the french ones in Indochina & post-45 USN) my books say they could carry torpedos, but I don't think they did operationally
  16. the F14 avionics is ONLY A-A. You'll lose everything else.
  17. by a simple decal edit, eh??? Have you looked at the user list for the stock 3W Badger.... ???
  18. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    nice looking PB4, and Bats, too! So, when can we expect it? Will the template also be available??
  19. One of the best looking terrains I've ever seen. Congrats Michael! OTH -- and NOT your fault -- a lot of our BoB era aircraft will be needing updates the /FlightData/ and possibly engine sections of their data inis. Due to the "formation takeoffs", I lose between 1/4 and 1/3 of flights on take; stalling out and crashing. It's a known problem with that style of take off -- even when used whit early jets (Sabres, T-jets, etc) there's a lot of stallouts. I'm looking into some "easy" cheats to improve this. The Hurricane has always been a bit "off" speed wise I've thought. (I mean, WHAT aircraft climbs at 42% throttle??? Shouldn't be less then 70%)
  20. I didn't do the Red Sabres, iirc that was PauloPanz but Thank You for the compliment!
  21. and my sig, too ====== the mapping on theirs is , um, more than a bit outdated. simple flat right/left which induces disortions on curves. no, I'm just gonna say --- the mapping is piss poor. I had the skins (may have tossed them months ago), but not the model. It was the cause of a not-so-little amount of "wheeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth". End result, things didn't go so well. ======= as to a proper slatted 6-3 F-40, we'd need a whole new model. I don't think Zur still has the original max files from 2003 that we could adapt. Pity, that. Nobody's done more Sabres around here than me!

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