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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Indeed! Hoping for a quick recovery, repair and back into the air! Far to few still around
  2. they DID have Beagles, iirc, and then "retreated" them across the border. that's why we moved HAWK batteries to SEA
  3. never mind, it seems someone beat us too it... in 2018!!!! amazing the things you stumble over!!
  4. try a reinstall. has nothing to do with the soundlist. it's an internal game issue pause / unpase has always worked in the past
  5. yes, there are statements to add to the data ini to remove or hide the components. They get listed in the =AircraftData= section, like the main lod components are (ie: "HIde1") then, this statement is added, with the actual mesh names: [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName= DestroyedNodeName= DetachWhenDestroyed=false HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE for more clarity, look at the data ini on this TB-25J Mitchell. You'll see how it works
  6. Crusader did a mod for the RWR that has it sitting in the upper right corner, so I was kind of referring to that. I think this is the statement for that, in the HUDData ini: [Display006] DisplayType=RWR PosX=0.01 PosY=0.015 Width=0.125 Height=0.16666667 Alpha=0.60 InitTime=2.0
  7. come to think of it, i'll attach it, so anyone who wants to can play with it. Obviously, you'll need SF2NA for the hawkeye. It launches and lands on the boats, so ... that's a plus at least AND you can blow it up!! sf2_yak44_standin_pak.7z
  8. I made a stand in in 2013, using the stock Hawkeye. Never released it. It's just a simple re-decaling with Russian insignia. It's "close but no cigar". But for an AI plane, and if one doesn't look too closely, and squints and turns off the lights, might be usable! (<gr>)
  9. I fully understand vision loss!! My right eye started "coming apart" in late 2012. The layers of the cornea started seperating ("recurent cornea erosions") sort of like a CD/DVD de-laminating, or tire treads seperating. The pain was so intense, it felt like a railroad spike was being driven into my head, with constant tearing. So much so, I though I would dehydrate! AND....I'm the only driver for several people (wife, mom) After multiple lazic procedure to try and smooth it out -- which only worked temporarily, they did a partial corneal transplant, only on the region effected. They go in, suck out the layers of detached cells, implant donors, put an air bubble inside the cornea to help them bond. (oh, and btw, like cataract surgery --which I also had on that eye due to steroid crystilazation of the lens, you're awake through the whole things. watching from the inside. freaky man, i'm telling ya). Several more lazics were preformed, as the central area of the cornea dropped, instead of rebounding (the scans the Dr. showed me looks like a coral atoll, with central lagoon - the low spots But still, because the first opthalmalgist gave me wrong instructions for the post-op steroid drops, my eye pressures skyrocketed into the high 50s (10-15 is considered normal). This forces the eye back into the skull, pressing on the optic nerve. Thus, damaging the optic nerve, and costing me about 1/3 of my field of vision due to nerve death. That "blind spot" is in the upper left quadrant. Finally, in 2017 I was able to be treated with PROSE full scleral contact lenses (for that that don't know, they sit out on the white part of the eye, NOT on the colored cornea like regular lenses). This, at least gives me better vision, but not perfect in that eye. That'll never come back. so, I can feel you, man
  10. not without heavy editing. you'd have to extract all the vehicle's data inis, remove their sounds, place edited data inis into EVERY ONE OF THEIR FOLDERS IN EVERYONE OF YOU MOD FOLDERS, edit the Soundlist.ini and each of the guns data inis. not worth the effort. at all. just live with it <gr>
  11. Those of us that have (literally) spent a lifetime studying aircraft, already know "who has what". And we know "where" the aircraft are on the list because it's alphabetical by name. Easier to look for an aircraft name -which is far better known-, then the country. ------ For the in game screens, why not have them on opposite upper corners? keeps things at "eye line", radar t the left, rwr to the right
  12. Antarctic Patrol Ship's Flight, HMS Protector, c. 1960
  13. might have something to do with being tossed out the back end, right Macelena???
  14. hang on to those, as the entire package is/has been re-worked to better flying, and more accurate skins for the original release (some with 100% historical numbering) ======= although still Tuesday here in the USofA, a required screenshot A "green parrot" caught in-flight
  15. Deuces color picker is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong gone. It was on his site.
  16. pause and the un-pause. the sounds should come back known issue
  17. The MiG-15s in the KAW mod probably have the "closest" to reality of the AI birds (for player use)
  18. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Whatever happened to the PB4Y Privateer????
  19. For fun, try finding the early 1960's movie "X-15". Has some very cool flying sequences (and Charles Bronson!!) Believe it or not, I still have my VHS copy! EDIT: Found it on YouTube!!
  20. if there's no animation listed, that doesn't mean they don't work; flaps & slats and control surfaces don't show in the LOD viewer animation listings either. OTH, if they're fixed to the wing, you may have to leave them as virtual components, just the data ini statements. Do they extend in-game?
  21. Phoooey on the TFD tool!!! I actually only use for minor height adjustments. I know, I know, not everyone has the TE experience I have. Brother, don't I know it!!! Of course, you all can see how I cheat by painting the tile transition edges, and the roads and river paths. Did the sea/land coastline tiles too!! It cuts down time trying to match, and makes all the edges perfect (you'll find that screw up on the stock 3 terrains, too) I'm a cheater!!! I'm a cheater!!! hahaha hahaha I drink to my own cleverness!!!
  22. B-25J, Night Intruder, 1950 (note AN/APS-4 under left wing)
  23. How odd. That's never been a problem for me white = roads green = rivers

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