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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. start here: https://combatace.com/files/category/442-skin-templates/
  2. PAF C130

    watch where you put things ... I had to move your upload to the correct section. A C-130 is NOTHING a Mirage III. We actually have specific categories for most every aircraft. Try to be more carefull
  3. early 1951, VMR-161 working up for deployment to Korea (stahri's H19/HO4S/HRS-1, now with decals!!)
  4. ok, WHERE did that correct Canberra cockpit come from???? (or only for the G?) --------- required screenie "Ready On the Cat"
  5. My FAVORITE early helicopter!! thanks! ============================= EDIT: any chance for templates??? With all the Godzilla v Kong, we'll be needing a JASDF version!! Also, to paint out the numbers, and start decaling Also, where are the sounds? Shouldn't they have been included in the package?? A destroyed model is listed, but ?where? is it??
  6. USS Johnston DD-557 wreck found.

    thank you posting! now, all we need is someone to do "Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors"
  7. check that the main ini isn't set to read only -- I've had that happen to me, too with the Skyraiders (20 skins). You'll have to un-read only it, start the game, and hope it dosen't rewrite the cockpit entries. If it does, just add them back in and make it read only again
  8. I've got a small issue I can't seem to solve. No matter what statement I use (take off rotation), the aircraft over rotates, strikes and drags it's ass for a bit. I've tried moving the CG forward, but can't really (now that I found the point where it doesn't slowly rear up like a cat begging for treats), as then in flight, it starts the slight nose down drift. this is the AI takeoff statement: [AIData] TakeOffRotationAngle=0.0 dosen't do anything (at least for the player-flown bird) you can see the images, especially the last one (4) it's just before the strike. even removing the hit boxes/collision points for the tail and fin meshes, don't help. I still get that "crashing metal" noise. You all know i'm not that knowledgeable on MAX, but does the world center of the object have anything to do with this? Meaning, if the WC is too far aft, would correcting the CG even effect it? Or is the CG simply for aerodynamic forces, not effecting "on the ground". Cat shots off the boat do NOT have the tail strike problem. So, what can be done?
  9. ok, then, now that we have pictures, how about their locations (x/y coordinates) and names. You can get that with the HUDData turned on, the mission briefing, the map, and the targets ini. Also, have you tried contacting the builders via PM???
  10. wonder if it could be done 'virtually'? and how the statements would look?? something to explore...
  11. yes, pleas post some screenshots of the affected airfields!! and, their locations (x/y coordinates) and names. Otherwise, the builder won't know where to look
  12. 98.6% of all terrain work is done manually. On this, you may take as gospel
  13. any chance for a junk with furled sails??? THAT could be used as ground object, tied to a dock or moored in a harbor or river
  14. cause we didn't have them yet!!! Not even the "A" which is basically the B.2 in USAF paint (and yes, there is one if D/L section I did some years back). They also didn't get internal guns until Martin built the B model. I don't like strafers without guns (too much time in SWPac, eh?) In truth, I think that's one of the reason the USAF looked that Canberra; replace the Tornado, and the worn out Invaders. also, i seem to have lost the B template ...fkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfk (on a side note, anyone ever catch the Cranberry at the end of "The Crawling Eye" movie?? )
  15. those will really look nice on VNSEA terrain (or VN48 if i ever get back to it!)
  16. repaint all the tiles that have water on them. have fun!!!
  17. Microsoft Set To Purcahse CombatACE

    (mr burns voice) Excellent!!
  18. maybe, maybe not. I'd actually thought about a night intruder version of the "B". With radar AND guns and rockets and bums, it would definately be better then the Invader for a hot war scene in Europe. I even did an experimental "night unders" version of the NMF (think B-29s in Korea), but didn't like it. Literally takes just seconds to redo the serials and buzz number in red for another skin.
  19. brother, seriously??? Cocas and I did those years ago (Mk.V & LF, and the trop w/vokes) and the Mk.1 is TMF, and been around even longer.
  20. SF2 Northrop F-89B Scorpion

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Northrop F-89B Scorpion 3/24/2021 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" This is the release of the Northrop F-89B Scorpion All-Weather jet Interceptor. This mod recreates the first operational unit to recieve them in 1951. I'd started this mod in 2019, and it totaly slipped under the radar (so to speak). I now present it for it's historical useage. This mod makes use of the 89C lod, so there are small minor differences that will not inhibit gameplay in any way. This package contains not only the aircraft, but 2 complete skin sets, for both active USAF, and later use by the Air National Guard. Units represented are: 84th FIS, 78th FIW, based at Hamilton AFB, near San Francisco, CA, 1951-54 and 176th FIS, Wisconson Air National Guard, Truax Field, WI, 1955-1960 The SF2 'date switch' is used for when these aircraft left USAF for ANG service in 1955-ish. With the exception of painted on squadron color markings (84th), all serial & Buzz Numbers are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. The 84th gets 18, and the 176th has 16. On the Number list, any marked with a star (*) are 100% historically accurate to that unit. Any unmarked, were either unable to be matched, or are 'fillers'. But all are for F-89Bs. Also supplied are pilot figures, drop tanks, and air-to-air HVAR unguided rockets. These are the same as the v.3 pack, but completeness is my standard. Each skin also has it's own Hangar Screen, depicting that particular unit. As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE READ THEM!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. Damn it! =I= was gonna do that one!!! OTH, aren't you glad I uploaded the template? --------- now, for the inevitable joke --- just a bit gassy, eh??? (ducks and runs ............................)
  22. no, sorry. the model is old.....(3/2003) if you stay in the cockpit, you won't notice it!!!
  23. View File SF2 Northrop F-89B Scorpion SF2 Northrop F-89B Scorpion 3/24/2021 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" This is the release of the Northrop F-89B Scorpion All-Weather jet Interceptor. This mod recreates the first operational unit to recieve them in 1951. I'd started this mod in 2019, and it totaly slipped under the radar (so to speak). I now present it for it's historical useage. This mod makes use of the 89C lod, so there are small minor differences that will not inhibit gameplay in any way. This package contains not only the aircraft, but 2 complete skin sets, for both active USAF, and later use by the Air National Guard. Units represented are: 84th FIS, 78th FIW, based at Hamilton AFB, near San Francisco, CA, 1951-54 and 176th FIS, Wisconson Air National Guard, Truax Field, WI, 1955-1960 The SF2 'date switch' is used for when these aircraft left USAF for ANG service in 1955-ish. With the exception of painted on squadron color markings (84th), all serial & Buzz Numbers are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. The 84th gets 18, and the 176th has 16. On the Number list, any marked with a star (*) are 100% historically accurate to that unit. Any unmarked, were either unable to be matched, or are 'fillers'. But all are for F-89Bs. Also supplied are pilot figures, drop tanks, and air-to-air HVAR unguided rockets. These are the same as the v.3 pack, but completeness is my standard. Each skin also has it's own Hangar Screen, depicting that particular unit. As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE READ THEM!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/30/2021 Category Other  
  24. I've passed some requests to the modler, and we'll see what he does. I did notice the piviot point is off on the flaps, they should also go back and down, but that'll be fixed. The fins may be too low, compared to some photos and drawings I used the Hawkeye's FM, including adding fake components (why does TK insist on using "**_mid_wing", when there isn't one???) It flys just like the E-2 (no surprise), except for bouncing it's butt!! But I've asked Veltro to recheck everything. thanks guys!

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