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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. maybe that should be used to fix the J-10, and give a more 'workable' bird. They (Insky) always did do things a bit 'strange'
  2. yes, we do! (actually, a reskinned navigator for the unfinished A3D). I can't get his lazy ass to show, though -- i'll bet it's an age thing or I'm putting him in the wrong place, or a simple typo in an "pilot" ini
  3. growing up, one of my best friends older brothers (he had 4, plus a older sister and younger brother) served on those boats. He's never really talked about. thanks for this movie!!
  4. Just a quickie spelling edit of the title GREAT film! Thanks!!
  5. New in FE2

    Sr. Dresam: did the effects and such work on the STOCK game, before you added anything? Just checking that things were working 'as advertised' before mods were added.
  6. New Flanders

    I forgot about this "fort" (couldn't remember the terrains i'd used it on). I comes in several pieces, fortgatehouse, fortwall and fortturret. They can be overlapped with no visual in-game artifacts. For Dover, you'd still need a new, specific central building (keep?) I don't remember who built them originally, but the date from June 2005 and came for the 1st version of the SF1 North Africa WW2 map. But like everything else, they MUST be used on a completly flat surface. I've got lots of stuff, from varying sources; docks, piers, etc. Some are in the SF2 downloads, some not. If I can help, let me know!
  7. F-12 Action view

    I didn't feel that I came off as agressive, even considering my pure dislike of how crapun does business. sorry you took it that way. =========== VonS: yeah, it's a pain to the FE2 aircraft into SF2, but it's doable. I'm just sorry I couldn't get the SPAD close enough to the Sabre, to see the "Hat in the Ring" on both. The caption would have been something like "only 30 years seperate them". Both are 94th FS
  8. New Flanders

    iirc, there used to be a mortar team in either the SF1 or SF2 download section "Angled harbor walls" - you mean breakwaters?? I've found 2 ways of doing them. One is to paint them on the harbor tile itself. (see images below). One disadvantage, is the alpha layer in the tga don't like being curved (hence my use of straight lined breakwaters). It causes artifacts in the water fx. The other is, it's laying 'flat' on the sea. The other way is acutally have some build a lod, or find something to use for an elevated breakwater. There's a lod called "plattform01" that angled somewhat up, and 100m long. But again, as these are straight, they can be very diffucult to work with in making a turn, even in Mue's Target Area Editor (hence, they're being straight again). I know Dover has a very unique harbor set up; I couldn't replicate in the SF2 WW2 Euro map either!
  9. Seems like it's time to reiterate what is known to many, and remind others as to what we do and stand for here at CombatAce. The following has been copied from the original post in the SF1 Forums. =============================== Most of the best modders in the community have agreed to make their work freely available with few restrictions. These modders have granted blanket permission for you to use their work under the following conditions: 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. The work may not violated any terms of release by converting payware to freeware or freeware to payware. 3. You must give proper credit to the original author in your readme file. 4. If feasible, included the original author's readme along with your new mod file. 5. You must contact the original author for permission of use if more than 30% of the original release is affected by your work. 6. A Mirage Factory file may not be altered or included in a new mod withOUT the permission from a Mirage Factory (or now Mod Mafia) Member. 7. Any scenery or map tile modifications by Wrench require permission to edit, change, or use. 8. Any uploads of mods to Dev A-Team products are limited to ini edits, and skins/decals. They have requested that NOTHING of theirs be stored or shared or passed around outside their own members-only website. 2/28/2021 Update: As you all can see, there are name of many Modders who are no longer part of the SF/SF2 community. Rather than run down each name, it's being left in it's original state. Those wishing to make changes on products produced by the retired Modders, should consult one of the Admin Staff or other SF series Modders. We will judge each upon it's own merits for community upload and sharing. Don't take it upon yourselves to arbitrarily do something without at least consulting via PM or posting in the Mods/Skinning or in the General Discussion Threads Thank You Signatories to this agreement are (latest additions in bold): 101tfs 542Tiger (aka 331KillerBee) 76.IAP-Blackbird AleDucat allenjb42 AmokFloo baffmeister Baltika bender41 bobrock Brain32 CA_Stary Caesar Capitaine Vengeur ChampionsVA56 charley111 CIACHO Cocas column5 comrpnt CoolHand29 (MiGbuster) Corktip14 craigbrierley (Bongodriver) CrimsonRoamer Deadhead Dels Deuces Doghouse drdoyo dwcace erikgen EricJ Erwin_Hans ext FalconCAF FastCargo Firecage FLOGGER23 Fracture Fubar512 gambit168 Geezer Gepard ghostrider883 gillg Gocad GrinchWSLG Heck hgbn hi ho silver HrntFixr JA 37 Viggen Jan Tuma JAT81500 Jarhead1 jeanba JimBeamer#5 johnrey JRBeers JSF_Aggie Jtin Jug Julhelm kct Kesselbrut KingAlbert Klavs81 Krfrge Kulbit80 Longestpants littlesmoke LloydNB Major Lee malibu43 mikeymead MontyCZ mppd muesli PACMAN pcpilot p10ppy Paladrian pappychksix pcpilot PFunk pureblue Rambler 1-1 Raven ravenclaw_007 Red Dragon Designs Royohboy Russouk2004 scouserlad13 Shaolin Sheriff001 Signum Silverbolt Spinners Soulfreak Spitwulf STORM suhsjake SUICIDAL Syrinx Tailspin Talos The Trooper thundercheif Timmy Tristan Typhoid USAFMTL (Dave) ValAstur (ex - NazGhul) Veltro2k Viper63 WarlordATF Warwolf01 whiteknight06604 wilco wingwiner WombRaider wpnssgt Wrench, The *** Special Cases ONLY X RAY yakarov79 Zurawski UllyB Menrva *** Special Cases *** Daddyairplanes This applies only to work released individually as freeware. Not as part of a team (unless the team name is listed) or anything released as payware. If you have any questions, please get in contact with the modder and work things out. If a person's name (handle) is NOT on this list, it is rightly assumed that they =DO NOT= want any of their work used in any way, shape or form without their having given permission for it to be modified and uploaded. This does not mean you can't fiddle to you heart's content FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL USAGE. It just means you cannot share it, here, there, or anywhere. Violations of this agreement are grounds for permanent banning of the offending users. There will be no exceptions or appeals Any Modders wanting their names removed, or added, simply contact one of the Admin or Moderating Staff, and we'll take care of. ========
  10. *** Wrench Special Cases ONLY means that I'm removing my permission for modification to any and all my terrain work. I'm tired of seeing hundreds of hours of research and build time get tossed around like a cheap soda can. Every one of my terrain works is heavily researched to nth degree, and are the best possible product, given the Engine Limitations. When one of my terrains is finished and released, you can bet your ass it's 98.6% True to Life IF such modifications/changes & whathaveyous are needed, they'll have to go through ME first, and have a pretty good, and powerfully convincing reason as just why they are needed. However, all my aircraft, skins, groundobjects, etc are STILL covered under the Freeware accords, and may be used as freely as they've ever been; just spell my name right in the credits. *** Special Cases 2: Menrva *** "I wish to state that my terrain packages (and also the ODS comprehensive mod I released) are not part of that licensing. "
  11. F-12 Action view

    Cntr/F12 is the free camera view. In all 3W games. Never heard of an "action view", unless you're following an object with the F6 (view object) or F8 (view ground object) also, we try not to discuss DAT "products" on this site
  12. SF2 Update/Patch July 2013



    SF2 series patch/update July 2013 (this is the only readme bits I could find) ================================= Strike Fighters 2 Jul 2013 Update Readme File ================================= This update is for Mar 2012 or later version of Strike Fighters 2. If you have an earlier version, you must update the game to Mar 2012 version before applying this update. If you have installed any mods to the game, please check the ChangeList.txt for a list of updated files. If any data files you've extracted have been changed, you must manually delete and/or updated these files, or the patched game may not run correctly. Previous campaign saved data may not load after installing this Update. List of changes in this Update include: Jul 2013 -------- * Reduces menu screens flickering on some video cards when running on Windows 8. * Additional minor performance tweaks.
  13. Made me wonder...

    Seperated at birth? Or an ancestor? Or, are they here already, instead of the early 2100s??? (yes, i've been re-watching B5 on HBOMax)
  14. from what I've been able to find, JA-111 was his personal aircraft
  15. Descendants of the Red Baron (google the title. I found it impossible to replicate Krebs' painting. damn formation ini!!)
  16. exactly, I'll change the end year of the early (NMFs) to approx 62, and change the start year of the late (camo) to 62. that should keep a seperation, allowing the use of the NMF and camo fuel tanks on each one.
  17. ok then. we'll stay with 2 version, early and late. thanks brother!!
  18. i wouldn't worry about any of that -- these are the same basic lods Zur released in 2003-ish, with Volker's modifications. ---------- I've been looking over both versions, and have come to some conclusions. There are 2 ways to do a 2021 upgrade on these: 1) combine the 2 early and late versions into one. Using the 'date switch' to change from NMF to camo in 1959-ish. Loadouts are also easily adjusted using the 'year specific' loadout switch. This would allow the Sidewinders to turn on in =whichever= year the BLW first began fielding them. 2) keep them as they are, adjust the end and start years for the NMF (early) to end in 1959, and have the late (camo) start in 1959, approx when the euro camo was issues. But this needs a bit more research, as the Norm 62 for the stock F-104G starts in 62/63 ish. Overall, keeping them seperate maybe the best solution, as it's the fuel tank skins that determine years. Since the fuel tank lods are NOT part of the main aircraft lod, they can only be skinned as they are. So, combining them would mean the camo aircraft skins would only have the NMF drop tanks. The absolute BEST solution would be, if we had the MAX files, would be to rebuild the aircraft (which could use a few other items) with the 3 different sized drop tanks built in, along with IRM rails. Data ini statements turn them on or off as stated in the loadout inis (but that's for another day) General other stuff would be the randomization of the serial number decals, addition of a Level=1 decal to all skins to activate the squadron name displayed on the Loadout Screen. Convert the bmp skins to jpgs (that should save 90megs!). I also fixed the FFAR pods weapons data ini, that was missing it's StationSpecificCode= statement, so now it loads. But I won't do anything unless RavenClaw says it's ok. When I updated ALL the other Sabres 5-6 years ago, I didn't touch the GMG CL-13s as they weren't mine to mess with. If he says it's ok, I'll go ahead. But I'll need to know WHICH is best...
  19. New Flanders

    REAL BEACHES!!! take that, 3rd Wire terrain engine -----
  20. Humpday Heavies

    Welcome aboard Pan Am clipper Mayflower. We hope you'll have a pleasant flight, and remember, no matter where you're going, there you are (all new historic registration numbers and clipper names for the TMF 707)
  21. check the "attachment type = " statement in the each of the weapons station callouts in the data ini. You should be able to load EVERY stock weapon in the game on the TMF Rhino. Remember, going to an earlier variant (AIM-9B) will be automatically replaced as the years pass. Sparrows will either be AIM-7D, 7E or 7F for the entire service life out of curiosity, WHICH of the F-4s is it (model variant)
  22. if ravenclaw has fixed it, there's no need for my work! although, I will release the randomized decal texture set inis edit: opps, helps if I attach the zip!! just unzip and drop over the main aircraft folder, allow the overwrite of the textureset inis gaf_cl13_sabre_late_texture_sets.7z
  23. i wonder if it's possible to link deployment of the refueling hoses to airspeed, as opposed to gear retraction??? Say, have them extend around 200 knots??
  24. well, shoot!! I got the tanks working (did some renaming so they're all the same as the typename entry); they now switch with mission taksing, updated all the hit boxes, redid the texture sets to randomize the serial numbers, "ruggedization" (armor updates) other small tweeks. didn't touch the FM at all. Combined several mission tasking into the DefaultFor= statement in the loadout ini I'll just hang loose on my end. The only way to get the skins for the tanks to change would be to build their lods into the aircraft main lod, ala 3W stuff, have them mapped seperately from the aircraft, then they could have squadron specific skins thanks RC!!!
  25. Ok, then, lets start working the problem... I re-downloaded it last night, and I'll start going line-by-line in the data ini's for the aircraft, weapons, so forth. I'm betting it's going to be something stupid simple, like a typo in the nations or attachment type as I'm at an impass with the HP Hasting (something in the lod is freezing the game solid when starting on the ground), can't even test for issues. This might also give me the opportunity to upgrade the FM to those matching the KAW Sabres, but we'll see.

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