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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. sf2 downloads, Utilites section. there are 2, one for the 'desert' the other for the rest
  2. fill it full of lo-yeild nukes. can't go wrong!!!
  3. EAW available at GOG.com!

    Never had it before, now I"m going to give it a try!!
  4. it acts even dumber. don't work with the heavies. OTH, mediums seem to do (a qualified) OK. Again it depends on the usage. B-25s in the pacific work ok, as do they in the med. since we don't have a readily available a-20, I can't test. but the attack profiles, even with custom AI statements in the data ini, are very different for heavies than for mediums (strictly ww2 speaking). the modern (1950 and later) just don't work a advertised. since they all lack (stock mind you) any sensors or scanners (look at the stock data inis for things like the Beagle or Canberra, or Startofart, or the russki heavies. the AI routines take care of it pretty well. Should be left that way (as is stated in numerous heavy bomber mod read me's). after all, the game is called Strike FIGHTERS after all. Leave the bombers under AI control, or suffer disappointments. (wish we had a 'preaching from the mountain' emoji!!! <gr>)
  5. yes, like when importing the DEM, use 125% scale. that get is pretty close(ish) I can't find that screen in TE, as I don't have a DEM laying around, but I've it - can't remember with map dmannit!!
  6. don't fly bombers ... ordering your wingmates to do anything causes the game to crash. Expecially ordering them to attack something. there is no fix
  7. no. did you not read my post?? =========== Stratos: one day I may even finish it! Most of the problem being, many of the 'theatre specific' aircraft -on both sides- are "Unavailable (tm)" or those we have need major overhauls or replacements (thinking of the Nats' and Oscars)
  8. just to show what one can be up against, this the CBI planning map 3 (the largest). BTW, this map is at full real-world (100%) scale. Almost all other maps are 63% real world scale (something to do with km vs miles or some such shit)
  9. did you check in the 1stGen KB (SF/Wo*). Gepard wrote 5 or 6 tutorials. The biggest bitch is getting the DEMs needed for height field creation. Most, if not all the sites are gone. The few remaining, offer nothing of value, that I've found This is NOT for squeamish. I can tell you for a fact the original KAW took me 4 years. I have a CBI map that covers approx 120 of longitude; making it the largest in surface area in the SF world. I haven't touched it since 2016. The 3w TE is a piece of crap -- it crashes for no logical reason. But's it's all we really have. There are a couple of other tools, but all they really do is fool you into thinking "you know what your doing". I, personally, don't like the results. What can take days with that, I can do in hours in the TE, and what takes hours in it, I can in minutes. To say nothing of working with the (mostly crap) tile system. You'll find so many 'missing pieces' you'll spend just as much time make the new tiles as locating all the target areas, and populating them (that's a 'hole nuther story) So, good luck! you'll need it
  10. you can only have 6 groups of weapons. anything after that has / is becomes hidden in the loadout screen, however, you can lock in a specific load (like a LANTIRN or ECM pod) to the hidden station. That trick goes back to 1stGens but the statements above are for REMOVING components. If you have to remove that many, there's something wrong with the model, or the direction the mod is going in. What it sound like is you want an entirely new aircraft, shaped like a Flanker
  11. the Noratlas has been missing from our hanger for a looong time!
  12. FIXED IT!!!! CG position, was almost 5 meters too far aft. now, it don't burn and takes off and flys and lands and stuff
  13. Shit, I've been around so long I remember when we didn't even have season!! Example, the America NorthWest terrain -- we have 4 different full terrains, one for each season, each with they're own (renamed desert) cat file as we hadn't figured out the pathway statement yet. Yes, I'm old
  14. I actually have MAX 2009, both 32 and 64 bit (i think that's how that call). One day I MUST learn...
  15. I can almost gareeentee is will. No proof, but "knowing how things be"...makes me have doubts I mean, seriously, why would one WANT to have everything dumped into an almost unmanagable mess, when creating other mods folders is so simple?
  16. mesh name is not the same as system name; I too have done that!!! (fortunately, I'm not a 3d guy, so it was a fairly easy text edit) I like how this boat is coming along!
  17. my next move!!! LOL!!! thought of it last night in shower, of all places!!
  18. Thread edited to remove non-sequiters (sp?)
  19. I can really feel you pain on that ... as only another terraformer can.
  20. in computer terms that's called a "pathway" ------------- once again, we explain how the SF2 game engines work... You do understand that every install of SF2 is a merged install??? That everything available from each seperate game is available in every single mods folder? Isn't this covered in the Knowledge Base?? All the exes use the same core files from the cats to the dlls to everything else. That you don't need to place all the new stuff into just one mods folder. You can build as many individual mods folders for whatever era and specific location grabs your fancy (this is also covered in the KB, seek "era or theater specific install creation") each individual options ini ONLY works on that particular mods folder and by inference, that specific executable (ie: SF2_WW2_ETO as an example). The only thing you can edit, as far as I know, is when the core install(s) are on the C drive, and you want the mods folders on another HD, say D or E. THAT'S when you edit the path in the options ini. Also, you don't touch the path for the screenshots; those ALWAYS wind up in a sub-folder of that mods folder. Unless, the mods folder is on another HD
  21. none are near the ground .... i've reworked the hit boxes, double checked and got all the mesh names corrected if needed. here's a shot from the lod viewer. nothings is close to the ground. Ed, I'll zip up the plane and send it to you. Needs some other 3d work, too :)
  22. could you explain what a "game direction" might be???

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