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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I'd wait on installing the old ODS mod. There's a new one coming. But NA WILL be a must
  2. you all know that, even with the 'blue language' we let through, this is still a family site. Talking about your "shock stroke" is pushing the limits ... this isn't YouP0rn or Literotica!!! sorry, guys, just COULDN'T resist!!!
  3. The Knowledge Base is your friend... while some info may be slightly dated, the basics area all there. Familarize yourself with the game's folder structure and mechanics BEFORE trying to add things. You'll find it's pretty similar to 1stGens, with some minor exceptions (ie: some folders not being present in the mods folder, that will have to be created by the End User). And the fact the Mods Folder is NOT in the expected place as 1stGens, due to program differences from Win7 and up
  4. I'd heard the show was cancelled after 1 season, and replaced with re-runs of Dr. Who =================== Nice screenies, Spinners! Get better soon man!!
  5. I doubt an answer will be recieved, but hell, give it a try
  6. there are many terrains that do that as well ( suck up resources). I should know -- I'm the cause of it!!, object wise) They also increase loading times, usually around the, what it is ... 60-80% mark?? it still sounds like lack of video memory. Unless the laptop is specifically designed for gaming, this has been an issue for the last 17 years that I've been involved with this game.
  7. what about using the Metor F.8 cockpit? It's stock, has 2 sets of anunciator gauges, and has a somewhat 1950s steam gauge looks. Been using that one since TK gave it too us. extract the cockpit ini, drop it into the Vulture's folder, and adjust the cockpit position from there. Don't forget to make the main ini read-only, or it'll revert to AI only and wipe out the added statements (of course, everyone knows this already)
  8. There are literally 6 more uploads of this type (below) from Paulopanz Christmas week. All are flyable, using a MUCH closer cockpit PLEASE check the download sections! It'll save you a boatload of work!!
  9. this has all been done before. a quick check of the D/L sections would have saved you some work, Mac (hell, even I did the DLC 104Cs after they first came out --)
  10. thank you! approved and ready for download
  11. Searching planes

    to answer the 2nd question .... yes == sure they're not DAT birds?
  12. or the old fashioned way of having a custom mission, and then manually editing the 'start position' of you aircraft over the specific target area (@ 500-1000m alt), and locating the offset -write it down!!- and then editing the targets ini. (past master of this I am!!! )
  13. I was pretty sure we had it in the download sections Russ: can you also upload that to the SF2 Utilites section?? TIA!!
  14. Discussion on actual game play should be confined to the Regular Forums (tm). These threads are about the Complete Set, not how to play it. BTW, AGM-84A, C & D have been part of the game since day 1. Extact your WeaponsData.ini and examine it
  15. Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year from California!! edit: corrected spelling! should have read "from"
  16. Geary: none of my books show modex numbers on the tailfins, not even at the very top (post-56 when gray/white came in, yes) Good job otherwise. The mapping on those, including the A-1E is a bit on the "odd" side, isn't it!!?? LOL. I have the Osprey KAW Skyraider book, it you need it --- required screenshot
  17. Not to worry people, the fool has already been banned --- We now return you to the discussion, already in progress
  18. as it's exactly the same as the individually purchased units, there should be no issues with any mods
  19. Darude: are you out of your mind??? how stupid are you asking for copyrighted software on an open forum?? We hid your original post, asking for someone to pirate the installers to you; and we just thought that it was a one time brain fart. I guess we were wrong. Same behavior I see on the FB group, too. I'm handing this off. You're done here
  20. Shadow in the Cloud

    Am I not the only one thinking of the sequence "B-17" from 1981's Heavy Metal animated movie??? Am
  21. Shadow in the Cloud

    Nesher, did you watch the trailer?? some new WW2 monster movie, soon to be released
  22. Shadow in the Cloud

    there's a hatch on the back (you lay on it in the deployed position), that becomes the "top". The gunner enters the turret when it's retracted into the aircraft, and pointed down. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_turret#/media/File:Air_Ministry_Second_World_War_Official_Collection_CI1028.jpg the turret is unmanned during take off and landings; there's a ground clearence issue (see Amazing Stories "The Mission" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0511124/ -- with Kevin Costner!)
  23. The Corona Virus Thread

    Time to invest in MOPP gear, maybe???? --- in other breaking news, the Kilauea volcano has decieded to wake up again. Still waiting for the asteroid....( ala "Greenland")

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