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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. remember: that file above that Crisis posted is NOT for SF/SF2. That's for FS2004/FSX
  2. actually, that gif is "beating a dead horse". We don't allow donkey spanking, at least not in public I wonder how many actually know who Sam Spade is/was around here (classic movie buff!)
  3. covid-19

    You and Mrs take care of yourselves!!! I'd send chicken soup (aka: Jewish Penicillin), but it would be way cold by the time it got to you. Stay strong; you'll get through this!!
  4. NEW bridges I see! Nicely done!!!
  5. it's always plural in SF2. Effects Objects Sounds Terrains Hookers & Blow ========== Ok, since there ARE differences between Win7 and Win10, would someone be kind enough to write a tutorial on the proper installations of mods to Winge10 mods folders. Then send it to me, and I'll post it in the SF2 Knowledge Base. It about damn time we have something like this!!!
  6. head bob, king bob ...whatever
  7. we can only hope. as my gramma used to say, "from your mouth to G*d's ear"
  8. Exactly. I can give 2 examples of terrains like that (known actual positions of specific types of SAMs) right off the top of my head -- my rebuilds of Cuba OTC & Persian Gulf there's a google earth kmz that, literally, show the exact positions of not only SAMs -and what type- but the various search radar locations and their types, for most the planet!!.
  9. This may need to be discussed among the Moderator & Admins. Raz's post clearly states it abandonware. But what are the implications of re-posting and/or sharing what was originally payware. (not withstanding the facts that most, if not all, his SF1 products have some serious internal LOD issuse, most notably the infamous shadow 'tractor beam)
  10. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Not just to us here in The States, but I want to wish everyone, all our members all across this planet a safe and Happy Thanksgiving (even if you don't celebrate it !!! <g>) With the shitstorm that 2020 has been, we need to take a breath and be grateful for what we have, and didn't get (C19). Everyone stay safe, stay smart, and be cool!! Kevin "Wrench" Stein
  11. yeah, still in the works. Hope to get back to it after anniversy edition of ODS is completed (terrain wise with Menrva). All the aircraft are done (with a newer replacement for an older model being worked on for release -hopefully- sometime next year. Depends on the modelers other commitments - which are many) of course, if someone want to build a NEW freeware P-63 -- i have all the decals ready
  12. nope, down in the program files region are the CORE game files. nothing goes there. look up (now, I'm not famialiar with w10) but probably in the /users/*yourname*/savedgames folder. my image below, while not the, gives some idea of the pathway If I'm wrong, I'm sure one of our other members WITH w10 can give you the exact path (which is sure is slightly different)
  13. yup. if they're a 'direct call', like you place an SA6 battery and it's associated radars on the terrain, they go into stealth mode. they don't show on the rwr. you have to use the generic tags in the _targets.ini and pray that the userlist places the correct units used by that country for those of us that have full listing of what types are used in specific locations, it's a serious fuck up in the game engine.
  14. off topic: why not??? If mods are permission only, Sophocles is a pretty good dude. I'm sure if asked, he'd authorize it back to topic
  15. Fuck Yap. we have everything we need, right here. What RK is asking for is a modification of the campaign ini to bring all the correct carriers & their air groups into play
  16. there's a LOT of stock 3W aircraft with 'flat tires' too (the Phantoms come to mind). They all seem to work fine. As someone that's also done the LG editing, and really fouled things up, sometimes its just not worth it!! seems to fall into the 'better left un-messed with' category!! :)
  17. I was asked about this by EricJ, and took a look at my own (which needed some culling). Apparently, we can only do them one at a time. Is there anyway to be able to select *a given number*, and do a mass delete? thanks boss! wrench
  18. so if i read this right, the primary question is: "can I create a single layer of new rivets, then duplicate, move or flip if necessary to fit the other tail fin maps?" that answer is a yes. i've done it hundreds of tmes
  19. yeah, i tested this for piecemeal a week or two ago, and they're not complete... below is what all 4 of them look like in-game. off the top of my head, i'd say incorrectly exported lods, or possible wrong format (?)
  20. They have been upgraded & migrated to our SF2 downloads section, or no longer exist. personally, i feel its a waste of time and effort on a win10 machine to install 1st gens and then try to find all the addons, when SF2 just pretty much drops in.
  21. which is why the links =I= posted are for the the 3W toolkit available HERE at CA. TK's site has been tits up for quite a while, excepting for the "sales floor" mue's is better, as it shows all the content of cat

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