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Files posted by Wrench

  1. Ho-229V3A Pak

    Horton Ho-229V3a Flying Wing Upgrade Pak For SF/WoV/WoE: ETO & MTO "SWOTL" Style Installs

    -06 Patch Level Installs ONLY

    This is a semi-new aircraft, based off Pako's original Ho-229. I've created a 'production' variant, had the War In Europe lasted further into 1945/46. This is a complete aircraft mod, with all parts included. The new inis will reflect the 'full production' version, as this aircraft can be tasked with pretty much all mission profiles. 2 underwing (body?) pylons have been added via the Fake Pilot Method for bombs, drop tanks and the Kramer X-4 air-to-air missile. The weapons are NOT included; they can be found in my WW2 Weapons Pak, available at CombatAce. Other tweeks (borrowed from my post-war What If.. F-79 Manta) include the additon of running, formation and landing lights.
    Two new skins, from my upsized home-grown templates with all redrawn panel lines, and standard Luftwaffe stencling, are included. They are:
    JG-1 in Europe, done up in a 1945-ish RLM 70/81 over 78
    JG-27 in North Africa/Middle East, done in a 'mottle' finish of RLM 79/80 over 78 (the same as the Fw-190 skin I did some years back)
    1/JG-400, Pasko's original skin for Europe, with new individual aircraft numbers.
    So, in essence, you can create 2 new aircraft; one for your "SWTOL" ETO install and another for a MTO version. The 2 new skins are NOT designed to work together in an ETO only based install. See "Splitting Theatre Usage" in the Install Instructions below. Also, there is some "unique" behavior exhibited in the 06 patch level games, PLEASE read the "Flying the 229" section in the "Notes" below!!!
    Individual aircraft number decals for 32 aircraft are included for all, as they are different colors. Unfortunatly no Stab markings are included, although I DO have them as decals around here somewheres..... Just couldn't figure out HOW to do them properly for a Flying Wing!! The tail swastika is also NOT on the aircraft, which IS historically accurate, as there are NO vertical surfaces for it to be put on!
    My patent-pending artwork-style Hangar and Loading screens are also included, as are the damage tgas.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read it all the way through, so as to be familarized with the procedures, and whatever issues I've encountered.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  2. Hudson Ini Tweeks Pak

    Lockheed Hudson Tweeks Pak -For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 ETO Installs
    Some small ini mods and a new gunsight for Veltro2K's RAF medium bomber.
    The data ini has had the lighting repositioned, modified and adjusted to more closely match those seen on Real Life ™ aircraft. The loadout ini has been adjusted for the use of 'RAF***' type bombs only (although US AN series can still be loaded on the loading screen), and the cockpit ini has the addition of a 'ring-and-bead' type gunsight.
    Enhanced AI sections have also been added.
    Several sub-folder that are included here contain new textureset inis for the "CC" and "RAF1" skins, with the addition of the squadron names, and the inclusion of the Squadron Crests as the patch.bmp. The folder name remain the same, but the 'in-game' name you'll see will reflect these changes. CC will now show "48 Squadron, Coastal Command". RAF1 will now show "500 Squadron".
    =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.=
    As expected, there's a nice readme included -- the MOD requres you read it and follow the instructions therein
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  3. I-16-10 Rata Skin & Ini Update Pak

    Polikarpov I-16-10 CAF update package for SF/WoV/WoE WW2: PTO installs
    This little package will upgrade Wolf's cute little Soviet fighter to fit more with current standards of loads, lights and cockpit. You'll be transfering files from another of his WW2 Planes, so make sure you have them installed.
    I've included a newer version of Wolf's Chinese Air Force skin. The skin has newly redrawn panel lines, 'interperative' rivets added (meaning I claim no historical accuracy for their placement), some weathering and general dirt added. But -- the credit for the original skin is STILL with Wolf; all I did was fiddle with some eye candy bits.
    This package contains tweeked data, loadout and cockpit inis. The cockpit ini (now called "Rata_Cockpit.ini) is a copy of the one from Wolf's Tomahawk/P-40B, as it has a better look for this aircraft (albeit not perfect, but workable). You will be transfering the cockpit folder from the Tomahawk for use in this aircraft. The ini has had the pilot positions adjusted to match the I-16, plus some 'moves' courtesy of what I've learned from Lexx_Luthor.
    I have also included a small (25kg) WW2 Soviet bomb, that comes with the Dev A-Team's IL-2, so you'll be using the weapons editor to add this as well.
    =You MUST Also have the WW2 Nations Ini to have the correct nations=
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for fully detailed, step-by-step install instructions, plus the usual notes, commentaries and propaganda
    Kevin Stein


       (5 reviews)



  4. IAF 56 Suez Crisis Mustang

    Skin for Wolf's P-51D. Represents IAF Mustang during the Suez War of 1956. Inculudes decal inis for striped and non-striped versions.


       (1 review)



  5. IAI Sa'ar, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña

    IAI Sa'ar, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force) for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and probably SF2
    -Part of an on-going series of mod recreating Central American Airpower
    This is a compliation mod, mixing and matching several bits by 2 very good authors into one, nationalized aircraft.
    This package included the IAI Sa'ar by ErikGen and the Honduran AF skins by museli, combined with some ini edits by me to recreate the Sa'ar as flown by the Hondurans in the late 1970s through the mid 1990s.
    This is a complete aircraft mod, containing all the parts necessary to just unzip, install and fly away (excepting you'll still need to add the drop tanks)
    This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things. The drop tanks are included, in the new folder format for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI, and includes a _data.ini for possible use in SF2 (this is untested by me)
    IMPORTANT: a NEW Nations.ini is included with the mod that superceeds the previously released version. Simply put, I'd totally forgotten to add Columbia to the listing; which would cause MAJOR issues!!! Sorry! So, just replace the pre-existing versions with this one.
    = IMPORTANTx2: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however.
    With thanks to ErikGen and museli for creating the aircraft and skins, respectively
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  6. IDF Canadair Sabre Mk.6

    "What If..." version of Zur's Canadair Sabre as (almost) used by the Israeli Air Force. Full mod, that creates a new country-specific aircraft.
    Mods to avioncs, gunsights and loadouts. Complete with 2 skins for late 50/early 60 style 2-tone, and 1970s style 3 tone. PLEASE read the read me for more details and installation instructions.
    With thanks to Zur and all who helped.
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  7. IDF TA-4H Skyhawk by pappychksix/fracture

    IDF TA-4H Skyhawk by Fracture/Pappychksix 8/7/2001
    =For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred)
    ** May (ok, probably) Requires SF2:V -hence the Full-4 Merged requirement-, as the A-4E_67 cockpit and avionics are referenced for the Mod. If you don't have these
    minimum requirements, you shouldn't download this, as you may not be able to use it withOUT heavy editing **
    This is a overhaul of Fracture/pappychksix' IDF TA-4H Skyhawk trainer/attack aircraft. All the inis have been brought up to the latest (as of July, 2011) standard. Some modifications to the avionics are more for 'playability', as research showed these most likely did not have an RWR (but knowing the Israelies....). The
    standard NAV/Attack radar, yes. Loadouts use all common or garden variety stock weapons. It is set to fly all mission profiles as any other standard Scooter..
    New damage textures (dds) and a new SF2-style hangar screen are included.
    Please note, that like the TA-4J recently released, the very same shadow issues =WILL= be present, as it uses the TA-4J's lod. You'll just have to live with that (see Notes below)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Fracture's original readme is also included.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  8. II/JG51 skin for MontyCZ's S-99 (109G6)

    II/JG-51 Skin for MontyCZ S-99


    For SF2 WW2 MTO/ETO installs

    A fairly simple skin for Monty's S-99 (here representing the Bf-109G-6) as used in North Africa/MTO theatre by Jg-51. Simple, because II/JG51 didn't seem to use any stab marking or ID numbers, making this an easy skin.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed (and very simple in this case) instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  9. IL-28 Beagle Cockpit & Ini Upgrade Pak

    IL-28 Beagle Cockpit Upgrade for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2
    Modifications and repaints to the stock F-4B Phantom cockpit creates a 'reasonably facsimile' twin-jet engine pit for use on the otherwise "AI Only" Ilyushin IL-28 'Beagle". I say 'reasonable', as the Real Life ™, the Beagle didn't have a radar scope in the cockpit; all that was handled by the bomb aimer/navigator. But, this will allow the Player Pilot some control over what happens.
    This is a complete package, with all the necessary bits to just unzip, and install into your game install of choice. As I knew this mod would work in the Classic Series (SF/SFG/Wo-whatever), most of the testing was done is SF2. This assured me that all would work (more or less) as advertised.
    For SF2/2:V players, specfic inis for those games are included, edited as necessary to match those of the Classic Series.
    For Classic Series users, the data ini included is for use in those installs at the 08 patch level.
    Both data inis included herein have had some small adjustments in the gun aim angles, and landing lights added for those bothersome night operations, and a small tweek to the landing gear's rolling radius.
    Also included is a generic WoE-Style hangar screen (usable in ALL versions of the series), and the loadout.bmp for the Loading Screen. For those that don't have them, the MiG-style RWR sounds are here for your enjoyment and panicification (with no display, you won't know WHAT kind of radar, or where ... just somebody's looking at YOU!!! <evil grin> )
    As always, detailed instruction are included below in the "To Install" section. It's reccomended that you unzip this package to temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of the readme FOR said instructions. The "Notes and Other Nonsensical Ramblings" section will make good reading too, for explinations and etc.
    Kevin Stein
    ps: look for the 3 Easter Eggs hidden in plane sight on the instrument panel...


       (3 reviews)



  10. IL-28 Beagle, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)

    IL-28 Beagle, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba) (semi-fictional)
    = For SF2, Any and All, Merged or Not, With Access to the IL-28 =
    This skin pak creates Cuban Air Force (FAR) IL-28s, had they been assembled and put into service during The Crisis of Oct/Nov 1962. (as everyone knows, of course, they weren't)
    A new, edited Userlist.ini is included adding Cuba, with a VERY short operational life span (2 years). No other changes have been effected. All markings, etc, are stock; with the exception of the tail's skin bmp -it was partly retemplated to redraw panel and rivet lines to add the FAR flash.
    An 'optional' folder includes a set of inis and will make the IL-28 player-flyable (if you've not done so already), using all stock in-game items (ie: F-4B pit, due to it's twin-engine annunciators, and GM radar. Probably not perfect, but it works! <grin>). The cockpit ini has had all the readings/measurments converted to metric standard (Kilometers per hour, Meters-per-second, etc). An audio-only RWR is included (don't know IF they actualy had one...but it'll help out somewhat). Small data ini tweeks add landing lights and some AI data. A new Hangar screen is included for those so inclined to use it.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, somewhat detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Duck and Cover!
    kevin stein




  11. IL-28T Beagle Torpedo bomber

    Mod of existing Beagle to the "T" torpedo bomber version. Still retains standard bomb capabilities.
    New, hi-rez natural metal skin by JSF_Aggie, repainted Blue SovTac numbers by me
    Pack includes full, detailed instructions for installation and addition of new RAT-52 torpedo PLEASE FOLLOW THEM!!! Also includes my Red Air pilot, and a Russian-ized Phantom cockpit.
    See readme for FULL credits and other important notes. Originally designed for SF & WoE, WoV users might have some issues.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  12. India-Pakistan Objects/Weapons/and Other Bits

    India-Pakistan GroundOjbects/Weapons/Guns/Pilots Pak


    -For SF2, Full-4 Merged -Reccomended (plus ExpPak1)

    (Should actually be called "Objects, Other Than Aircraft Pack")

    This is the Second Part of the India-Pakistan mod. This package =ONLY= contains GroundObjects, Weapons & Guns, Menu Screens. Aircraft will be available as seperate, packaged downloads as soon as we get them together!
    These weapons and Ground Objects are NOT to be used altogether in a 'everything and anything Merged Install -- it is for a Stand-Alone India-Pakistan Mods folder ONLY!!!
    Those experienced End Users ™, will be able to pick and choose the various items necessary, if crazy enough to use these in such an install. There are many (read: MOST) items that have been nationalized to either side. It is NOT reccomended for any use, other than what is it intended for!! You've been warned -- if you mess it up, it's all on YOU!!
    These items are designed for use with/as a stand-alone India-Pak Mods Folder. Instructions for creating a seperate I/P install are in the Word Doc that comes with this pak, and are covered in the CombatAce SF2 Series Knowledge Base.
    It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ these 2 documents through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you. Hard
    Good Hunting!
    For the India-Pak Mod Team;
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  13. India-Pakistan Terrain

    India-Pakistan Terrain


    -For SF2, Full-4 Merged, Reccomended (plus ExpPak1)-

    India-Pakistan Mod, Part 1
    This is the first part of the India-Pakistan mod. This package =ONLY= contains the Terrain itself. Follow on packs will the the full GroundObjects, Weapons, Menu Screens, and later, aircraft. (ExpansionPak 1 will be needed for the Vampires, and possibly some others)
    This terrain is designed for use with a stand-alone Indo-Pak Mods Folder. Instructions for creating a seperate I/P install are in a seprate Word Doc, and are covered in the CombatAce SF2 Series Knowledge Base. However, it can be placed into any /Terrains folder. Just be advised you'll be missing a LOT of things! Please read the aformentioned Doc for details.
    Usage in a 'all is everything' install is NOT reccomended. Doable, yes. Advisable, no. You've been warned.
    It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you.
    Happy Landings!
    For the India-Pak Mod Team,
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)



  14. India-Pakistan Terrain Tweeks Pak

    India-Pakistan Terrain Tweeks Pak
    - For SF2, Any and All -
    This is a relatively small tweeks pak for the India-Pakistan terrain. It is to be applied to the original I/P terrain download available at
    There has been a few small changes in the 'eye candy' department, and a slight cleanup of some of the airbases. A few new terrain =AND= GroundObjects have been added, and included for ease of installation. These changes are not major and will not effect much, except adding the recently released fuel truck repaints, both the red and yellow 'followme' jeeps, and little things like that.
    A new TFD and HFD are included, as some retiling had to be done. Also, a new "india1" planning map was created. It's just very basic, showing the region.
    As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!)
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (6 reviews)

    1 comment


  15. India-Pakistan Terrain Water Bmp Fixit Pak

    India-Pakistan Water Bmp Fix Pak 7/18/2012
    - For SF2, Any and All, But Designed for Full-5 Merged w/SF2NA -
    A very small fix that removes a "modder induced problem" (hangs head in shame), with the _water.bmp for the India-Pakistan Terrain.
    I had totally forgotten that the Game Engine ™ classes India as an "Enemy" nation, therefore it uses the 'other color' for it's carrier zones. I'd orignally used the 'standard green', as seen on various others; that's the 'Friendly Nation' (Blue Side) color. That pale-ish green is used for those classed an 'Red Side".
    This is now corrected. A Blue Side green zone was added in case anyone make Pakistani Navy ships, so the DD/FF/whatever groups have someplace to steam around.
    Sorry for the inconvience!
    As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!)
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  16. Indian AF Type 74 Update Pak

    IAF Type 74 Fishbed C Update ver 2.5
    ** Updated to reflect corrections to loadouts and weapons ** Updated 8/19/07 **
    Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser.
    I know there's a version already done and out produced by the Mirage Factory, but since this was finished before I remembered it was available, I thought I'd just go ahead and release it anyway.
    What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21F lod, and 21F data ini.
    == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==
    == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21F cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==
    -The cockpit is NOT included!! -
    The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons
    It it vitaly important you read the enclosed readme for further, detailed install insturctions!!!!
    With thanks to howling1, Ghostrider883, and Gramps, who started the whole thing!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  17. Indian Air Force Type 76 Update Pak

    IAF Type 76 Fishbed C Update ver 2.0
    Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser.
    What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21PF lod, and 21PF data ini.
    == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==
    == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21MF cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==
    The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons; the decals ini has been updated, along with several other fixes.
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for further, detailed instructions, and credits to the original modders.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  18. Indian Air Force Type 77 Update Pak

    IAF Type 77 Fishbed E Update ver 2.5
    Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser.
    What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21PF lod, and 21PF data ini.
    == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==
    == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21MF cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==
    The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons, plus a few other fixes, including correcting aim angles for the IAF 23mm Gunpod (GP-9 standin), so you WILL be using the weapons editor!!!
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme the full, detailed instructions -- they'll help you out, really! Also, in everyone of the IAF updated paks, are directed thank you's to the original modders.
    Happy Flying!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  19. Indian Air Force Type 95 Update Pak

    IAF Type 95 Fishbed L Update ver 2.0
    Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser. Skins by Ghostrider883 (not included)...see readme for details.
    What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21MF lod, and 21MF data ini.
    == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==
    == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21MF cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==
    The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons; several of which might be new. Please check the 'Loadout Fixes' Thread at the CombatAce Knowledge Base for any further details.
    It should be noted at this time, 2 other skins by Ghostrider883, the "4Ag" and "15_YT" need NO updating. All the decals and skin bmps work just fine with the later lods. Sometimes one actually gets lucky..... If there are other skins for this aircraft, please compare the decal ins and skin bmps to MAKE SURE they'll fit the newer lod.
    You'll also be using the weapons editor to add several weapons (mostly a new HAL Mig-21 Reco Pop), but double check your weaponsdata ini that the latest versions of the HAL missiles and twin IRM racks are installed.
    PLEASE!!! read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions...
    Fly High!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  20. Indian Air Force Type 96 Update

    IAF Type 96 Fishbed J Update ver 2.0
    Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser. Skins by Ghostrider883
    What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21MF lod, and 21MF data ini.
    == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==
    == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21MF cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==
    The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons; several of which might be new. Please check the 'Loadout Fixes' Thread at the CombatAce Knowledge Base for any further details. (and also the enclosed readme)
    I've NOT included any of the skins, as these were done by ghostrider883, but I've updated the decal inis for the "Ankush" and "Hawks" skins.
    The cockpit itself is also NOT included...
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions!!!
    With thanks to the original modders!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  21. Indian Air Force Type 96B Update Pak

    IAF Type 96B Fishbed C Update ver 2.0
    Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser. Skins by Ghostrider883
    What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21MF lod, and 21MF data ini.
    == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==
    == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21MF cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==
    The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons; several of which might be new. Please check the 'Loadout Fixes' Thread at the CombatAce Knowledge Base for any further details. (and I've listed them in the enclosed 'readme' as well, plus a new one)
    Weapons carraige has been updated to reflect the use of some 'stand-off' style A-G missiles.
    I've NOT included any of the skins, as these were done by ghostrider883, but I've updated the decal ini for the "7Sq" skin. The skin bmps themselves fit fine, and need no updating (which is good, as I didn't really want to get into that!).
    PLEASE!!! (must I beg?) read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions -- ya'll sensing a pattern here???
    With thanks to the original modders/skinners that brought the Sub-Continet to our gaming world!!
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    ps: just in case anyone is interested, I've updated all the Pakistani MiG-21/J/F-7s as well, but they need to use pre-patch lods, which at the moment cannot be uploaded. I'm trying to figure out a work around...


       (0 reviews)



  22. Iran-Iraq Replacement Desert Tileset

    Iran-Iraq Replacement Desert Tileset 7/3/2013
    -For SF2, any/all at any patch level-
    *Note: these tiles will also work in SF/Wo* 1stGen games for the listed terrains*
    This package contains nearly 60 new Desert2*** tiles, both in bmp and tga (for the seashore tiles) that will replace the original "blindingly white" desert and desert2*** transitions for the following terrains:
    Desert Storm
    Iran/Iraq 2003
    These are designed =ONLY= for use on the above listed terrains. Not for ANYTHING else!
    By using the IsraelME Desert1 & 2 as a base, these tiles are direct replacements for the originals. ALL transitions, including all river, roads, 3-ways, etc are new builds. As direct replacements, this will not effect target placements or TOD object placements.
    For the other Terraformers, I've included the multi-mega layered PSD with all the tile layers divided into terrain type sets (sea, mountain, road, etc).
    For those that wish, 3 new planning maps are included for the "IR2003" terrain. Red & Blue side will now show correctly.
    So as not to totally foul up one's terrain(s), it's HIGHLY advised to =READ= the install instructions after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing them, as you've a couple of things to do first.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  23. Iran-Iraq Terrain

    Iran-Iraq Terrain


    - For SF2, Full-4 Merged (or any with access to the Desert cat) -

    (Although Perfered Usage is as a Complete Stand-Alone Iran/Iraq War Mod)

    This is a complete and total rebuild of the Iran/Iraq terrain from oh, so long ago. The entire map has been retiled, using Polak's Desert Storm set (also with some updates) with the addition of rivers, more farms, cities and an major expansion of the target areas. Simply put, those that have or seen the original probably won't recognize the place!!
    Although designed with the 1980-88 War in mind, it can (with EXTENSIVE reworking) be made over for use for any time period, up to and including the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait/Desert Shield (more in the "Notes" below). While many of the neighboring countries DO have (minimal) targets added, they are set as NEUTRAL, and have 0 value targets, as they are beyond the scope of the main focus of the map -- the Iran/Iraq War. However, the major airports ARE there, also NEUTRAL.
    MANY new tiles have been added, updating of some originals (to make them fit and look better), and LOTS of custom TODs for buildings and trees and such. Including ALL new river AND road tiles for all 3 types of terrain (desert, farm, mountain), with all the transitions. While not perfect, given game/terrain engine limitations, these changes make the region look more like it should. Unfortunately, however, some rivers and other terrain features are NOT replicated due to the height field display of the terrain, making it virtually impossible to do so. This is especially true for regions in Iran that are heavily mountainous; or have some other "oddities" due to airfield flattening. Roads may also NOT follow their actual paths.
    Other changes are to Runway 2 and Runway 3, that have been retextured to fully paved (no more FOD from dirt!!)
    It is also reccomened you have the Pasko's Ground Objects, and Kesselbrut's Vehicles Pak, the GAZ trucks, etc; in short any and all add-on SAMs, AAA, vehicles, ships, and whatnot from any and all other terrain mods. HOWEVER -- make sure said add-on objects are CORRECT for the theatre and timeframe. (SA-2, SA-3 and SA-6 for the big Iraqi SAMs -btw, 2 & 6s are stock items) While NOT all are included, some are. Wherever possible, I've tried to stick with stock, historic items. Several new, "nation specific" items ARE included. Aircraft are NOT.
    As to be expected, there are some Easter Eggs. Most are scattered around the map; some are actual historic World Heritage sites.
    While this can be used in a SF2 series (any), it is reccomended that it be used in a Stand-Alone Mods Folder dedicated to the Iran/Iraq War only. As it uses desert tile/terrain naming conventions, it points to the Desert.cat. As all tiles and most terrain objects are either stock or included, it should work with any of the stock Cats, =EXCEPTING= SF2:I's IsrealME. Use of that cat is =NOT= reccomended.
    It is highly reccomended that you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, well, you know the drill. You get clowned on. Hard. As usual, the expansive "Notes and Other BS" section for clarifications, elaborations, explainations and general ramblings.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (5 reviews)



  24. Iran/Iraq 2003+ Terrain for SF2

    Iran-Iraq 2003+ Terrain
    - For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Reccomended) -
    This is a complete and total rebuild of the 1980s version of the Iran/Iraq terrain, into a slightly more modern version. IE: Post-0IF, and especially designed/rebuilt for the Operation Darius mod now circulating around. This is a completly seperate map, and will NOT conflict with the 1980s Iran-Iraq War map.
    Basically, the sides have been switched; making Iran enemy and Iraq friendly (as it's most definatly post-OIF). The terrain has the Limited Nations statments set, modified movements ini, some minor retiling and additions to the _targets and _types inis. The terrain also has a 'fixed' StartDate= of 2003. The rest of the Gulf states have been reactivated as FRIENDLY, but the majority of cities in Kuwait, Bahrain, Quatar and Saudi Arabia are basically 'just there for show'. OTH, all the airfields are now active.
    OTH, again, new planning maps were NOT generated -- so don't be alarmed when seeing the markers as Red in Iraq, and Blue in Iran. I just didn't want to redo them.
    No GroundObjects are included with this terrain ... for Op Darius they are/will be a seperate download. They also should NOT conflict with amongst themselves, if/when installed to a 'general all-incusive' game install, as they've been adapted for use in all installs (ie: many are nation specific, and all have new correct userlists).
    As always, detailed install instructions are included below.
    kevin stein


       (4 reviews)



  25. Israel 2 Terrain (ver 4.1) Targets Tweek for SF2

    Israel 2 Terrain (ver 4.1) Targets Tweek for SF2 3/30/2015
    = For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!!!) =
    Some small changes as requested.
    This small package is to be installed OVER your existing ver 4.0 Israel 2 terrain. This is
    mainly for those people that have already downloaded the newest version.
    These changes have already been applied to the Full Terrain, for those that have not
    gotten it already
    changes for 4.1:
    moved Az Zaqaziq (Abu Hamed) AB
    Added Hulwan AB
    Added Mezze AB
    Added Al Mazza AB
    Retiled region between the Nile and Qaroun Lake
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest
    of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the
    document through after unzipping before installing.
    It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with.
    There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)




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