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Everything posted by frontmann

  1. Thank you Stephen! You flooded this site with beautiful and much needed planes...what can i say? Much appreciated mate! Thanks a lot! 

    1. Stephen1918


      Thank you for your comment. I have been making mods for First Eagles for almost ten years. It's good to know they're appreciated.

  2. Hurricane MkIIc Tropical

    Beautiful Work ! Raven is flooding this site with very good models, made with care and true passion!!! Thank you Raven!!
  3. Jet Pilot SF1

    Hmmh, i doubt it...i was looking at it (him) while on the ground...he was just looking his own shadow! LOL! Thank You Crawford, i'll try this out!
  4. Jet Pilot SF1

    Real nice work, thank you a lot! A little issue, the pilot looks 90% times at 3 o'clock low. Anyway i think it's due to some internal issue of the game rather to the 3D model. Great addition!
  5. AEG C.IV

    Fantastic work! Thank you Stephen! Another beautiful plane
  6. Version


    Here is a little but annoying job...done! A hundred .tga's to serial number Suez crisis era egyptian planes, with both arabic and western numbers. The first ten decals are not made by me, they are someone else's work, sorry i couldn't find out who; i just added the remaining ninety. They are not put in sequence, so as not to have the usual boring sight of 01,02,03 etc. in the same formation. Good for use on Meteors, Vampires and Furies of the early EAF. Enjoy! Frontmann As usual, i decline any responsibilty for any harm this work could do to your pc, that is, use it at your own risk. Anyway it's just a bunch of targa files, i don't think they're going to blow your personal thing up!! Completely free for everybody and life is beautiful!!
  7. Mig-17 PF/PFU cockpit

    OMG Stary, what a marvel!! But i have the same ignacio's problem... i tried your first delivery, the radarless one, and i've not been able to make it work on Series 1... what can we do? or, at least, where can i find a howto? Thanks SOO much anyway, Stary!!
  8. Unicode -> Ansi file batch converter

    I experienced the same error DEVIL11 is talking about... what can i do? My old machine runs xp... is that the problem?
  9. Mig-15 / Mig-15 bis / Mig-17 cockpit

    Thank you sooooo much!!
  10. Mmmm! Fine! Thank you Ordway! I never miss any of your new works! how can i make it work on first generation sims (or where can i find how?)? Thanks again!
  11. Iraq'70



    Skin for the Sukhoi su-7 BMK based on sand-brown Nellis AFB plane camo. Drop this folder into your SU-7BMK folder and go fly! It's that easy! Thanks to The Wrench for the templates:this work would have taken much longer without them! Have Fun! frontmann P.S. On the drawing i took this skin from, upper wing surfaces insignia don't show, so i didn' put them; anyway, if you want them to appear, simply open the file Decals.ini in Iraq'70 folder and cancel the // i wrote in front [Decal011] and [Decal012] commands so as to enable them!
  12. Fairey Firefly Skinpack

    I must confess i thought "what a stupid idea"...then downloaded and tried it and i changed my mind. Nice work mate! Thank you!
  13. Su-25 for SFP1 and WoX

    Whopee!!! Today i opened CA site and... there it is! As if it were the most normal thing in the world! The SU-25! like Mr. Collins used to say: I've been waiting for this moment/ all my life (well maybe i'm a bit exaggerated) Anyway THANK YOU! Whopee!!!
  14. I had some success strumming MaxDeflection, MinDeflection, ControlRate . You can reduce the sensitivity of the controls without really altering the "temper" of the plane... every time i can't get a bead on my target due to too sudden response (provided i already reduced the in-game joystick sensitivity) i usually try to mellow it out in this way. Well, back up the original .Data file and then mess it up. This is MiG-23 MLD.Data file, for example, under --- control surfaces----- [LeftFlap] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.15 CDdc=0.0287 Cmdc=-0.0487 DeltaStallAlpha=-2.44 AreaRatio=1.08 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL_WITH_BLOWBACK Setting[1].Angle=15.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=113.5 Setting[1].RetractValue=115.9 Setting[2].Angle=50.0 Setting[2].DeployValue=113.5 Setting[2].RetractValue=115.9 MaxDeflection=30.0 --------------------- Fiddle around these MinDeflection=0.0 --------------------- three parameters, go ControlRate=0.2 --------------------- in-game and check ModelNodeName=LeftWingFlap ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE BACK UP YOUR original .data file!!! Good bye and have fun!! frontmann
  15. caricamento missili

    Ciao Justy! Ti conviene andare su Knowledge base, lì trovi tutte le risposte. Per mettere il tuo G-91 in grado di lanciare missili devi andare nel file "data.ini" all'interno della cartella dell'aereo ( dovrebbe chiamarsi G-91R4_data.ini, o qualcosa del genere). Li, cerca Weapon Stations: troverai diversi script relativi alle varie posizioi in cui puoi agganciare un'arma. In ciascuno script, alla voce AttachmentType= aggiungi la nazionalità che ti serve, per esempio USAF, se vuoi gli aim-9 (anche se sono certo che basti NATO per averli). Se NATO c'è già non fare nulla, lascia tutto come sta e vai alla voce AllowedWeaponClass= ,che si dovrebbe trovare lì vicino, tipo due o tre righe sopra o sotto, e aggiungi alle varie voci che già ci sono, tipo BOMB, FT eccetera, anche la voce IRM (infra red missile). A questo punto il tuo Gina dovrebbe essere in grado di portare un aim-9 sotto ciascun pilone al cui script avrai apportato questa modifica! Ci sono veramente un casino di altre cose che puoi fare ma non voglio farti fare casino, la mia spiegazione è già abbastanza confusa, temo. Backuppa il file G91R4_DATA.ini prima di smanettarlo, non si sa mai! Ripeto, su Knowledge base c'è tutto quello che vuoi, comunque sarò da queste parti ancora per una mezz'oretta! Ciao! Frontmann
  16. File Name: Arab Dual Decals File Submitter: frontmann File Submitted: 05 Nov 2009 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets Here is a little but annoying job...done! A hundred .tga's to serial number Suez crisis era egyptian planes, with both arabic and western numbers. The first ten decals are not made by me, they are someone else's work, sorry i couldn't find out who; i just added the remaining ninety. They are not put in sequence, so as not to have the usual boring sight of 01,02,03 etc. in the same formation. Good for use on Meteors, Vampires and Furies of the early EAF. Enjoy! Frontmann As usual, i decline any responsibilty for any harm this work could do to your pc, that is, use it at your own risk. Anyway it's just a bunch of targa files, i don't think they're going to blow your personal thing up!! Completely free for everybody and life is beautiful!! Click here to download this file
  17. Tupolev Tu-128 & Tu-128M Fiddler

    Capperi! Che sciccheria!! Thank you Erik this is a real boogie!! BTW, that fantastic pit can fit well into the TU-22, i think!! Other than great modders, the only person that can make me this happy is my girlfriend! Wow!! frontmann
  18. File Name: Improved Koni class skin File Submitter: frontmann File Submitted: 02 Nov 2009 File Category: Frigates Skin only file for the fine ship made by Capun and Mikewhl. This skin has been already improved by pcpilot: i simply redid it once again to give her a yet better, more "alive" appearance. ENJOY!! Frontmann P.S. I tweaked a little the data.ini file to give her a battery of gecko missiles as it was in real life... she's a bad customer now!! Be careful! Installation instructions To install: go to Objects/GroundObjects/Koni folder, backup your existing Koni_DATA.ini koni_b.bmp koni_t.bmp files, then just drop the .bmp and data.ini i did to replace them; go to your mission editor and set up a mission to give her a try! Disclaimer Just a bitmap... anyway i, and of course CombatAce, can't be held responsible for whatever harm it could do to your pc. This little work is free for everybody, can't be sold nor included in any payware delivery. Click here to download this file
  19. Improved Koni class skin



    Skin only file for the fine ship made by Capun and Mikewhl. This skin has been already improved by pcpilot: i simply redid it once again to give her a yet better, more "alive" appearance. ENJOY!! Frontmann P.S. I tweaked a little the data.ini file to give her a battery of gecko missiles as it was in real life... she's a bad customer now!! Be careful! Installation instructions To install: go to Objects/GroundObjects/Koni folder, backup your existing Koni_DATA.ini koni_b.bmp koni_t.bmp files, then just drop the .bmp and data.ini i did to replace them; go to your mission editor and set up a mission to give her a try! Disclaimer Just a bitmap... anyway i, and of course CombatAce, can't be held responsible for whatever harm it could do to your pc. This little work is free for everybody, can't be sold nor included in any payware delivery.
  20. AAA cercasi

    Allora. Mi sto impratichendo nell'uso del mission editor Le Missionneur, mica male. Il mio problema è cominciato quando ho provato con una missione di attacco ad un convoglio di liberty ships...un'inferno di contraerea! Fin qui, tutto bene: le missioni difficili sono un buon motivo per flightsimmare. Quello che mi perplime, o perplette che dir si voglia, è il fatto che in un'altra missione con una portaerei appositamente moddata per essere affondabile, tutta la AA era una pisciatina di traccianti rosse. Inutile dire che ho affondato la povera creatura ponendo fine alle sue sofferenze. Tutta questa massa di stupidaggini per arrivare al punto: le ho provate tutte ma evidentemente non sono abbastanza intelliggente, come si fa a rimpolpare un pò le batterie delle navi che dovrebbero sapersela cavare da sole? Non importa se le torrette non girano, solo vorrei vedere salire un bel torrentello di traccianti dal mio bersaglio, specie se si tratta di una capital ship! Pensavo che sarebbe stato un lavoro facile, tipo aggiungere un paio di cannoni in più al mio aereo preferito, invece non ne vengo a capo. Sui forum ho trovato qualcosa ma non abbastanza, se non che questo è un problema sentito da tutti quelli che come me sono appassionati di combattimento aeronavale. Ciao a tutti e grazie in anticipo! Frontmann
  21. ragazzi aiuto!

    Ciao obm! Mi pare che di weapon editors ce ne siano tre, per varie versioni del gioco, a seconda di come sono patchate. Cercali qui su CA e prova un pò quello che ti serve, tenendo conto che va eseguito in compatibilità per win 98. Se ti scompaiono le armi dopo avere installato un weapon pack, il motivo può essere che il pack che hai installato è previsto per una patch superiore, e che quindi non si adatta bene per il sistema di cartelle del gioco che hai tu... a me succedeva tutte le volte che lanciavo l'installazione di qualche (superbo) lavoro del team Mirage Factory: il programma oltre all'aereo mi regalava anche una cartella "weapons" che mi faceva sparire tutte le armi di default. Basta cancellarla e procedere all'editing, se ti serve aggiungere armi, con il W.E., appena trovi quello che ti serve. frontmann
  22. File Name: Iraq'70 File Submitter: frontmann File Submitted: 11 Jul 2009 File Category: Su-7 Fitter Skins Skin for the Sukhoi su-7 BMK based on sand-brown Nellis AFB plane camo. Drop this folder into your SU-7BMK folder and go fly! It's that easy! Thanks to The Wrench for the templates:this work would have taken much longer without them! Have Fun! frontmann P.S. On the drawing i took this skin from, upper wing surfaces insignia don't show, so i didn' put them; anyway, if you want them to appear, simply open the file Decals.ini in Iraq'70 folder and cancel the // i wrote in front [Decal011] and [Decal012] commands so as to enable them! Click here to download this file
  23. File Name: Fayid AB File Submitter: frontmann File Submitted: 28 Jun 2009 File Category: SF/WO* Aircraft Skins Egypt'67 (Six Day War) overall silver finish for 55th bomber sqd, Fayid AB, June 1967 I made this livery to replace the current arabsilver/EAFsilver skin that lacks the white-green stripes around the rear fuselage and the small green patches on the nose and the tail. Egypt employed about thirty Su-7 during the SDW and used them without any camouflage; moreover, they were new, hence this skin does not look weary. The camo came later, after the war, due to the heavy losses suffered. Drop this folder into your Su-7BMK folder and select Fayid AB, take off and take a look...hope you'll enjoy it. If you want this skin to appear in the Six Days War campaign backup your EAFsilver1 original skin (cut and paste it somewhere else, say "new folder" for example),and change Fayid AB name to EAFsilver1 It's a simple skin and really can't do any harm to your pc, anyway i decline any responsibility. That's why my wife left me! hehehehe! Good bye and have fun!! frontmann Click here to download this file
  24. Fayid AB



    Egypt'67 (Six Day War) overall silver finish for 55th bomber sqd, Fayid AB, June 1967 I made this livery to replace the current arabsilver/EAFsilver skin that lacks the white-green stripes around the rear fuselage and the small green patches on the nose and the tail. Egypt employed about thirty Su-7 during the SDW and used them without any camouflage; moreover, they were new, hence this skin does not look weary. The camo came later, after the war, due to the heavy losses suffered. Drop this folder into your Su-7BMK folder and select Fayid AB, take off and take a look...hope you'll enjoy it. If you want this skin to appear in the Six Days War campaign backup your EAFsilver1 original skin (cut and paste it somewhere else, say "new folder" for example),and change Fayid AB name to EAFsilver1 It's a simple skin and really can't do any harm to your pc, anyway i decline any responsibility. That's why my wife left me! hehehehe! Good bye and have fun!! frontmann
  25. File Name: Mig-17F El-Arish File Submitter: frontmann File Submitted: 29 May 2009 File Category: Mig-17 Fresco Skins In my WoI install i missed a Realistic skinned Egyptian Mig... here it is, for 1967 at least! There are some other similar skins around but i made my own and i like it best... you have one more to choose! Just drop it into your Wings over Israel/Objects/Aircraft/MiG-17F folder and scramble! Hope you'll like it. Happy hunting (if you were so lucky as not to be Moked-ed!) Frontmann P.S. I can't figure out how it could damage your pc, anyway use it at your own risk! Hehehe! It is free and not to be sold or used in any payware. Click here to download this file

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