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About Tarnish

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    Wiltshire, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    History, WW2 Living History, airsoft, PC gaming

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  1. Phantom FG1 XT597 of the Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment, A (Fast Jet Test) Squadron, Boscombe Down, Wiltshire.
  2. Tornado GR.1

    Ah! The awesome 3kg "Terror" Weapon! There was also the 14kg Practice Bomb too.
  3. Tornado GR.1

    Just put one in the mood:
  4. Tornado GR.1

    I'm finally getting round after real life delaying things for too long at taking a proper look at these Tornados. First off I'm coming from the persepctive of someone who has worked on the real thing as I was an aircraft armourer for nearly thirty years and have work on all marks of UK Tornado and the associated armament equipment and ejection seats. These models are quite simply gorgeous, everything looks just right. In the cockpit I almost feel I could look up and feel the lump of the MDC if I ran my hand over it, looking out at the 1500ltr drop tanks I can see where the air has eroded the paint down through the yellow primer to the bare metal and the Sky Shadow ECM and BOZ chaff pods are right where they should be. The transition up from idle to full reheat is sublime. I shall try to actually get into learning this aircraft properly but I am sure it will not disappoint.
  5. It's all in the very extensive read me and also in full on the forum page for Part one of the main download. You will need to read it as you carry out the install.
  6. I forgot to say keep an eye out for a "porcelain terror weapon" being released from an A1 Skyraider.
  7. A bit of promotion for a very nice former US Navy chap who has been releasing an SF2 Vietnam campaign video series. Initially following a single pilot character starting in late 1965 flying the A1 from the USS Ticonderoga, it's up to part twelve at this point in time having transitioned to F8E Crusaders. Part One here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaLy91WJcKQ&t=741s
  8. Strike Fighters Royal Air Force

    Images of Royal Air Force aircraft from SF1 and SF2.
  9. That'll need tweaking if the game allows it as the JP233 is a two part arrangement, the front part latches to the forward LDERU station on the shoulder pylon and the rear part to the middle HDERU station. Illustrated by the photo below, you can see the pair of forward MACE lugs at 14 inch separation to fit the LDERU and the rear MACE lugs at 30 inch separation to fit the HDERU. You'll have to forgive me, I'm an armourer and had the misfortune to help fit JP233 once to ZA354. LDERU - Light Duty Ejector Release Unit HDERU - Heavy Duty Ejector Release Unit MACE - Minimum Area Crutchless Ejector (i.e. the ERU has no crutch arms (sway braces) sticking out to cause drag)
  10. Rear cockpit functional moving map display and TV Tabs! Guuru, you sir are a god!
  11. I've just done some data file tinkering for the first time and with some success after a little head scratching at times. I noticed when I'd fired up a CAS mission with a Jaguar GR1 that the loadout options needed some tweaking as it wouldn't let me fit twin 1000lb GP bombs to the inboard wing and centreline pylons something I know it should do as I used to carry out 2nd line bay maintenance on Jaguar pylons, tandem beams and No.119 and No.120 Ejector Release Units back in the good old days. I'm such a nerd!
  12. Sorry about that, I understand what you mean though. It intrigued me as I'd never heard of the incident before.
  13. I know, I was right there babysitting them as they very slowly separated her into two bits. XT597 was the first A&AEE aircraft I worked on, I did two weeks on A Sqn on work experience before I started my apprenticeship later that year. You imagine the chance of being allowed to do that for work experience these days?! The MAA would get very excited at the prospect!
  14. Fixed, thanks for the heads up.

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