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Files posted by Spinners

  1. [Fictional] BAC Lightning F.1C 'Black Magic'

    BAC Lightning F.1C for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 EP2
    This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Lightning F.2A to give a fictional Lightning F.1C in an all black scheme.
    Please note that this mod requires you to have the excellent Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2.

    Along with the upgrade of the Lightning F.2's of RAF Germany the earlier Lightning F.1A's and F.1B's were upgraded to a similar standard emerging as the Lightning F.1C. Entering service with No.56 Squadron in 1968 the final squadron to operate the type was No.111 whose aircraft wore this black retirement scheme during 1977.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning1C folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning1C folder into your Decals folder.

    As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 2 - 24/02/16


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  2. [Fictional] Hawker Hunter F.6M - Irish Air Corps

    Hawker Hunter F.6M for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire DLC Hawker Hunter F.6(60) to give a fictional Hunter F.6M in service with the Irish Air Corps during the 1966 to 1988 timeline.
    You'll need DLC001 - the Hunter F.6 (60) of the Royal Netherlands Air Force for this to work but if you haven't got it you can hack this package to use whatever stock Hunters you have but expect to lose some functionality.
    Colourful fictional markings for all four Irish provinces are included;
    No.1 Connacht Squadron
    No.2 Leinster Squadron
    No.3 Munster Squadron
    No.4 Ulster Squadron
    If you'd prefer to use the standard RAF scheme then I've included a Patch template to help you easily produce the Patch.bmp for your skin folders.
    Also included are an Irish Air Corps Pilot and the 'Sleagh' infra-red homing air-to-air missile which is simply a licence-built Red Top but with the familiar IRM growl and an orange skin. Stock RedTops can be used and these Hunters are equipped with the Lightning gunsight which gives a quirky visual confirmation that your missile has lock-on.
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Hunter6iac folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Hunter6iac folder into your Decals folder.
    3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_IAC folder into your Pilots folder.
    4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the SLEAGH folder into your Weapons folder.
    As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 2 - 01/01/14


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  3. [Fictional] Douglas A-4E Skyhawk 'VPAF'

    Douglas A-4E Skyhawk 'VPAF' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire A-4E to create a fictional Skyhawk in service with the Vietnam People's Air Force in the 1975 to 1990 timeline.
    The building up of the Vietnamese Air Force during 1970 and 1971 as part of President Nixon's 'Vietnamization' process saw it become the world's sixth largest air force and in August 1971 it's capability was given a boost by the transfer of 40 A-4E aircraft flown by USN pilots from carriers positioned around Dixie station who delivered them to Bien Hoa airbase near Saigon. Bien Hoa was itself being handed over to the Vietnamese Air Force at that time but a US presence was maintained
    to help with the handover of the aircraft and a four-month conversion course for air and ground crew commenced alongside the establishment of the two squadrons chosen to fly the Skyhawks.
    During early 1972 the Skyhawks saw limited action until late March when they were pitched against the North's 'Spring Offensive' but they were hampered by the poor weather under which the North stormed forward and with the switch to strategic attacks on the North by the USAF the Skyhawks were withdrawn as Linebacker 1, and the more concentrated and effective Linebacker 2, took centre-stage until the bombing was finally halted and an uneasy ceasefire was introduced after the
    Kissinger-Tho Peace Accord.
    During 1974 the drastic reduction in financial assistance from the US began to hurt the Vietnamese Air Force who retired many aircraft to flyable storage condition including the remaining Skyhawks and with limited funds they preferred to reactivate the elderly A-1 Skyraiders for close air support when skirmishes between NVA and ARVN forces began to become more frequent. NVA advances during late 1974 had been slow but steady but the North had continued to build up their forces until
    they were unleashed in early January 1975 and advanced quickly to capture Ban Me Thuot and the nearby military airfield where the mothballed Skyhawks were discovered although at least six were damaged by NVA shelling.
    Like many Vietnamese Air Force aircraft the Skyhawks were pressed into service with the Vietnam People's Air Force who were quick to show the aircraft in service for propaganda purposes but who also found the Skyhawk to be a useful attack aircraft and used the type in the border conflict with the Khmer Rouge forces of Cambodia (Democratic Kampuchea) and the invasion of Cambodia in December 1978 quickly followed by attacks against invading Chinese forces in February 1979.
    These actions and the deteriorating spares situation led to the grounding of the remaining Skyhawks in the early 1980's but it is believed that spares were soon obtained covertly to keep them in service until 1990.
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-4E_VPAF folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the A-4E_VPAF folder into your main Decals folder.
    3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the FAB500_M62 folder into your main Weapons folder.
    Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    Thanks to the creator of the FAB500_M62 bomb - I just wanted something different compared to the stock FAB's.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 05/04/13


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  4. [Fictional] Flygvapnet Skin for Cocas' F-32

    Flygvapnet Skin for Cocas' F-32
    Released 'as is' after being requested by Cocas for his very inventive F-32 'Joint Strike Fighter' early proposal this is a fictional Flygvapnet skin for F21.
    There is a slight limitation in that the nose insignia also appear on the inside of the aircraft but with your ejection seat in place you will hardly notice this.
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-32 folder into your main Aircraft folder and overwrite if asked.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-32 folder into your main Decals folder and overwrite if asked.
    As always, thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    Thanks to the prolific and talented Cocas for bringing us this alternate version of the F-32.
    And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 2 - 31/12/13


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  5. Boeing B-52K Stratofortress B.1

    Boeing B-52K Stratofortress B.1 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1
    This is a 'what if' B-52K in service with Royal Air Force South East Asia Command with markings for No.9 Squadron. I've already done this for SF2 so thought I'd make it available for SF1 with a little change of decals.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the B-52K folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the B-52K into your Decals folder.
    As this is a non-flyable I've included a makeshift cockpit which works best with cockpit toggle off as it leaves you with a fairly decent bombsight.

    Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 10/03/18


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  6. [Fictional] Supermarine Spitfire F Mk 24 Fuerza Aérea Argentina

    Supermarine Spitfire F Mk 24 - Fuerza Aérea Argentina
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Spitfire F Mk 24 to give a fictional Fuerza Aérea Argentina Spitfire with equally fictitious markings for Grupo 6 de Caza (sorry about the low number of serial number decals but it wasn't originally intended for release and is released 'as is' as a request).
    You will need to have the 'AI Plane Pack 2' DLC from Third Wire.
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Spitfire24_FAA folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Spitfire24_FAA folder into your main Decals folder.
    At this point it might be a good idea to change the pilot to whatever you've got in your install suitable for the early post-war period.
    Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community and remember to wear your poppy with pride.
    Version 1 - 11/11/13


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  7. [Fictional] Grumman F-111B 'ADC'

    Grumman F-111B 'ADC' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the superb F-111B by FastCargo to represent a fictional USAF version inflicted on that fine service, although it's actually not that bad when used within it's limits! I'm releasing this 'as is' as it could do with further refinements but avionics are not really my thing.
    On November 24th, 1962 the US Defense Departement issued a press release announcing the award of the TFX programme to General Dynamics ahead of Boeing. There was an immediate outcry at this decision as only a few weeks earlier the Air Force Council had stated their declared preference for the Boeing submission as had the Chief of the Navy although the US Navy had, in fact, rejected both explaining that neither were fully compatible with carrier operations and neither had adequate CAP loiter endurance. It was not until March 21st, 1963 when Robert McNamara (Secretary of Defense) was called as a witness to the 'McClennan hearings' where McNamara explained the evaluation groups preference for the General Dynamics submission based on the higher degree of commonality when compared to Boeing's submission adding that, in their view, Boeing were proposing two different airplanes. After the dust had settled General Dynamics and the US Air Force battled on with their version of the TFX which would eventually lead to the F-111A entering squadron service (and operational service in Vietnam) in 1968.
    However, for the US Navy things were different. Initially, by appointing Grumman to develop the naval version of the TFX (as the F-111B) the US Navy had hoped that this experienced and trusted contractor would turn the heavy tactical bomber into something that would meet their carrier-based interception requirement and at least they also had Hughes onboard for the radar/missile system with the promising AWG-9 radar and AIM-54A missile. But by early 1964 the Navy were determined that the F-111B would not proceed except without major changes and asked that the manufacture of the F-111B development aircraft should be halted until the aircraft was redesigned but this was overruled by the Pentagon. Even the first flight of the F-111B on May 18th, 1965 failed to provide any comfort as the TF30 engine compressor stalls were evident from the start. By October 1965 the Navy Preliminary Evaluation considered the aircraft to be grossly underpowered, range was less than half of the requirement and the engines were judged to be a significant flight safety problem. Furthermore, the fixes required to bring the F-111B into something at least marginally capable of flying the mission brought commonality down from 80% down to 29% and during early 1966 the Navy became increasingly vocal about wanting to bail out but it was not until after a new and particularly scathing Navy Preliminary Evaluation held in March 1967 that they did so.
    McNamara was incensed and instructed General Dynamics and Grumman to revert back to the original '80% commonality' F-111B and develop it for use as an interceptor by the USAF's Aerospace Defense Command Interceptor Squadrons as a replacement for the F-101 Voodoos and F-102 Delta Daggers and to supplement the F-106 Delta Darts. Almost as a way of denying failure, McNamara instructed the Defense Department not to allocate a new designation but to keep the F-111B designation for the Air Force interceptor. With an immediate order for 288 F-111B's a reluctant Air Force at least had some use for the short-nosed F-111 and put the aircraft to good use but the real winner was McDonnell Douglas who gained new orders from the Navy for the F-4J Phantom and also the swing-wing F-4S 'Super Phantom' ordered instead of the VFX (Tomcat).
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-111B_ADC folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-111B_ADC folder into your Decals folder.
    3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the TF30_DRY AND TF30_WET files into your Sounds folder.
    4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the AIM-54A_ADC folder into your Weapons folder.
    As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    Massive thanks to FastCargo for the full and complete F-111 family. The F-111 Super Vark Pack by FastCargo gives comprehensive thanks to everyone who has played a part and his credits include thanks to Norman Knight for the F-111 pit.
    And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 18/01/14


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  8. [Fictional] Scottish Electric Lightning F.6A 'Alba'

    Scottish Electric Lightning F.6A for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Lightning F.6 to give a fictional 'Scottish' Lightning - just a bit of post-Burns Night fun!
    Also included is my 'Yellowjacks' skin.
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning6A folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning6A folder into your Decals folder.
    3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the AVON_DRY & AVON_WET sound files into your Sounds folder.
    As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    Thanks to Sundowner for the excellent Lightning templates and to comrpnt for the Data.ini tweaks.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 27/01/14


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  9. [Fictional] Republic Aviation F-84 Thunderstreak

    Republic F-84M Thunderstreak for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-84F to give a fictional F-84M Thunderstreak of the Royal Australian Air Force with markings for No.76 Squadron (NMF/Silver) and No.1 Squadron (Camo). The camo skin becomes default from 1964 but can be selected earlier.
    The swept-wing Republic F-84F Thunderstreak was an important fighter-bomber for the United States and her NATO allies and after a troubled development and delays in production the Thunderstreak programme soon recovered and, with massive orders to fulfill, the Farmingdale production line was supplemented by a second production line outsourced to General Motors at Kansas City. When the last straight-winged F-84G Thunderjet rolled off the Farmingdale production line on July 27th, 1953 production of the newer aircraft stepped up sharply and was boosted by the employment of several subcontractors including Kaiser Metal Products, Servel and Goodyear Aircraft.
    Republic Aviation then started a self-financed project to replace the F-84F and RF-84F family and Alexander Kartveli's design team settled on a large, single-engined fighter-bomber initially known as the AP-63FBX (Advanced Project 63 Fighter Bomber, Experimental) but later to become the legendary F-105. Designed primarily for supersonic, low altitude penetration the F-105 was capable of delivering a single nuclear bomb carried in a small internal weapons bay and an enthusiastic United States Air Force soon rewarded Republic with a production order contract for 199 aircraft in September 1952. However, the expected end of the Korean War forced the United States Air Force to reduce their order to just 46 aircraft before cancelling the entire programme at the end of 1953 but then reinstating the programme in June 1954 with a small order for 15 F-105 aircraft (two YF-105A's, four YF-105B's, six F-105B's and three RF-105B's).
    Faced with such uncertainty, Republic Aviation looked at ways of keeping the F-84F in production and focused on tackling the F-84F's mediocre flight performance and especially the poor takeoff performance with a more powerful engine. Kartveli quickly dusted down a previous study of fitting the Rolls-Royce Avon engine into the F-84F and with this fine engine being of a similar size as the Sapphire/J65 but now rated at 10,000lbs of dry thrust Kartveli looked no further than an F-84F modified to accept the Avon engine. The new version also incorporated several refinements learned from service experience such as stainless steel control rods and an improved all-flying tail that almost removed the vicious stall characteristics of the F-84F. Designated by Republic Aviation as the F-84M the new aircraft was marketed aggressively as a dedicated tactical fighter-bomber and soon picked up orders from Canada and Australia with the latter operating their F-84M's in action over Vietnam in 1964 and 1965.
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-84M folder into your main Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-84M folder into your main Decals folder.
    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim and for generously putting the F-84F lods in the SF2:Europe game.
    Thanks to NeverEnough for the flap and lights tweaks added to the stock data.ini.
    Thanks to Paulopanz for the silver skin taken from his Turkish Thunderstreak and thanks in turn to ludo.54m for the template.
    Thanks to a combination of Wrench, Acesfakia & Paulopanz for the camo skin.
    Version 1 - 04/05/15


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  10. [Fictional] SOKO Kometa for Strike Fighters 2

    SOKO Kometa for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
    This is a simple mod of the superb Chengdu J-10A by the Insky Group to create a fictional SOKO Kometa in service with the Serbian Air Force. Two Serbian squadrons are included (101st & 241st) as well as a bonus Montenegrin Air Force skin but you'll need to add them to your nations list as they are not featured in a stock install.
    In May 1982 the government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, led by Petar Stambolić, announced the ambitious 'Novi Avion' programme with the aim of designing and manufacturing an air superiority fighter to supplement and eventually replace the Yugoslavian Air Force's substantial MiG-21 force. SOKO (the state aircraft manufacturer) were awarded a design study contract and by 1984 their proposal had crystallized into a single-engine, supersonic fighter aircraft featuring a delta wing with a canard foreplane. The 'Novi Avion' programme seemed to mimic the Republic's move away from Communism to a market economy by becoming a much more capable multi-role aircraft and therefore more attractive to potential export customers. Whilst this did mean an unavoidable escalation in aircraft size and weight it did mean that the excellent Lyulka AL-31F engine (as used in the Sukhoi Su-27) would be a perfect match.
    In May 1986 the Yugoslavian Government ordered 150 'Novi Avion' aircraft to replace both its MiG-21 and Soko J-21 Jastreb fleets and the following month saw SOKO rename the aircraft as the SOKO Kometa (Comet). Development moved smoothly during the remainder of the decade and many elements of the aircraft programme such as production facilities, mock-up, cockpit simulator, etc. had been constructed. However the start of the new decade saw the political situation in Yugoslavia worsen and by 1991 Yugoslavia had begun to disintegrate into several smaller nations. Putting a brave face on the situation, SOKO announced a postponement of the programme but also an intent to continue "as soon as possible". Production facilities were partially dismantled and relocated to Serbia with SOKO absorbing Utva Aviation Industry (based in Pančevo) who had previously worked with SOKO in the manufacturing of the J-22 Orao and also the G-4 Super Galeb. 
    On April 28th, 1992 the two remaining republics of Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro, formed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and President Dobrica Ćosić wasted no time in re-launching the Kometa programme. Behind the scenes, SOKO were instructed to simplify certain aspects of the Kometa and the UN economic sanctions imposed on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were bypassed largely by switching to Chinese avionics. SOKO worked miracles in assembling the first Kometa prototype during 1997 although the first flight would have to wait until May 1st, 1998 when Major General Dragan Mihajlović lifted off from Batajnica Air Base. In 2003 the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia became officially known as the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro but by 2006 Montenegro left the union following a referendum leading to the full independence of Serbia and Montenegro. This political instability slowed the programme even further and it was not until June 5th, 2006 that the Kometa entered service with the 101st Squadron of the Serbian Air Force.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Kometa folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Kometa folder into your Decals folder.
    3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop all files into your Weapons folder.
    That's it!

    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    Special thanks to the Insky Group for bringing us the J-10A... way back in 2008!
    This package includes some Soviet weapons from my install and I'd like to thank the creators of those files.
    Version 1 - 02/03/2021


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  11. P-47N Thunderbolt - North Vietnam

    Republic Aviation P-47N 'VPAF' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of Russouk2004's P-47N Thunderbolt to give a fictional P-47N in service with an embryonic North Vietnamese Air Force.

    The Viet Minh artillery attacks against the French airbase at Dien Bien Phu on March 16th, 1954 resulted in the destruction of six French F8F Bearcats , five MS.500's and two helicopters. In addition, several French P-47N Thunderbolts, F6F Hellcats, SB2C Helldivers and PB4Y Privateers were damaged and could not be flown out. This setback was immediately compound by a failed air-drop to help sustain the besieged French garrison and before long the Viet Minh insurgents had overrun the garrison despite a very brave defence by the French forces.
    Immediately following the Geneva Conference of July 1954, which recognised the 17th parallel as being a provisional military demarcation line dividing the country into two zones, North Vietnam soon started the development of military aviation in the new Communist state by sending a number of trainees to the USSR and China for pilot training and aircraft maintenance training. In September 1954, Vice-Premier Pham Van Ðong ordered the immediate formation of the North Vietnam Air Force mainly using aircraft left behind by the retreating French forces but soon bolstered by equipment from the Soviet Union. Sufficient P-47N's were scraped together to form the 921st Fighter Regiment based at Thanh Hoá Air Base who were declared operational in February 1955.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the P-47N_VPAF folder into your main Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the P-47N_VPAF folder into your main Decals folder.
    3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop both folders into your main Weapons folder. The SHAVR is simply a fictional Soviet version of the HVAR created as the stock S-24 is too big and heavy.

    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    Thanks to Russouk2004 for creating the superb P-47N and for making the equally good template available.
    Version 1 - 14/09/15


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  12. [Fictional] Dassault Mirage FG.5

    Dassault Mirage FG.5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    (Requires the Third Wire Mirage 5SDE)
    This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Mirage 5SDE to give a fictional Mirage FG.5 serving with No.45 and No.58 squadrons of RAF Strike Command.

    N.B. released 'as is' as a request.
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MirageFG5 folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MirageFG5 folder into your Decals folder.

    As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 27/03/16


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  13. Gloster Meteor F.Mk.8 'RCAF'

    Gloster Meteor F.Mk.8 'RCAF' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Meteor F.8 to create a fictional export version in service with the Royal Canadian Air Force with markings for 421 Sqd (natural metal finish) and 420 Sqd (Camo).

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Meteor8_RCAF folder into your main Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Meteor8_RCAF folder into your main Decals folder.
    That's it!

    Thanks to everyone in the Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 27/08/16


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  14. F-84I 'Sharav' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1 (WOI c/w Add-On)

    Republic Aviation F-84I 'Sharav' for Wings Over Israel c/w Add-On
    The Armee de l'Air received its first F-84F Thunderstreaks in 1955 and it was in French service that the Thunderstreak saw its only actual combat during the Suez Crisis of October 1956. French Thunderstreaks from the 3rd Escadre moved to RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus whilst the 1st Escadre were deployed to the Israeli base at Lyddia where they supported the Israeli forces that invaded Sinai on October 29th. Despite seeing intensive action only one F-84F was lost and the tough and rugged aircraft so impressed the Israeli Air Force that they ordered 50 F-84F-70-RE aircraft before the end of 1956. The F-84F-70-RE featured the more powerful J65-W-7 rated at 7,800lbs thrust which helped with the initial climb rate and the combat ceiling and these were among the last Thunderstreak's to roll off the Farmingdale production line in the Summer of 1957.
    In 1962 the entire Israeli F-84F fleet was grounded due to the same corrosion of control rods that had affected the F-84F worldwide but they were soon restored to full operational capacity, eventually serving with distinction during the 1967 Six Day War and surviving in Israeli service until 1973 when stress corrosion eventually forced the retirement of the Israeli F-84F fleet.
    Ignoring by own backstory I've given the 'Sharav' Suez stripes and a 1956 start date! I've previously released this in SF2 but thought it would be nice to release it in SF1 but please note that it does require both Wings Over Israel and the Add-On Expansion Pack.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-84I folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-84I folder into your Decals folder.
    Thanks to TK and Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.

    Version 1 - 03/03/18


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  15. F-8E Crusader - Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina

    F-8E Crusader - Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina
    This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-8E to place it in service with the Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina with markings for two famous COAN escuadrilla;
    2nd Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (shark mouth).
    3rd Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (black nose).
    It goes without saying that you'll need the Third Wire F-8E from 'Wings Over Vietnam' for this to work.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-8E_COAN folder into your Aircraft folder.
    The decals are inside each skin folder - nothing else is required.

    Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 16/03/18


       (0 reviews)



  16. Hawker Hunter FGA.9 - RAF Far East Air Force

    Hawker Hunter FGA.9 - RAF Far East Air Force
    This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire Hunter FGA.9 to place it in service with the RAF's Far East Air Force in the 1961-1970 timeline. That really did happen but not with the Hunter wearing 'SEAC' national markings! New decals are included including 26 new tail serials and 26 new underwing serials.

    The growing threat to Thailand, Cambodia and South Vietnam from nearby Communist states saw the deployment of the Hawker Hunter FGA.9's of No. 20 Squadron to the Far East Air Force in September 1961 followed by No.28 Squadron in July 1962. The Borneo Confrontation of 1963 saw this ground-attack wing deployed to Kuching and Labuan to commence offensive operations against Indonesian forces seeking to infiltrate across the Malaysia/Indonesia border on the island of Borneo. The Commander of the Far East Air Force, Air Marshal Sir Hector McGregor, ordered the re-introduction of the wartime 'SEAC' markings to avoid any potential confusion with the Indonesian Air Force's red and white national markings. Both squadrons were successful in helping to repel the border incursions by the Indonesians, despite the difficult terrain, and stayed in theatre until the Borneo Confrontation was declared over in August 1966 eventually departing in January 1967 when No.28 Squadron was disbanded and No.20 Squadron returned to Tengah.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the HunterFGA9S folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the HunterFGA9S folder into your Decals folder.
    It goes without saying that you'll need the Third Wire Hunter FGA.9 from 'Wings Over Europe' for this to work but if you have 'Wings Over Israel' you can use a substitute 'stock' cockpit as the aircraft LOD's are in that game.
    The folder designation FGA.9S is just to avoid conflict with the stock FGA.9 aircraft in 'Wings Over Europe'.

    Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 18/03/18


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  17. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis - RJAF

    Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis - Royal Jordanian Air Force
    This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire MiG-15bis from the 'Wings Over Israel Add-On' to give a flyable Mig-15bis of the Royal Jordanian Air Force.
    Please do not download this mod if you don't have 'Wings Over Israel Add-On' from Series One.

    Despite Jordan gaining independence in 1946 it wasn't until 1950 that Jordan began to establish an embryonic air force with the assistance of the Royal Air Force. When Hussein bin Talal became King of Jordan (following the abdication of his father in August 1952) he was keen to see Jordan develop a more modern air force and looked to create a balance in his relationship with the West and the Soviet Union by ordering military equipment from both. The already obsolete de Havilland Vampire and Gloster Meteor were selected for ground-attack whilst the MiG-15bis was selected for interception duties with the first examples arriving in September 1955 to equip No.1 Squadron of the newly formed Royal Jordanian Air Force.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-15bisRJAF folder into your Aircraft folder.

    Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
    Thanks to Ordway for the MiG-15 cockpit.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 02/04/18


       (0 reviews)



  18. [Fictional] Dhimari RF-101C Voodoo

    McDonnell RF-101C Voodoo for Strike Fighters 1
    This is a very simple mod of ErikGen's superb RF-101C to give a fictional RF-101C in service with the 20th Recon Flight of the Dhimari Air Force.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the RF-101Cdh folder into your Aircraft folder.
    That's it! Any existing RF-101C's you may have are completely unaffected by this mod.

    Thanks to ErikGen for giving the Voodoo to the SF community. It's 'Hall of Fame' stuff!
    Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 16/04/18


       (0 reviews)



  19. SF1: Nanchang Q-5A 'Fantan' Mongolian AF (What If)

    Nanchang Q-5A 'Fantan' for Strike Fighters 1
    This is a simple mod of the excellent Nanchang Q-5/A-5 Fantan brought to us by 101tfs, Erwin_Hans and friends back in 2008 to make a fictional export version for the Mongolian Air Force. This mod uses the famous 'ordway' MiG-19S pit and the original cockpit 'read me' is included in the aircraft folder - it's certainly worth a read.

    1. From the Aircraft folder drag and drop the Q-5A into your Aircraft folder.
    That's it! I like to keep things simple so I use stock weapons and effects.

    Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
    Big thanks to Erwin_Hans, 101tfs and friends.
    Big thanks also to Richard Pitts2A Ordway for the Mig-19 cockpit.
    And special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 01/06/18


       (0 reviews)



  20. [Fictional] McDonnell Douglas A-4E Skyhawk 'Greece'

    McDonnell Douglas A-4E Skyhawk, Hellenic Air Force for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1
    This is a simple mod of the Third Wire A-4E Skyhawk to create a fictional A-4E in service with the Hellenic Air Force during the 1967 to 1991 timeline. It should work with any Series One game with the A-4E LOD's and 'What If' markings are included for 330 Mira in an 'as delivered' USN scheme and also 339 Mira and 340 Mira in wrap-around camo schemes made by me using the template uploaded by BUFF.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-4E_HAF folder into your Aircraft folder.
    That's it!

    Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
    Thanks to BUFF for uploading the A-4E template from which I've used the lines and rivets layer.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 10/06/18


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  21. [Fictional] Supermarine Spitfire F.Mk22 'Norway'

    Supermarine Spitfire F.Mk 22 - Royal Norwegian Air Force
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Spitfire F.Mk 22 to give a fictional Norwegian Spitfire F.Mk 22 with markings for the following squadrons;
    No.331 Squadron RNoAF in standard RAF Camo.
    No.332 Squadron RNoAF in NMF/Silver finish.
    No.91 Squadron RAF in standard RAF Camo (not a real world user).
    This mod requires AI Plane Pack 2 and should not conflict with the stock Third Wire Spitfire F.Mk 22.
    I have elected NOT to make this Spitfire F.Mk 22 nation specific for the RNoAF but have kept it as RAF so as to allow other future skins to be dropped in.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the SpitfireF22 folder into your main Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the SpitfireF22 folder into your main Decals folder.
    At this point it might be a good idea to change the pilot to whatever you've got in your install suitable for the early post-war period.

    Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    Special thanks to Kesselbrut for the Spitfire cockpit (an oldie but goldie).
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 15/02/19 


       (0 reviews)



  22. [Fictional] Lockheed F-104C 'Getti Tonanti'

    Lockheed F-104C 'Getti Tonanti' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-104C to create a fictional F-104C of the famous 'Getti Tonanti' aerobatic display team of the Aeronautica Militare who performed at the opening ceremony of the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome. The real 'Getti Tontanti' flew F-84F's in 1960 so this is just my interpretation of how the Starfighter might have looked with those distinctive Olympic Rings coloured tails.
    If you haven't got the F-104C then I'm sure you can hack it to fit the F-104G by changing the skin bitmap names, etc.

    Entering service in February 1958 with the 83rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Hamilton AFB, California the F-104A interceptor served only briefly with the USAF Air Defense Command but this was soon followed by the multi-role F-104C which entered service with USAF Tactical Air Command in September 1958 when the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing at George AFB, California began to re-equip with the type. Despite setting a new world altitude record of 103,395 ft (31,515 m) just a few months later in December 1958 the USAF sharply reduced their orders for the F-104 leading Lockheed to urgently seek export orders and they soon gained an export order from the Italian Government in January 1960 for 40 F-104C's for the Aeronautica Militare. 
    With Italy hosting the Olympic Games in the late summer of 1960, the Italian President Giovanni Gronchi personally asked the US President Dwight D. Eisenhower for the earliest possible delivery date as he wanted to use the F-104C's as part of the opening ceremony. Not only did 'Ike' graciously agree but he also authorised the immediate transfer of 10 F-104C's from USAF stocks which were airlifted to Europe during February and March being reassembled at Ramstein Air Base before being flown to Villafranca Air Base by USAF pilots and officially handed over to the 5th Aerobrigata of the Aeronautica Militare. The F-104C's replaced the F-84F Thunderstreaks of the 'Getti Tonanti' aerobatic display team and this elite unit performed a sensational display at both the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games of the XVII Olympiad held in Rome from August 25th to September 11th, 1960.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-104Cgt folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-104Cgt folder into your main Decals folder.
    That's it! 
    BTW the mission editor can be used to select all 6 aircraft leaving you to get some formation screenshots taken!

    Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 05/03/19  


       (0 reviews)



  23. [Fictional] Hawker Hunter F.6 'Red Arrows'

    Hawker Hunter F.6 ' Red Arrows' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
    This is a simple mod of the stock Hawker Hunter F.6 to give my interpretation as to how it might have looked if the famous Red Arrows display team had flown it in the 1960's. I've kept it simple by using a Gnat-esque scheme but I've used white serial numbers instead of blue.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the HunterF6ra folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the HunterF6ra folder into your Decals folder.
    That's it!
    BTW the mission editor can be used to select all 9 aircraft leaving you to get some formation screenshots taken!

    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    A big thank you to Sundowner for releasing his Hunter tempates to allow ham-fisted amateurs like me to get a bit creative.
    And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 07/03/19


       (0 reviews)



  24. [Fictional] BAC Lighting F.Mk.51 IDF/AF

    BAC Lightning F.Mk.51 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
    This is a simple mod of the stock Lightning F.Mk.2 to create a fictional Lightning F.Mk.51 in service with the Israeli Air Force in the 1964-1973 timeline.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the LightningF51 folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the LightningF51 folder into your Decals folder.
    That's it!

    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 09/04/2020


       (0 reviews)



  25. [Fictional] Westland Whirlwind Mk.2D

    Westland Whirlwind Mk.2D for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
    This is a simple mod of Veltro2K's Westland Whirlwind to create a fictional "Desert Whirlibomber" in service with No.6 Squadron of the Royal Air Force in the 1941-1944 timeline.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Whirlwind2D folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Whirlwind2D folder into your Decals folder.
    That's it! Bombs, tanks and sounds are all stock items but you will need to add a WW2 pilot (not supplied). Please note that this older 3D model does have some 'rope' issues that you can remove by turning shadows to FALSE. It's a tricky beast to get off the ground, requiring slow advancement of the throttle and a gentle touch, but is otherwise OK. 

    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    Big thanks to Veltro2K for the Whirlwind... and so much more!
    And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 1 - 10/04/2020


       (0 reviews)




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