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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. I dont think so. Without the max file it will not work. I can't remember who made this file more me. It was years ago.
  2. L-410UVP Kaiman camo skin

    Battle of Britain 2 Operation Seelöwe(still work in progress)
  3. The Corona Virus Thread

    If i have understood the Washington Post correctly, there is a serious suspicion, that sloppiness in a laboratory in Wuhan is the root cause for Covid19 pandemic. So called scientinst played god and created a new virus. And then they were unable to hold it under safe conditions and the breakout was only a question of time. Perhaps all countries in the world should bill the cost of Covid-19 control China. May the Chinese pay for the mess they have made.
  4. Soviet-Polish War addon?

    North of Warsaw toward the german border are in reality a lot of lakes. In german language we call it the "Masurischen Seen". There are hundreds of lakes, smaller and bigger ones. The bigger ones could easily be used as sea plane base. The Weichsel river is a big river too. At Warsaw area the Weichsel is 300 - 400 meters wide. Its wide enough to land a seaplane.
  5. Nice finding. What i really would need is a TOD editor. Tiles alone are only one side of the coin. Without TOD's its worth only the half.
  6. From Battersea Park to London City Port, the tiles are layed out. 21 kilometers of photorealistic tiling in 1024x1024 pixel tiles. Only one negative aspect. It cant made with TGA files, because one single tile would have a size of 4097 kb. In jpeg a tile has the size of 250 - 350 kb.
  7. Checking the Mall toward Buckingham Palace Turn to north, to see wheter something new at Regents Park.
  8. And a look in the other direction: Regents Park Hyde Park
  9. Soviet-Polish War addon?

    I have posted above a map of Poland after 1918. Here i have marked all polish towns which should included in game (in the red circle) All other towns are to far east. Could be, that all towns in a strip below Wilno (today Vilnius, the lithuanian capital) and Tarnopol (east of Lwow) are to close to the egde of the map (invisible wall). This must be checked.
  10. Soviet-Polish War addon?

    A big river end tile i have not. But this is not neccessary, because all TK sims have the so called "invisible wall", what means, that you can go closer than 80 km to the edge of the terrain. If the river ends far awy from battleground then there is no need for a big river end tile. Your question relating the towns. All german towns are alreday on the map. For the polish towns you should take a map and you will find the names there. This is the way i do it. Look on a map, make a guess where the correct place on your game map is and then create the city there. Its only a game of guess.
  11. Soviet-Polish War addon?

    Riverfork for small to small rivers is tile FRRiver6 Riverfork from big to small river is tile FRRheinEK Riverfork from big to big river is tile FRRheinEK Rivermouth big river to sea is tile FRRheinM
  12. Soviet-Polish War addon?

    The rivers, which are neccessary for a polish-soviet war scenario you has already placed on the map. Of course you could include more rivers. But there is no need to place more.
  13. Sit rep: Some progress with London tiles. View from Towerbridge to London Cityport: View from Parliament to Towerbridge London Docks (between Towerbridge and Cityport)
  14. Since my older tiles for the London City Port not really fit into the terrain tileset i decided to restart and make them new. The screenshots show the WIP. The runway is still to overpaint and some other things are to do, but i think, i'm on a better way.
  15. Soviet-Polish War addon?

    You ask for a small river to big river merge tile. I have tried to build one, but it looks ... shi.... Its better to make big rivers and small rivers. Big rivers in the polish terrain would be Weichsel / Wisla and Oder /Odra. All other rivers i would make as small rivers.
  16. Soviet-Polish War addon?

    The file below has now included riverforks between big rivers and between big and small river. City on coast tiles are active now and can be used. For tile setting with TDF Tool it should work. I have started to lay some small river tiles in Königsberg area. Here you see how small rivers can "flow" through cities. Ostpreussen12042020.7z
  17. View File F-5GN F-5GN Sea Tiger (What if) ***************************************************** This mod is made for SF2. ---------------------------------------------------------- I. History (fiction) In 1969 there were decisive elections in West Germany. In reality, the Social Democrats won. A new foreign policy followed and a period of reduction of tensions between East and West. WHAT IF, the other side had won? What if the conservatives had won and Franz Joseph Strauß (an old bavarian Commie eater) would have become Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany? And so it starts. In 1969 Strauß was elected as Chancellor. A period of rising tensions between East and West started. To protect the sea lanes between Europe and America the west german parliament Bundestag decided to build up a west german carrier force consiting of 3 carriers. The american gouvernment was pleased and offered to sell 3 carriers of the Essex class (subclass Ticonderoga). The first ship which was handed over was CV-34 Oriskany in 1969. Renamed in R-22 Theodor Heuss it was core of the first west german carrier group. 1973 CV-38 Shangri-La became R-23 Heinrich Lübke (later renamed in Walter Scheel) and two years later CV-45 Valley Forge became R-24 Gustav Heinemann. The americans offered A-4 Skyhawk and F-8 Crusader as planes for the carrier group. The Bundesmarine accepted the A-4, but rejected the Crusader, because the Bundesmarine wanted a more multi role capable plane, not only a pure fighter. At this moment Northrop entered the competition and offered a navalised version of the brand new F-5E Tiger. Under the designation F-5GN (German Navy) it should be produced in America and Germany. The west german government accepted the offer and the serial production of the F-5GN started. During flight tests on the way the US Marines decided, that it would be a good idea to replace their old F-8 Crusaders with F-5GN planes. So the F-5GN became a Marine plane. Later, when the Marines retired their attack carriers the surviving F-5GN were transfered to Top Gun school. In west german service the F-5GN stayed till 1995. Then it was replaced by F-31 Mustang II. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. CREDITS: The F-5GN based on Centurions 2014 released F-5E package. A lot of files i have taken from this package. Thanks for this files! The skin: ~~~~~~~~~~~ The blue skin is a modification of a grey skin available in Centurions package The Marines skin is a mod of the Southvietnames skin available in Centurions Package The flight model : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 2 flightmodels. One is a modified FM from package. I made the plane able to land on a carrier. The other FM i made by using parts of the stock F-16A FM made by TK. You find both FM in the folder "Goodies". You may change them as you want. ---------------------------------------------------------- III. INSTALLATION: -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder ---------------------------------------------------------- IV. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM. ------------------------------------------------------------- V. The F-5GN and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED! ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany April 2020 Submitter Gepard Submitted 04/11/2020 Category F-5  
  18. F-5GN

    Version 1.0.0


    F-5GN Sea Tiger (What if) ***************************************************** This mod is made for SF2. ---------------------------------------------------------- I. History (fiction) In 1969 there were decisive elections in West Germany. In reality, the Social Democrats won. A new foreign policy followed and a period of reduction of tensions between East and West. WHAT IF, the other side had won? What if the conservatives had won and Franz Joseph Strauß (an old bavarian Commie eater) would have become Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany? And so it starts. In 1969 Strauß was elected as Chancellor. A period of rising tensions between East and West started. To protect the sea lanes between Europe and America the west german parliament Bundestag decided to build up a west german carrier force consisting of 3 carriers. The american gouvernment was pleased and offered to sell 3 carriers of the Essex class (subclass Ticonderoga). The first ship which was handed over was CV-34 Oriskany in 1969. Renamed in R-22 Theodor Heuss it was core of the first west german carrier group. 1973 CV-38 Shangri-La became R-23 Heinrich Lübke (later renamed in Walter Scheel) and two years later CV-45 Valley Forge became R-24 Gustav Heinemann. The americans offered A-4 Skyhawk and F-8 Crusader as planes for the carrier group. The Bundesmarine accepted the A-4, but rejected the Crusader, because the Bundesmarine wanted a more multi role capable plane, not only a pure fighter. At this moment Northrop entered the competition and offered a navalised version of the brand new F-5E Tiger. Under the designation F-5GN (German Navy) it should be produced in America and Germany. The west german government accepted the offer and the serial production of the F-5GN started. During flight tests on the way the US Marines decided, that it would be a good idea to replace their old F-8 Crusaders with F-5GN planes. So the F-5GN became a Marine plane. Later, when the Marines retired their attack carriers the surviving F-5GN were transfered to Top Gun school. The F-5GN stayed in west german service till 1995. Then it was replaced by F-31 Mustang II. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. CREDITS: The F-5GN based on Centurions 2014 released F-5E package. A lot of files i have taken from this package. Thanks for this files! The skin: ~~~~~~~~~~~ The blue skin is a modification of a grey skin available in Centurions package The Marines skin is a mod of the Southvietnames skin available in Centurions Package The flight model : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 2 flightmodels. One is a modified FM from package. I made the plane able to land on a carrier. The other FM i made by using parts of the stock F-16A FM made by TK. You find both FM in the folder "Goodies". You may change them as you want. ---------------------------------------------------------- III. INSTALLATION: -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder ---------------------------------------------------------- IV. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM. ------------------------------------------------------------- V. The F-5GN and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED! ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany April 2020
  19. View File L-410UVP Kaiman camo skin This is the so called "Kaiman" camo skin, which one east german L-410UVP light passenger and transport plane had. L-410UVP-T Turbolet Kaiman skin ***************************************************** This mod is made for SF2. ---------------------------------------------------------- I. History The czech made L-410UVP light passenger and transport plane was developed to replace the old AN-2 biplanes. After a first version, called L-410A, the soviet Aeroflot airline demanded some changes, including better short take off capabilities. So the version L-410UVP was developed and widely exported in the COMECON states. The east german air force LSK, purchased 12 planes in 1980. They used it as training airplane for tranport pilots and navigators and for transport tasks. Parachute missions were made with the subversion L-410UVP-T (t- stands for Transport). VIP transport was made with subversion L-410UVP-S (s stands for Salon). Both versions were easy to discriminate. The T version had a black rubber plate behind the side door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. CREDITS: The skin is: ~~~~~~~~~~~ made by me. The tactical numbers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ are made by Paulopanz ---------------------------------------------------------- III. INSTALLATION: -Unzip the folders into your objects folder ---------------------------------------------------------- IV. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM. ------------------------------------------------------------- V. The L-410UVP-T and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED! ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany April 2020 Submitter Gepard Submitted 04/11/2020 Category Other Origin  
  20. L-410UVP Turbolet. East german "Kaiman" camo.
  21. Version 2.0 is uploaded some minutes ago.
  22. The Mustang would never reach the needed minimum speed to launch an AIM-9B or AIM-4A. But who cares, its a game!
  23. Sometimes TW website is not available. This has happen already in the past. I think it has something to do with maintanance.
  24. L-410UVP-T westgerman insignia, east german camo East german L-410UVP-T with correct tactical number
  25. I'm working on an update to correct some small mistakes. Changes will be: some settings in flightmodel will be changed to make the plane landing properly. position of exhaust emitter will be corrected. add armed_recon to possible missions (you can drop now grenades on trucks ;-) ) new skin for west german use and correct tactical numbers for east and westgerman Air Force. (I got all these files from Paulopanz) Give me some days for final checks. Release till weekend, i hope so.

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