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Everything posted by FANATIC MODDER


    My dear friend Emre maybe you can offer us a Turkish speech pack it would be very much be appreciated. I 'll send you my squadron list and if you think that it's worth it, I can upload it.
  2. F-16 DATA & LOADOUT update

  3. AH-1E /S(ECAS) Cobra TOW ver.2016

    So good as usual with incredible attention to detail.
  4. F-16 DATA & LOADOUT update

    welcome viper! Now I should add dragon's AMI Viper into the pack, so version v1.0 should come up shortly.
  5. AMI F-16A Block 15 Air Defense Fighter (ADF)

    I asked for hi-rez skins here http://combatace.com/files/file/16089-f-16-data-loadout-update/ and you delivered a new plane...great!

    There are already included in v1.0.
  7. File Name: UPDATED NATIONS LIST File Submitter: FANATIC MODDER File Submitted: 04 March 2016 File Category: ini File Edits This is an updated NATIONS list. I included as much nations and services as I could. I disactivated the active dates, so no more planes with <none> air force as it was happening when the service dates are before the active date. I modified also the 'PilotTrainingStandard' for some nations. Examples: Now the SOVIET is 'excellent' as it should have been in the first place. AFRES, ANG and USArmy are 'normal', not 'excellent'. This is a tough decision to make, because the pilot training standard improved or deteriorated during the course of time. So people should adjust it according to the expansion pack/campaign that they are using. Examples: Russia should be POOR in the 1990s, NORMAL in the 2000s and EXCELLENT in the 2010s. Iran should be POOR until around 2000, afterwards NORMAL. Iraq should be NORMAL until 1992, afterwards POOR. Also, I forgot to mention, all speech files have been adjusted for the speech pack, sometimes not exactly accurate e.g. Switzerland uses German and Bulgaria Russian, but surely more appropriate than USAF speech! Enjoy. v1.1 changes - Mercenary Alignment modified to MERCENARY and Pilot Training Standard modified from EXCELLENT to NORMAL. - South Korea Pilot Training Standard modified from POOR to NORMAL. However, if you intend to fly a Korean War period campaign for 1950 ONLY, modify it back to POOR. - Duplicate entry of United States Army Aviation deleted. - Iceland is added as a nation, useful for SF2NA campaigns. - Russian Navy name changed to its Russian one. v1.1a changes - The Iraqi 'PilotTrainingStandard' changed from 'normal' to 'poor'. - Turkish speech is back to USAF speech by request of Emre. v1.2 changes - Added the Vietnam People's Air Force of wazalo68 - Added the United States Coast Guard of Sheriff001 Click here to download this file
  8. F-94B cockpit (proper)

    Stary, no need to ...apologize! I only hope that now that we have the F-94C cockpit, someone would bother to create the plane too.
  9. Super Mystere B2 cockpit

    Thank you, this is so great, actually fantastic.
  10. Tweaked Flight Models and Realism Pack for FE2

    Thank you, thank you very much my friend. I didn't have time to check the v6.0 yet and since so many news planes are fixed I need some time to check, but I know for fact that the results on the previous versions were brilliant. Since you continue to work on them, I 'll make a little request - There's the old model of Fokker B.II somewhere in the A-Team website. This model is dated but is the only Fokker B.II that we have available. In FE2 this is completely faulty, try to fly and you 'll go straight on the ground. Can you fix this please?
  11. UH-1B, D & E of YAP for SF2V

    Version v0.1


    UH-1B, D & E of YAP for SF2V v0.1 by FANATIC MODDER I converted the YAP data.ini of - UH-1B Gunship - UH-1B Heavy Hog - UH-1D - UH-1E for use in the sf2. More in detail, - I modified the powerplant lines so it doesn't crash anymore. Furthermore, more realistic feel, closer to a real helicopter. Accurate power data. - Gunner animation now more realistic. The UH-1E right gunner is finally moving. - The Helo_Destroyed.LOD line is added. I am sure most you have this LOD added.. Why v0.1? LOTs of things are needed to be done if we can say that they be upgraded to proper sf2 standards. The FM still needs a lot of tuning, since empty masses are wrong, as are aerodynamic Coef etc. They can go up to 250 km/h top speed but don't be fooled, it's not because of excess power... Be in mind that these are NOT complete add-on, just corrected data.ini for sf2 use. You need to go the Yankee air pirate webpage to donwload them. The -B/D models are part of the basic pack, however if you want the -E you need to download exp pack 3 or helipack 1. The way they are they may be not perfect for playing a campaign with them, however are more than adequate as AI additions to vietnam missions/campaigns. The credit go to - YAP for the complete model - Yakarov79 for his help to make them sf2 compatible.
  12. Su-25 cockpit repaint

    it reminds me some repaints for the IL-2, it's like new, an incredible improvement.
  13. AH-1P / S(Prod) Cobra TOW ver.2016

    You should try this even if you are not a particular fan of helicopters. Totally exciting and while I admit that I like more air-to-air combat this has really captivated me.
  14. SA. 342L1 Ethniki Frourá SF.2

    A VERY, VERY BIG THANK YOU for fullfilling my request for a Cypriot Gaselle. As usual you did a fantastic job. By the time they were ordered (late '80s) it was seen as a huge step, together with other orders (AMX-30B2 tanks) and they seemed so modern and futuristic as helicopters, as well as an exciting ride, so they for these reasons their delivery had a lot of press coverage.
  15. F-4E ANG and AFRES pack

    Only the new weapons are enough to justify a download...so nice!
  16. F-4E ANG and AFRES pack

  17. Tweaked Flight Models and Realism Pack for FE2

    Thank you for improving further the FM models, I am eager to test them (haven't done yet, downloading now!)
  18. SF2_Épevier

  19. SF2_Épevier

    Sorry where can I find the Entendard VI? I 've looked in this website it was impossible to find it.
  20. SF2_Épevier

    This is great! Its fuselage is like Etendard IV...But is it available anywhere??
  21. File Name: AIM-9JULI File Submitter: FANATIC MODDER File Submitted: 13 December 2015 File Category: Single Ordnance Files This is the AIM-9JULI version. it's based on a photo of an A-7E(H) in a magazine. I 've seen other photos of "JULI's" on the internet, and are not all the same. Possibly depending on which model are based, JULIs differ a bit. ALL CREDITS to ravenclaw_007 on which the LOD/Skin is taken from. v1.2 New ACCURATE Lod and skin made by ravenclaw_007! Thank you much for your amazing work! (Note - Photo still of the old version, it will be updated soon) Click here to download this file
  22. F-4E AUP

    First of all, thank you for this AWESOME pack. I was hooked looking around the cockpit and I spent a couple of hours in missions....EXCELLENT. Thanks also for these awesome weapons, and my question is when all these will added in a generic weapons pack... A few more comments... about the engines - In the early '80s the 337 & 339 Squadrons received smokeless engines. 338 Sq continued to use the old engines for quite time. Obviously, no AUP uses smoky engines... about the weapons.... CBU-52, AGM-12B, AIM-9JULI and LAU-10 Zuni rockets launchers were also used. CBU-52, LAU-10 & AIM-9JULI should still be somewhere stocked but not used regurarly. AGM-12B until the early '90s (possibly in stock until 1999) GBU-50 is now the standard strike weapon of the HAF, I hope it will be available soon.
  23. F-4E AUP

    First of all, thank you for this AWESOME pack. I was hooked looking around the cockpit and I spent a couple of hours in missions....EXCELLENT. Thanks also for these awesome weapons, and my question is when all these will added in a generic weapons pack... A few more comments... about the engines - In the early '80s the 337 & 339 Squadrons received smokeless engines. 338 Sq continued to use the old engines for quite time. Obviously, no AUP uses smoky engines... about the weapons.... CBU-52, AGM-12B, AIM-9JULI and LAU-10 Zuni rockets launchers were also used. CBU-52, LAU-10 & AIM-9JULI should still be somewhere stocked but not used regurarly. AGM-12B until the early '90s (possibly in stock until 1999) GBU-50 is now the standard strike weapon of the HAF, I hope it will be available soon.

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