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Status Replies posted by Slartibartfast

  1. needs a illudium x-36 space modulator

  2. I vote to abolish Mondays!

  3. Why are women so confusing ??? I thought after 40 years I might have a clue but no...

    1. Slartibartfast


      me I have 2 bikes and no wife makes life easier...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. New Bike bought... Kawasaki ZX-6R Ninja 1997 to keep my Triumph RS company of course

  5. 20 years today Falcon 3.0 came out and changed the face of flight simming.

  6. How much do external disk drives go for?

  7. Which SOBs decided to ban poppies? Against the wall is my answer...

  8. Which SOBs decided to ban poppies? Against the wall is my answer...

  9. From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered- We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,

  10. back in southwest asia. damn.

  11. Grounded due to torn ligaments in both my knee and ankle... no more bike riding this year...

  12. Grounded due to torn ligaments in both my knee and ankle... no more bike riding this year...

  13. there are only two types of aircrafts: fighters and targets

  14. have to use a govt computer for the next 2 weeks. no downloads til then the HORROR!!!!!!

  15. is an active duty soldier again. well mobilized. be in and out til settled in country. least this time i will do my job full time!

  16. Hookie's kick was between the posts. The ref should have gone to specsavers...

  17. 102.3 degree fever yay going back to bed again

  18. back from training at Ft Dix/Macguire. great training actually and an interesting cap to the trip with an earthquake, busted knee, and racing a hurricane home to NC!

  19. Does anybody really know what time it is?

  20. Lightweight problems... probably a broken drive shaft, worst case scenario is transmission failure... boo hoo

  21. Lightweight problems... probably a broken drive shaft, worst case scenario is transmission failure... boo hoo

  22. Lightweight problems... probably a broken drive shaft, worst case scenario is transmission failure... boo hoo

  23. Darn those F-4 vs mig21 fights in SF can be really fun :)


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