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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Hope 2023 will be a better year for Ukraine.
  2. I imagined it, pretty understandable!
  3. I must say how cool the Sino-Vietnam map looks, with all those small roads and hamlets. Question is, will we see a rainy season texture set or only the dry set is planned? Thanks
  4. I must say how cool the Sino-Vietnam map looks, with all those small roads and hamlets. Question is, will we see a rainy season texture set or only the dry set is planned? Thanks
  5. Thanks mue for all the hard work.
  6. TODEditor

    The Must Have tool for SF2! Thanks a lot for the hard work on this one!
  7. Ghost of Kyiv

    One yes, two as well, but that many by the same pilot without being shoot down and being capable to return to base everytime is barely possible. It has been debunked tons of times.
  8. Ghost of Kyiv

    We're talking about a MiG-29 with a really limited loadout, how many sorties and how many missiles launched to get that kill list? And all this without being shoot down. Seems like a tale to raise moral but mostly fake.
  9. Another necro ressurecting? What's going on??
  10. I have my team ready for import, tweak FM and avionics, but the 3d model scapes at this point, specially to build a brand new model. So my question is, anyone know where can we get a model in MAX of the Jaguar Gr.1 or Jaguar A? Thanks a lot!
  11. Keeping with the F-32... a US show of force in the Black Sea.
  12. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.6 SAAF

    Top notch SAAF Sabres, very well done!
  13. Question is, how you place it in a mission? Is possible to use the 'In game' Mission Editor?
  14. Getting ready to patrol the border.
  15. I don't think the YAP trick works anymore, at least I cannot replicate in any of the YAP missions with such ground aircraft target. A real bummer, I wanted to see it working for Yakarov helos!
  16. Lavi's supporting Syrian coup d'etat against Al Assad.
  17. Excellent choice for your first mod!
  18. Anyone know the original author of the F-111 3d model? Tried to contact Viper but he's not very active lately, so will apreciatte If someone know the name. Thanks!
  19. Ok, got my answer, thanks to everyone that helped.
  20. Thanks, wondering If someone still has the MAX for it.
  21. We dont even have to ask permission, what we CAN do is to create and distribute a patch that modifies the original and legitimate exe, what we CANNOT do is to share any exe or game asset.

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