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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. The pilots like this one add a lot to the immersion facotr of this sim.
  2. I'm not a 3d modeller, I say what AngelP told me. Sorry for not being more useful.
  3. Wondering If someone would be interested in paiting this small plane. Plane is ready just awaiting paint works to be released. Model by AngelP.
  4. Wings of the Red Star - "Soviet Rotors"

    I'm a owner of the book! From some months ago
  5. On DCS I've found this... Anyone know If is still possible to get the source 3d model? Want to convert it for DCS use If authors agree. And yes I'm talking about Oxitom and Mirage Factory here. Jaguar A Original 3D model : BPao, Oxitom and Mirage Factory
  6. Wings of the Red Star - "Soviet Rotors"

    Now that's something out of a scifi movie! Really futuristic, I like it. Thanks a lot for posting it.
  7. Wings of the Red Star - "Soviet Rotors"

    Interesting, any pic of that proto?
  8. Found this article about F-111 GBU usage, and I tried to replicate it in SF2 without luck, bombs lose the laser track and miss. Anyone know If is possible to replicate this maneuver in SF2 and how to properly do it in the game?
  9. The Shark rocks, on Paran coast.
  10. Got the Zoom to my taste, now is really fun to fly the F-111 over Tripoli.
  11. Ah Ok, I need to open the bay. Any way to increase the Zoom?
  12. At the risk of being totally wrong, you're showing a XIV Kevin, I think he's asking about a XVI, the XVI uses a Merlin engine, so no "bulges" on the engine area, also the XVI uses a different more pointy tail. What I don't know cause I don't fly props often, is that we have a XVI or not.
  13. It carrier 4 bombs too and a central drop tank :D
  14. What map are you talking about?
  15. First day of WW3, full squadron strike on Soviet AB in East Germany... Our escort tangling with the interceptors Another interceptor, an strange one... Rare view indeed Rolling in, I configured the bombs badly and two get hanging out, they served to destroy a AAA Target aflame But the soviets bombed my home base, I landed avoiding craters, but my squadron had to divert, and the enemy tanks keep advancing...
  16. Will you release all those MixMaster skins? Mandatory screenshots, my favourite 21toy.

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