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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. The AGM-28 was withdrawn from service between 1975 and 1978.
  2. My understanding is that the AGM-28 pylon was used to hang the MER's for the M117. After the AGM-28 was withdrawn from service they were all limited to the HSAB for external gravity bombs. Is it possible that all B-52's could carry the AGM-28 pylon but that not all units were equipped with them?
  3. Best F/a-18 Sim that isnt DCS?

    Janes F/A-18 has a good cockpit and great avionic and systems modeling but its flight model is bad.
  4. Remember to align all of the gun mounts forward before exporting so that gunners can be assigned to them.
  5. You can view the stock objects with the LODVewer by selecting that object's main ini file in the Mods folder.
  6. @GKABS It is evening for me now but give me some time and I will send you an example ground object file. Alternately grab WhiteBoySamurai's Essex class (long-hull) aircraft carrier. I did the data file for it and it is a very good example of a ground object.
  7. Because the AA-2 ATOLL is a reverse engineered copy of the AIM-9B Sidewinder I believe that any aircraft that could carry one could carry the other. As I recall the Finish Air Force carried Sidewinders on their MiG-21's without the need for any modifications.
  8. Interesting I was just watching some stuff on the 109's engine.
  9. I was not sure if I shared these before of not so I am posting them now.
  10. Looks like it might be some kind of actuator for sliding shutters on the inside of the panels that can be opened to expose the camera lenses in flight.
  11. Smarter Everyday - Nuclear Submarine

    I have been watching these as well. Good videos. You might find some of the Sub Brief channel videos interesting. He is a former SONAR man.
  12. A Christmas to Remember

    I find that I do have something to be thankful for 2020. It made me reach out and get back in touch with and old collage friend who lives in Italy.
  13. The Corona Virus Thread

    Are you sure it is an asteroid we need to worry about and not a Monolith? Quick, what do the latest photos from Jupiter show.
  14. The Corona Virus Thread

    Same here Erik. It is just going to be my mother and I. Normally we have a full house of aunts, uncles and cousins. In my county we have had 1,298 cases and 52 deaths out of a population of 43,114. I wish people would pull there heads out of their asses and recognize that viruses do not have party affiliation. Talking about crazy, our local Big Boy restaurant has been refusing to comply with state orders banning inside service and has lost their franchise plus racked up $20,000 in fines. The Sheriff may be locking the the door up as a court order was pending when last week's paper was published. I am going to check on it in this week's paper.
  15. The Corona Virus Thread

    My doctor and I talked about it during my yearly checkup. He is frustrated, would like to drag the idiots into the ICU in full PPE to force them to see what is going on. He said he had a 90 year old woman call the current generation pussy's. If everyone would have just worn masks and stayed home except for absolute necessities this would have all been over in six months. Right now my county has become a hot spot with our infection and death rate spiking. I have barely been out of the house in months.

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