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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Good to see you're doing alright Russ.
  2. I've been tagged with flak a few times (it's a rare occurrence for me) and never been truly shot down. The last time was in a F/A-18C and it damaged (I believe) my avionics without modifying the bursting radius of the flak. It may have been modded but I don't think so.
  3. No progress on Block III since the cockpit guy hasn't answered his PM. I don't think he's active anymore so I may have to outsource it to somebody else. As far as the weapon pod, I'm not entirely sure it can be used in the way it's intended in the game. It can't be used as a weapons pod due to the game mechanics.
  4. You may want to open up the specific gun _data file and mess with the muzzleVel to see if you can get something less damaging or less speedy. There is no hit point structure for the guns so you can't lower it or raise it to suit your level of damage and so on.
  5. The radar range is set in the [Detectsystem] in the respective _Data.ini, so you can adjust it however you like to get what you want.
  6. There would be some people inside as you can't throw the rounds in...
  7. I think I misspoke, it may be not out yet (I could have sworn it was released) as I may be waiting for it rather than it being uploaded. In any case I don't have a Mig-31 installed as I deleted it in anticipation for Veltro2k's version and didn't like the Insky version anyway.
  8. Which MIG-31 is it? I only have Veltro2k's and haven't flown it yet
  9. Probably the same. I don't remember how many planes I've added to my own RWR.LST but you have to manually add it to each plane you're flying depending on how many mods you download. You have to create a name and what the .tga file means, so you can see it on your RWR. Most of the time depending on the plane you're flying it will show up as a diamond but no number associated with the diamond. And I have had the same issue with Klavs81's F-35. I had a Flanker sneak up on me and shoot me down one time. After that I stopped flying it due to that reason. I don't know what was going on but the RWR barely works.
  10. That's impressive work FLOGGER23, looks real sharp.
  11. I think it's a good idea, more the merrier I say. And an interesting video too.
  12. Yeah I was a forward observer so when I was in HHB 1-82 FA I saw them in the motor pool, and never got too close to them or messed with them. I messed with the light control unit (was universal on all vehicles if my mind serves me right) but it's been some time since I've been out, which was 8 years ago.
  13. Most US vehicles had a special light control unit that allowed you to select what happens with the lights, so they weren't turned on while at a firebase or along the road. I don't remember the settings but there are tactical ones for the white lights too.
  14. Well after changing the resolution it worked finally. It hung for a while at 80% but it loaded fine, so all is well now.
  15. I just downloaded this and was excited to fly it. Only problem is that on Windows 11 I get a CTD when I launch a mission. Maybe a future patch will fix this. I did try Windows Compatibility for Windows 7 and 8 but no work. I ran Strike Fighters 2 and it worked fine, so I don't know what the issue is with the ODS exe.
  16. I don't know if you realize it but the rear spade that is lowered for firing is mirrored on the right side too: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F7lfsMzonKA8%2Fhqdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D7lfsMzonKA8&tbnid=hbzgsfmMU8bORM&vet=12ahUKEwiGuY_nkIT0AhXHqXIEHSc4Bo4QMygUegUIARDqAQ..i&docid=Ea7F5UNOUJLGlM&w=480&h=360&itg=1&q=M109A2&client=firefox-b-1-d&ved=2ahUKEwiGuY_nkIT0AhXHqXIEHSc4Bo4QMygUegUIARDqAQ
  17. I've done the same so I don't see any problems with it, I think it's cool to see how it's progressing.
  18. I don't think there has ever been one as long as I've been on here.
  19. It might be for Instant action dogfights rather than for single missions.

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