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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Welcome To My New Grandson

    Congratulations! My prayers for the little fella until he is out of NICU... Keep us posted on his staus... :)
  2. Radials

    That silver one just want to turn left... ;)
  3. Cocas Birthday!

    Happy birthday!!!
  4. Tuerkeez in the 'Hood...

    Some turkeys wandered through my neighborhood earlier this year, caught them on my FZ150, and crashed a little video in Sony Vegas... Turkeez...
  5. Michigan Sunsets

    Really??? Where did you live? I am a Northeast sider now... Just love it up here... :) And fates has captured some very dramatics shots, excellent as always!
  6. I like Cocas' idea of a WWII forum...
  7. Looks good, we defintiely need solid, well done core aircraft for a better WWII set up... Decals are easy, btw...
  8. Change Again

    James, been there, done that, life is hard. Help is out there, you have to look for it and ask for it. Only on rare occasion, does it lands in front of us and offer itself... Faith helps, but you have to believe. Some years ago, that was all I had left. It's better now, because of grace, but still difficult, mostly because of myself. But by the grace of God, there go I...
  9. Yeah, what Flogger said... :sohappy:
  10. I have been flying SF2 and using Stary's euro tile set... Just amazing work! Imagine, a city with a park in it!
  11. Very nice! Looks like an early "C" model with the short cowl vents. Let me know if you need any reference materials...
  12. Yesterday, 40 years ago

  13. Cocas, you will be the Man of the Hour for this...
  14. Yeah, someone... anyone... please...
  15. Nice to see you back and by the way, picture three is really interesting looking... :)
  16. Wrnech, does this involve an intercept mission with P-38s???
  17. Russ, you are unbelievable... , Yeah, something like that, except, we'll need a damaged and destroyed LOD too ;) I was thinking more along the lines of a target for a sub base in Brest or St Nazaire... Maybe a U-boat pen and some docks, along with a couple of cranes, and then we'll need a seaplane or two, along with, err, sorry, the sub looks really cool :)
  18. Stary, that would be incredible if you would, I and some others would be most thankful! Anders is quite the arist! Marvelous stuff. that U-boat would surely look good in SF2, somewhere along western France.... http://www.colacola.se/map_1.htm
  19. Stary, that is a fine looking Razorback you posted, would be great to see it in game. I was hoping that was your work! I posted about my desire for a hi-fi bubble top D some time ago... http://combatace.com/blog/18/entry-84-the-great-gabreski-autograph-give-away/ It would be nice to see more WWII models, especially considering the gaps in the current SF2 inventory. That said, a new model is a huge time and money investment for the 3D artist, so any project really is a labor of love, and not so many people love the Jug... Except Russ, with his wonderful N model!
  20. D model went to D-23 on the Razorback body... Presence of lower cowl flaps level with wing root indicates a D model (not a C), with what looks like a skinny prop making it a D-20 or earlier. Bubble top was D-25 and on.
  21. Cool! You even included the Central American users... Thanks!
  22. OK, I built my wife a new system a few months ago. I decided to go with Kingston memory, so now I have a 2x4GB Corsair Vengeance ddr3 ram left over. Too late to return to Newegg for refund, but if someone can honestly use it, I will give it to you. I will will send it UPS within the 48 states free too... So if you want it, note your plans for a future mod project. If there is more than one response, I will pick one. I ship UPS directly from my work, so easy deal... CML8GX3M2A1600C9B http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233196

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