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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. SF2_Ka-27-29-32_Skinpack

  2. MiG-21 DAFAAR

  3. Rumpler 6B-1

  4. Mig29C-Ukraine.rar

  5. Marcfighters Su-27 Re-Worked

    very nice! 5 stars))) PS but it could be nice to convert .bmps to .jpgs. It is 21th century outside, but we still fly with .bmps. ))) Well, i convert by myself for personal use, thank you very much for your pack! PPS you forgot to put decals on their places. But it's not a problem, we can find them in main aircraft folder. Thanx again)
  6. You need to redo all Loadout.ini files by your hand and rename all, for example, "R-27R" to "AA-10A", all "R-73M1" to "AA-11B" all "R-77" to "AA-12", etc. and so on and on. Long, tiresome work. I once did it for myself. a lot of work but its only way to kill MiGs with pleasure.
  7. This MiG skin at my cloud: https://ulozto.net/!X0wnmnAFlzam/su-30-omonovskiy-skin-7z

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