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Polovski last won the day on October 1 2009

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About Polovski

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    WOFF Developer

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  1. OK, you may need to swap the , and . in the number system in windows as per the FAQ if you have more issues to see if that helps too. section 5. Best to contact us in future on the WOFF support if you need to send the log files etc. and you have tried the settings in the FAQ.
  2. It's not a graphic file VonS. It's a file designed to define aspects of textures and overlays of textures. Aircraft use them too to allow damage decals to be placed over it when hit etc. I can't help in detail at the moment, but a MOS Editor is called surprisingly MOSEditor ;), and in ye olde CFS3 Aircraft and Vehicle SDK. It will also need a fix file on Windows 10 /11, and also be set to run in compatibility mode for Win XP. If you get Mos editor, send me a PM and I can send the fix file. The mod on Mike's site you pointed to https://www.thatoneplease.co/toolsWOFF.html contains the SDK inside the mod BTW so you have the MOS editor. Mos stands for Mosaic
  3. Not sure Becker, Do you have non-English Windows? If it happens again, take a screenshot as you have above of the first error (follow-up errors are usually because of the first one). Then exit WOFF just after that, gather all the files in LOGS including the OFF_Camp_Mission.xml itself, plus other files as per the last 2 pages of the WOFF BH&H II FAQ on the support page on our website. Then zip them up and send to support email address found in the FAQ. Don't post logs in forums. Also if it happens, don't try to fix it, as things will be changed and it's impossible to do support to find whatever it is then. Probably best to run with MODs for a while to make sure it's working first. If it works fine only then put in mods and see if it works still. BTW WOFF OTT Stock Populated Airfields by PR should be the latest 1.2 to use with OTT.
  4. BTW, you need to tweak for FPS and other things etc anyway, as with most games. So this is the same exercise. If you try those settings and want to continue on this issue, please contact us on support email. Details of how to contact us are in the last 2 pages of the WOFF BH&H II FAQ on our Support page on the website. Direct link https://www.overflandersfields.com/index_html_files/FAQ_WOFF_BH&HII.pdf
  5. "...out of memory? Without any warning? " Yes - CFS3 runtime always did that.. It's not the whole RAM that is important, it's memory CFS3 has allocated. It's also often worse on Windows 11, go figure. We are trying to help to find the cause, which as I say is very likely higher memory etc demands of OTT. So to troubleshoot just try the settings I posted please? It's not a permanent setting yet once it works you can increase slowly and test. Many of your settings are much higher than I posted, so please lower them to the test setting I gave above to see? So.. Terrain Detail 1 or 2 yours is on 5 Scenery Density 1 or 2 yours is on 5. Render Dist 50 preferably, yours is on 100. Cloud Render Density 4 yours is on 8. Yes, it will be different on every PC configuration, so please try low settings to confirm it fixes the issue first.
  6. Version 1.06 is now available on our website: https://www.overflandersfields.com/downloads-woffbhahii.html WOFF OTT has a built in New version Advisor Pop-up so any user should be aware of this anyway.
  7. WOFF Over The Top, with its new cloud rendering and terrain rendering up to 150Km, as well as the new weather system and atmospherics, is naturally much more CPU and GPU intensive. So of course it requires significantly more CPU processing, GPU usage, and memory use to achieve this compared to BH&HII. In terms of running in a similar fashion to the old BH&HII we recommend: Scenery Density : 1 or 2 Terrain Detail : 1 or 2 Render Distance: 50km or max 75km Weather Grid Res : 1 Weather System Max Size : 2 Cloud Render Density : 4 As a base start. You can increase settings slowly once it's stable, to get to your sweet spot. To run at the higher settings available now you really need an up to date sim rig of course. Also note not necessarily the highest settings may be useable by all as there is some future headroom in there too. This is recommended to start with these settings initially if you find missions drop out or quit early. Also see the FAQ Section 77: "A Guide to New WOFF OTT Expansion’s Lighting and Weather Settings by Gecko" on optimising and what all those new settings do. Our Website Support Page page has the FAQ. Direct link to FAQ: https://www.overflandersfields.com/index_html_files/FAQ_WOFF_BH&HII.pdf
  8. Nope you need to configure the settings more and reduce memory load. See below... WOFF Over The Top, with its new cloud rendering and terrain rendering up to 150Km, as well as the new weather system and atmospherics, is naturally much more CPU and GPU intensive. So of course it requires significantly more CPU and GPU power, and memory to achieve this compared to BH&HII. In terms of running in a similar fashion to the old BH&HII we recommend: Scenery Density : 1 or 2 Terrain Detail : 1 or 2 Render Distance: 50km or max 75km Weather Grid Res : 1 Weather System Max Size : 2 Cloud Render Density : 4 As a base start. You can increase settings slowly once it's stable, to get to your sweet spot. To run at the higher settings available now you really need an up to date sim rig of course. Also note the highest settings may not necessarily be useable by all high end PCs as there is some future headroom in there too. Also see the FAQ Section 77: "A Guide to New WOFF OTT Expansion’s Lighting and Weather Settings by Gecko" on optimising and what all those new settings do. Our Website Support Page page has the FAQ. Direct link to FAQ: https://www.overflandersfields.com/index_html_files/FAQ_WOFF_BH&HII.pdf
  9. WOFF update popup issues 1.04?

    Many thanks Rick - I'm getting there! BTW the website is now up-to-date, a new update patch is out, and the Download button will now work properly in the in-game advisor pop-up!
  10. WOFF 'Over The Top' Version 1.05 is now available on our website: Please see https://www.overflandersfields.com/downloads-woffbhahii.html It will also appear in your in-game patch advisor. Fixes and Changes for V1.05 (Released): 1) Implemented the ability for users to add in their own weather types in QC, and in Scenario and Campaign Overrides - Weather files need to start with "OBD_" to be detected by WOFF 2) Implemented the ability for users to toggle the 'busy images' on and off in the workshops - Page 2 3) Implemented 'Realistic Outcomes' in the workshops - Page 2 - player and observer will spend more realistic time in hospital. Player and observer will spend more time in captivity with a higher chance of never escaping. 'Normal Outcomes' is as before And 'Easy Outcomes' is well easy, as before. 4) Faster AC should no longer stop short of the end of the airfield landing lanes. ********** Note: Panama Reds 'Updated Airfields Mod' is currently not compatible with this version!! ************ ********** If you are using it, disable it before applying this patch, and wait for his update!! ************
  11. Mods and some lag

    OTT makes the sim work harder, so you may need to dial back some of the settings a little. Try these then slowly increase Scenery and Terrain. Also Weather System Max Size set to 1 no 2 as below. from a post WM made in our other forum: Over The Top PC Requirements Over The Top, with its cloud rendering and terrain rendering up to 150Km, as well as the new weather system and atmospherics, is naturally very CPU and GPU intensive. So of course it requires significantly more CPU and GPU power to achieve this compared to BH&HII. In terms of running in a similar fashion to the old BH&HII we recommend: Scenery Density : 1 or 2 Terrain Detail : 1 or 2 Render Distance: 50km or max 75km Weather Grid Res : 1 Weather System Max Size : 2 Cloud Render Density : 4 To run at the higher settings now available you really need an up to date sim rig.
  12. OTT Observations

    Nothing was changed with AI or auto pilot. It's possible you are accidently not pressing one of the keys CTRL or Shift sometimes with the key combination (could also be iffy key, I have a had fair few keyboards with that) or maybe another memory resident key is using those some of those keys too. CTRL+A would only enable auto trim for example.
  13. Version 1.04 is now available (it incorporates all fixes to date): https://www.obdgames.com/OTTPatch/WOFFOTTExp1PatchV1.04.rar Please Note:- that our website will not be updated for a while, as Polovski is unwell, so in the meantime use the above link. Website currently only shows older patch V1.02. The link will also appear in your in game patch advisor. but do NOT use the download button for V1.04 you will need to note the link down and enter into your browser - or better yet use the link above. See further down below for V1.04 information. Known Issues: Fixes and Changes coming for V1.05: release date TBA 1) Implemented the ability for users to add in their own weather types in QC, and in Scenario and Campaign Overrides - "OBD_" 2) Implemented the ability for users to toggle the 'busy images' on and off in the workshops - Page 2 3) Implemented 'Realistic Outcomes' in the workshops - Page 2 - player and observer will spend more realistic time in hospital. Player and observer will spend more time in captivity with a higher chance of never escaping. 'Normal Outcomes' is as before. And 'Easy Outcomes' is well easy, as before. 4) Under certain circumstances, some later war AC sometimes land and block lanes, by not taxiing to the end of the strip. Fixes and Changes for V1.04(Released): 1) Fixed an error with the 'Previous Photo Plate' button in Recon Details Display. Fixes and Changes for V1.03(Released): 1) JerBear's Pfalz Skins now incorporated. 2) OvStachel's Pfalz Skins now incorporated. 3) Fixed a fatal error that affects certain Squadrons when transferring to a new airfield. 4) Implemented support for Ultra Wide Screen monitors. Fixes and Changes for V1.02(Released): 1) Improved Internet Connectivity Security and Diagnostics. 2) Removed the temporary Mem display in workshops which was meant for development only. 3) Fixed a database issue with France, Belgium, USA and German Training squadron data that prevented training working correctly. 4) Fixed an issue with the PfalzDXII skins not being available in Campaign and QC. Fixes and Changes for V1.01(Released): 1) Fixed a Control Button size issue on lower res monitors. 2) Revisions to Sun effect. 3) Revised Fog colour for 'clear day' pulldown override weather. 4) Fixed an issue in the Morane N that resulted in it having no spare drums. It now has 3 spare drums. WM Regards, OBD Software, developers of epic, immersive flight sims; Wings Over Flanders Fields and Wings Over The Reich http://www.overflandersfields.com http://www.wingsoverthereich.com
  14. WOFF update popup issues 1.04?

    Apologies for the clunkiness but I have been seriously ill and unable to update the website. WM has his plate full doing everything. Go to the Simhq forum and there's a sticky post there about it too you can click on a link. We hope to update the website soon. The button is hard coded to go the the website, hence only showing 1.02. I'll add a post here too - just got to take it easy at the moment. Here you go...
  15. Yeah no fix currently. The only real answer is buy an NVIDIA GPU.

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