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Everything posted by Sheriff001

  1. Is there a way to get the A-6 to use a different bomb rack for the Mk 20 Rockeye CBUs? UPDATE: I worked it out. The way to do it is to increase the maximum allowable length for the bomb rack, or to change the length of the CBUs. Although the Mk 20, CBU-59, CBU-99, and CBU-100 use the same 3D model, they have different lengths. By increasing the maximum length allowable on the rack, Rockeye CBUs now fit onto Ravenclaw007's superb bomb racks.
  2. HUD modification for SF2

    Very nice!
  3. Did you use FS 35164 for the Aegean Blue?
  4. I had always thought that Canada would have been better off with a "CF-4" for both NORAD and NATO, rather than the CF-101, CF-104, and CF-5. But for the vast amount of money sunk into the CF-105 Arrow, and the cuts made by the Liberals late in the 1960s, I think it would have been possible.
  5. CF-110E Phantom II, 425e Escadron, Forces armées canadiennes
  6. CR-110 Phantom II, Canadian Forces Europe, Canadian Armed Forces
  7. Excellent work! (P.S. My RAAF skin, which I showed in the What-If Screenshots thread, fits perfectly!)
  8. RF-4E Phantom II, 2 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force
  9. CF-110 (CF-4E) Phantom II (Many thanks to ravenclaw007 for his excellent F-4E and the templates)
  10. ravenclaw_007, I earnestly hope you'll release these masterpieces! ravenclaw_007, I earnestly hope you'll release these masterpieces!
  11. I see. I think the RNZN still uses the RN's pennant number system (on the correct side of the Tasman, the USN system is used). Here's Wikipedia's article on the RN pennant number system: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennant_number#Post-1948
  12. Very cool. I'll be flying it as soon as I have a chance (real life gets in the way sometimes). One question: why do you have an "F" in the pennant number of your carrier? Wouldn't "R" be more fitting?
  13. File Name: [Fictional] RAN, RCN, RAAF, RCAF F-4K/M Phantom update pack File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 28 April 2013 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar Contents This contains the following changes and additions: Capability to mount rail-launched AIM-7 Sparrow missiles on the inboard wing pylons. The F-4K 80 and F-4M 80 have their missiles mounted further forward to clear the chaff and flare dispensers. Grouping of the inboard pylon and Sidewinder rails together. This makes the loading screen neater, and preserves the inability to use the Sidewinder rails and inboard pylon simultaneously. Rail launched versions of the AIM-7 Sparrow (AIM-7E to AIM-7P are covered). An EMI Reconnaissance Pod adapted for the USAF and USN attachment types. This pod is carried on the centreline pylon. It will show up in the loadout under the name "F-4K/M Reconnaissance Pod" Auscam skins for the RAAF F-4M '75 and F-4M '80. This skin is a recolouring of the SEA wraparound skin using standard Australian vehicle camouflage colours(As seen on this M1A1 Abrams: http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/Phil_H_au/misc/abrams_camo_2.jpg ). For the F-4M 75, full colour decals are used, the F-4M 80 uses black decals for lower visibility. Renaming of the skins in TextureSet.ini for consistency. Fixed tail skin for the camouflaged RAN F-4K. The upper part of the tailplane now contains the correct unpainted portion. Various other skin fixes. Recoloured decals for the "LateGrey" RAAF F-4M 80. The new decals are significantly lightened for lower visibility. Removed "USN" from AttachmentType for the Sidewinder rails for RAAF and RCAF aircraft, and substituted USAF. Installation Copy the contents of the "Objects" folder into the "Objects" folder in your mod folder. Merge all folders when prompted. Overwrite all files when prompted. Credits Sundowner: F-4B Templates ravenclaw_007: High-definition AIM-7 Sparrow missiles Spinners: F-4M SEA wraparound scheme (recoloured for Auscam scheme) Olivier ANGUILLE: EMI Reconnaissance Pod Click here to download this file
  14. These changes have now been incorporated into the baseline files.
  15. File Name: [Renewed] CF-110K Phantom II - Royal Canadian Navy File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 08 April 2013 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar This contains three F-4K Phantom IIs in the markings of the Royal Canadian Navy. The real CF2H Banshee squadrons, VF-870 and VF-871 are portrayed. The three time periods of TK's F-4K DLC are represented, original, 75, and 80. For all, a standard US Navy Gull Grey/White skin is provided, and for the F-4K 80, a two-tone grey camouflage is also provided. The latter is similar to the camouflage seen on some US Navy and USMC F-4 Phantoms near the end of their service life. Modified F-4J loadouts are used. Please note carefully: You cannot use the inboard pylons and the AIM-9 rails simultaneously. If you load one, the other will empty. This is not a bug per se, this is simply an inbuilt limitation for the Spey Phantoms. The aircraft has been tested in a merged SF2 installation, patched to August 2012. Backstory The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces) The aircraft was meant to serve on Canada's two Essex class carriers, HMCS Bonaventure and HMCS Magnificent in the fleet defence and strike roles. In order to get the performance required for such small carriers, a new turbofan was developed by Orenda, the Orenda Huron. Redesign of the Phantom airframe to accomodate the larger engine was done by Avro Canada. The article for the aircraft itself is found here:: http://themarshall.w...-4K.2FM_Phantom Installation ***********NOTE: TK's F-4K Phantom II from the DLC Store is required for this mod*************** Copy the contents of the Aircraft folder into your Aircraft folder. Copy the contents of the Decals folder into your Decals folder. No new weapons are offered. During the timeframe of this aircraft, the Royal Canadian Navy used standard US Navy non-nuclear weapons. Credits TK - For the SF series of games, the F-4K DLC, and the F-4 USN/USMC Skin Pack. Sundowner - For the Spey nozzle grafted on to the F-4 skin, and his F-4B templates. paulopanz - F-4K DLC enhancement pack Olivier ANGUILLE: EMI Reconnaissance Pod ravenclaw_007: High-definition AIM-7 Sparrow missiles Click here to download this file
  16. I have added the changes from the [Fictional] RAN, RCN, RAAF, RCAF F-4K/M Phantom update pack to this file. These changes include a reconnaissance pod, rail launched Sparrow missiles on the inboard wing pylons, and various skin fixes.
  17. File Name: CF-110M Phantom II - Royal Canadian Air Force File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 08 April 2013 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar The CF-110M Phantom II for the Royal Canadian Air Force. There are three versions of the F-4M in this mod. TK's F-4M: ADC Grey, SEA, RAF Green/Grey, Olive Drab. TK's F-4M (75): ADC Grey, SEA wrap around, RAF Green/Grey wrap around, Olive Drab, Euro 1. TK's F-4M (80): ADC Grey, SEA wrap around, RAF Green/Grey wrap around, Olive Drab, Euro 1. The following squadrons are provided: 409 Squadron 410 Squadron 416 Squadron 425e Escadre Modified F-4D loadouts are used. It is impossible to use the Sidewinder rails and the inboard pylons simultaneously. This is a built-in limitation of the F-4K and F-4M. Back Story The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Air Force in 1969 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces) The RCAF originally did not want the Phantom, being content to stick with the Thunderchief and the Voodoo until the TFX (CF-111C) and FX (CF-15) were ready during the 1970s. Canadian participation in the Vietnam War changed that. Canada committed Voodoos to defend the social democratic North Vietnam from Nazi German forces operating from the South and from Burma. The CF-101's inability to dogfight, and unreliability in the harsh tropical conditions of North Vietnam made early replacement necessary. The only aircraft available was the CF-4K, being introduced to the RCN as its strike fighter. McDonnell and Avro Canada devised a land-based version with minimal changes. This entered service in 1969 and quickly went to Vietnam. After the war ended in 1975, the Phantom replaced the Voodoo entirely in the RCAF. The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here: - http://themarshall.w...-4K.2FM_Phantom Installation Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder. Copy the contents of the PilotData folder into the PilotData folder of your mods folder. Merge and overwrite when prompted Credits TK: F-4M from the SF2: Europe. Sundowner: F-4 templates. Dave, HomeFries and the SF2 Realism Mod: SquadronList.ini Click here to download this file
  18. I have added the changes from the [Fictional] RAN, RCN, RAAF, RCAF F-4K/M Phantom update pack to this file. These changes include a reconnaissance pod, rail launched Sparrow missiles on the inboard wing pylons, and various skin fixes. I've also renewed the SEA skin. I had previously used a stock F-4C or F-4D skin with a Spey nozzle (with which I wasn't totally happy). It now has textures drawn from ravenclaw_007's excellent F-4E template over a modified F-4B template. I think it looks a good deal better (and more importantly, it doesn't look like it has a boom receptacle with paint partially stripped by the fuel!). I removed the "Jet Intake" warnings from the green skin for consistency with the rest of the skins.
  19. File Name: [Renewed] F-4M Phantom II - Royal Australian Air Force File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 09 April 2013 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar The F-4M Phantom II for the Royal Australian Air Force. There are three versions of the F-4M in this mod. TK's F-4M: This is intended as a strike aircraft (but is capable in all roles). In this scenario, it was operated by 2 Squadron, 12 Squadron, and 460 Squadron. It comes in the SEA colour scheme, a Green/Grey RAF-style scheme, and an overall olive drab (as on the CF-104). TK's F-4M (75): This is an interceptor operated by 3 Squadron, 30 Squadron, and 458 Squadron. It comes in an ADC Grey scheme, a wrap-around SEA scheme, the Euro 1 scheme, and a wrap-around Green/Grey RAF-style scheme. TK's F-4M (80): Again, this is an interceptor operated by 3, 30, and 458 Squadrons. It comes in the grey scheme worn by RAF Phantoms near the end of their service lives, Euro 1, a wrap-around Green/Grey RAF-style scheme, and a wrap-around SEA scheme. Low-visibility national markings are provided for the grey scheme. I have taken the SF2 Realism Mod SquadronList.ini and added 12, 30, 458, and 460 Squadrons to it, and numbered the decals accordingly. Back Story The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968. The RAAF's primary strike aircraft for the sixties was the F-105 Thunderchief. During the Vietnam War, the RAAF used its Thunderchiefs to strike targets of strategic importance to the Saigon Fascist regime. However, German air defences in South Vietnam had taken their toll on the Thuds. With the F-111C suffering serious delays, the RAAF took what was available, the F-4 Phantom. This aircraft had just been introduced by the Royal Australian Navy. In Vietnam, the Phantom enjoyed a high level of success, and showed its multi-role capacity. With the delivery of the F-111s, and their work up to full operational capability, the RAAF needed to find a mission for its Phantoms, or a buyer. The RAAF recommended early replacement of the F-106 Delta Dart. The Government accepted this option, and the F-4M served as Australia's air defender until the early 1990s. The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here: - http://themarshall.w...-4K.2FM_Phantom Installation Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder. Copy the contents of the PilotData folder into the PilotData folder of your mods folder. Credits TK: F-4M from the SF2: Europe. Ravenclaw_007: F-4E templates, F-4B templates, high resolution AIM-7 Sundowner: F-4E templates, F-4B templates Spinners: Green/Grey F-4M skins Dave, HomeFries and the SF2 Realism Mod team: SquadronList.ini Click here to download this file
  20. I have added the changes from the [Fictional] RAN, RCN, RAAF, RCAF F-4K/M Phantom update pack to this file. These changes include a reconnaissance pod, rail launched Sparrow missiles on the inboard wing pylons, an Auscam skin, and various skin fixes. I've also renewed the SEA skin. I had previously used a stock F-4C or F-4D skin with a Spey nozzle (with which I wasn't totally happy). It now has textures drawn from ravenclaw_007's excellent F-4E template over a modified F-4B template. I think it looks a good deal better (and more importantly, it doesn't look like it has a boom receptacle with paint partially stripped by the fuel!). The Auscam skin is a recolouring of an SEA wraparound skin to standard Australian Army vehicle camouflage colours.
  21. File Name: [Renewed] F-4K Phantom II - Royal Australian Navy File Submitter: Sheriff001 File Submitted: 08 April 2013 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar This contains three F-4K Phantom IIs in the markings of the Royal Australian Navy. 724, 805, and 808 Squadrons are portrayed. 805 Squadron is portrayed operating from HMAS Melbourne, while 808 Squadron is based on Sydney. 724 Squadron is portrayed as a training squadron operating from HMAS Albatross, a Naval Air Station at Nowra, New South Wales. The three time periods of TK's F-4K DLC are represented, original, 75, and 80. For all, a standard US Navy Gull Grey/White skin is provided, and for the F-4K 80, a two-tone grey camouflage is also provided for 805 and 808 Squadrons. The latter is similar to the camouflage seen on some RAN A-4G Skyhawks near the end of their service life. Modified F-4J loadouts are used. Please note carefully: You cannot use the inboard pylons and the AIM-9 rails simultaneously. If you load one, the other will empty. This is not a bug per se, this is simply an inbuilt limitation for the Spey Phantoms. The aircraft has been tested in a merged SF2 installation, patched to August 2012. I have included paulopanz's F-4K DLC enhamcement. I have included a squadrons.ini. This is not necessary for this mod, but is necessary for the RAAF and RCAF F-4M Phantoms. Incidentally, I'd suggest also getting Wrench's HMAS Australia (SCB-125 "What If") located here: http://combatace.com...cb-125-what-if/ Backstory The RAN proposed the acquisition of Essex class carriers to the Government in 1964 to replace the Majestic class HMAS Melbourne. The aircraft the RAN proposed was the F-4B Phantom. Operating an F-4B from the relatively small deck of an Essex class carrier is problematic, to say the least. On the other hand, the F-4K Phantom modifications would enable the operation of a Phantom from such a small deck. For further on this (including the RAN proposal itself) see the following: - http://www.secretpro...hp?topic=8449.0 For an alternate backstory, see this page on my wikia site: - http://themarshall.w...-4K.2FM_Phantom Installation ***********NOTE: TK's F-4K Phantom II from the DLC Store is required for this mod*************** Copy the contents of the Objects folder into your Objects folder. Copy the contents of the PilotData folder into your PilotData folder. Overwrite all files when prompted. No new weapons are offered. During the timeframe of this aircraft, the Royal Australian Navy used standard US Navy non-nuclear weapons. Credits TK - For the SF series of games, and the F-4K DLC Sundowner - For the skin templates, and for the Spey nozzles. Spinners - For the squadron decals from his RAN F-8E Crusader, and some additions to the skins. paulopanz - F-4K DLC Enhancement ravenclaw_007: High resolution AIM-7 Sparrow missiles Olivier ANGUILLE: EMI Reconnaissance Pod P.S. Anyone who believes they have been left out of the credits, please contact me at once so I can correct it. Click here to download this file
  22. I have added the changes from the [Fictional] RAN, RCN, RAAF, RCAF F-4K/M Phantom update pack, and VC-724 to this file. These changes include a reconnaissance pod, rail launched Sparrow missiles on the inboard wing pylons, and various skin fixes.
  23. Version 1.0


    Contents This contains the following changes and additions: Capability to mount rail-launched AIM-7 Sparrow missiles on the inboard wing pylons. The F-4K 80 and F-4M 80 have their missiles mounted further forward to clear the chaff and flare dispensers. Grouping of the inboard pylon and Sidewinder rails together. This makes the loading screen neater, and preserves the inability to use the Sidewinder rails and inboard pylon simultaneously. Rail launched versions of the AIM-7 Sparrow (AIM-7E to AIM-7P are covered). An EMI Reconnaissance Pod adapted for the USAF and USN attachment types. This pod is carried on the centreline pylon. It will show up in the loadout under the name "F-4K/M Reconnaissance Pod" Auscam skins for the RAAF F-4M '75 and F-4M '80. This skin is a recolouring of the SEA wraparound skin using standard Australian vehicle camouflage colours(As seen on this M1A1 Abrams: http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/Phil_H_au/misc/abrams_camo_2.jpg ). For the F-4M 75, full colour decals are used, the F-4M 80 uses black decals for lower visibility. Renaming of the skins in TextureSet.ini for consistency. Fixed tail skin for the camouflaged RAN F-4K. The upper part of the tailplane now contains the correct unpainted portion. Various other skin fixes. Recoloured decals for the "LateGrey" RAAF F-4M 80. The new decals are significantly lightened for lower visibility. Removed "USN" from AttachmentType for the Sidewinder rails for RAAF and RCAF aircraft, and substituted USAF. Installation Copy the contents of the "Objects" folder into the "Objects" folder in your mod folder. Merge all folders when prompted. Overwrite all files when prompted. Credits Sundowner: F-4B Templates ravenclaw_007: High-definition AIM-7 Sparrow missiles Spinners: F-4M SEA wraparound scheme (recoloured for Auscam scheme) Olivier ANGUILLE: EMI Reconnaissance Pod
  24. I switched to GIMP for my skin editing, here is the revised Auscam Phantom:

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