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About Doghouse

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    3rd planet from Sol
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  • MSN
    won't have it
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    fat chance
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    am considering
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    I don't talk much
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    lets skype this line

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  1. AmericaNW Mountain Thaw

  2. Enhanced Explosions

  3. Is this poor bloke going to have to purchase version 2 before he finds out it has no multiplay support whatsoever? I'd think he should be made aware of this BEFORE he buys in to it.
  4. This is a much nicer version than the updated version 1.5 available at Column5 which suprises me because I expected quality work from there. And what's even nicer is you get two for the price of one. Life don't get any better than that.
  5. She has Arrived

    Congrats Spungie. Little girls are extra special. Take extra care of this one and keep your crusader greased and ready to go just in case.
  6. Oh come on. I'm just an old one eyed dog who's teeth have fallen out. It's Spongie, redbat, Sixgun and creature you gotta look out for.
  7. Hypelobby still exists. Join us in the WOV room in hyperlobby and we'll show you where to go from there. Be advised though, it's summer and most of us are out doing summer things with the families (as it should be) and aren't online that much. Things should pick up again this fall. Till then you'll just have to be patient and keep dropping in.
  8. WOE multiplayer

    More hamachi networks: WOV2/wov2 WOV3/wov3 WOV4/wov4 SFP1/sfp1 WOV5/wov5 nashash/texas creaturewov/wov WOV1964/1964 WOE2/woe2 WOI3/woi3 Please don't log into these networks with more than one callsign. Some of these networks are mine. I try to leave people on them, but will keep and eye on them and on occasion "trim the deadwood". If you find yourself removed I offer my apologies in advance, my bad. So perhaps keep a hard copy of the NetworkNames/Passwords somewhere. It may be best to meet in the WOV room in Hyperlobby first before moving off to a hamachi server.
  9. wings over europe squadrons?

    The >._) squadron would be more than pleased to see more squadrons join us in multiplay. We meet and play through hyperlobby, but use hamachi a lot too. We'd suggest you avoid the Oct08 update and stay with the older patch vesions though, Oct08 isn't a good multiplay patch.
  10. looking for WoE Player

    Hyperlobby WILL support WOE, FE, and WOI. Just drop by the WOV room in hyperlobby and we'll show you how to do it. You'll want to get hamachi too. Connects work much better through there, so it makes a most excellent backup way to connect.
  11. Um, excuse me, but there ARE people playing multiplay. You just don't hear anything about it because you guys have effectively silenced and excluded them. But they still make a huge impact in these sims because the are NOT buying into them, and telling those in the multiplay community to stay AWAY from them. Not the wisest thing to do guys. This hurts sales, hurts TK, and hurts those doing mods because it's drastically reducing their exposure to the simming community. Case in point, just drop into any of the multiplay game communities and listen to what's being said. I only hope someday this will all change.

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