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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. Come on...this could be boring. No dogfight? At least 4 irons, 2 A/G missiles, 2 AR missiles and at least 4 IR missiles. And 2 gunpods... Hollywood style, freestyle.
  2. With notepad you can edit data.ini of aircraft so it can carry anything...but International Kosher Party is not approving that behaviour.
  3. Well nickname WitchyWoman give us some indications that some might have some connections...
  4. I gave you an easy-peasy solution with no need for a specific station code. anyway...
  5. my thought exactly...but I said, 'nah...show must go on.' Yes and no. Yes, 6 groups are the limit to display in the loadout menu. But you can still create more ID groups...just they will not appear in the loadout menu - but this can give more possibilities in your loadout.ini (useful in asymmetrical loadouts) also it is useful if you want to add some electronic equipment (ecm or targeting pod) that should be present all the time, without losing group ID - again that might be useful in mixed loadouts. We used this method frequently in ODS30. I think in one of my private mods I have gone up to 9 station groups and it is working. We still do not know what is wapon ... ...wee-pon...
  6. make it two different station group ID...example: StationGroupID=3 (light bombs) and StationGroupID=4 (heavy bombs) and set parameter GroupLimit=4 to wapon station with light bombs (ID group 3)
  7. Notice CFTs. Which were very rare to see. Mostly, only on Islandic Eagles indeed.
  8. To avoid messing in the news thread, dear users, please report all 'strange' things here. Keep in mind that few guys get into modding those stuff barely a few months ago..and we have what we have. Somehow we are quite proud of what we achieved in a short time. As you may know, (or not yet) many aircraft have new skins, also new decals sets. We put a lot of effort to double-check everything. But I guess we overlooked few things. So I am asking you to point out bugs and beetles. So we can improve ODS 30 more and more. The same thing applies to weapons. If something is not working (and we already have reports of few bugs) let us know we will fix it. We might be able to help instantly with some quick fix...or we will collect data and proceed with some minor updates. Also If you are in possession of some unique and spicy knowledge about units, aircraft, serial numbers/tactical numbers, nose arts, weapons that we missed - let us know. This might help and will be much appreciated. Do not treat this thread as some kind of a wish list...As a very peculiar collective, we are fixed on how aircraft should appear in-game and we will still continue that way. So if some aircraft is not flyable - perhaps it has no dedicated cockpit. And as long as the situation will not change said aircraft by default will not be flyable. But...we are open to suggestions.
  9. So few months passed. We had a few bugs reports that we were able to sort out. And since we wanted to improve things a little more we created bugs and we fixed them...So everyone can think that we were really busy working on this mod. But more seriously. We made a lot of changes to many objects in the game. Mostly to find a way - how to 'fool' the game. As you might know ECM pods are not working properly (or not at all) - so many aircrafts have ECM pods added into aircraft.data ini and mostly permanently added into a loadout. So you might find that some pylons can not be edited on loadout menu. Why? After brainstorms, we decided that the best way is to find some 'wonderful solution' between game engine limitations, and real-deal 30 years ago. We treated in the same way targeting pods, decoy dispensers, and sometimes even IR missiles on wingtips - honestly, it is really not necessary to edit them on the loadout menu. Wingtips loaded no need to change anything there. Also, players will not have a choice in different types of missiles (because we limited as much as possible availability of weapons too). Players will not find US Navy weapons in RAF or French loadout menu. We even limited weapons in the US arsenal - so now the Navy carry thermally protected bombs - and have no access to common USAF ordnance. And so on. Of course, not always everything is perfect But we did our best. Hope. We (me myself at least) highly recommend using loadout presets - that were made with lot of research. Either you play a single mission or campaign. Loadout.ini is a way to go. (Unless we planted a bug somewhere, that we are not aware of yet.) We are aware that many things can still improve, but this is SF2...not everything is perfect, not everything is possible, but still, the game is moddable - so something is wrong or I do not like it - notepad and problem fixed. We remove some stuff that we were not satisfied with, and we added some new. Hope the day you will be able to download the next version you will be positively surprised.
  10. I believe that Silberpfeil means that hangar doors should be open during landing operations. And photo he attached is a general reference photo.
  11. boooo... and where is L there? Nimrod
  12. with a few tweaks can be new AWACS, J-STARS, Mercury and C-137, and proper Husky! And of course loads of airliners... just because combat sim is good to have more airliners...
  13. you know that you can have custom kill decals. One thing with decals is, that models with specular maps and bump maps have reduced the number of decals allowed per mesh. That is why I prefer to put as much as possible on the skin itself. If you will look at it from a game engine perspective. To load one skin with markings + approx 3 decals versus one skin and 12 decals. The first load is 4 elements the latter is a load of 13 elements. But yes as for individual markings decals are a way to go. And the best thing with decals is that with some aircraft you can have cool individual camo styles for each aircraft in the squadron. check the left side of the nose on that Paran Mirage - the camo is not aligned...
  14. Lahatut or lahatoot and some even call it Loach. El Loacho.

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