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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. feels like we need more angels...vintage angels.
  2. Brilliant! Bravo! Full throttle quote necro bump.
  3. but when you jettison mers/ters/bombs are popped out from aircraft... why not make pylons as sort of ejector racks. Just a matter of proper linking, and a few hidden (fake nodes). I think it might be doable. Just my brain is too lazy already to figure it out now... i will think about it... for sure new Raptor has jettisonable pylons + fuel tanks (but this is a different story - just a matter of hierarchy in nodes)
  4. pappychksix also did excellent templates for stock F-14.
  5. Absolutely gorgeous cat! meanwhile...
  6. Check existing model for example. Go to the download section - get any model (example - latest Mirage F1) and see how it is built (structure). IMportant thing is to write correct ini files - so the model can be addressed correctly in game. Also, you should familiarize yourself with the model structure. Proper hierarchy of nodes, animations, all pivot points should be set, UV mapping, etc. Just emotionless, boring stuff (that perhaps many here are not aware of). There is somewhere a file - Thidwire export notes. I have it somewhere but can not find it at the moment. Maybe someone has it also and can forward it to you.
  7. are you serious? the answer is here:
  8. Version 1.0.0


    I have absolutely no idea what I am doing here... The true story behind Jammin VooDoo When USAF realized that maintaining expensive RF-101B become problematic for the budget they started to look for potential clients among allied forces. Imperial Iranian Air Force saw an opportunity in this. After closing the deal IIAF immediately asked the Israeli industry to prepare a possible package for 22 airframes. The deal covered the full conversion of existing airframes into electronic countermeasure fighters. RF-101B received ground mapping radar and sophisticated electronics. It was successfully used by IIAF in escort and SEAD missions until 1979. Soon before the revolution, Israel was afraid that Jammin Voodoo electronics will get into the wrong hands. Thanks to diplomatic efforts Heyl Ha'Avir acquired all 22 airframes. Jammin VooDoo stayed in Israel until 1983 where it served in 253 Tayeset as an experimental ECM detachment. In 1983 due to huge expenses with old airframes, EF-101 was sold back to the USA. All aircraft were sent to two National Guard squadrons where they served for 4 more years in "wild Weasel" detachments. In 2380 due to a temporal anomaly, USS Titan was sent into 1988. On secret assignment, all 22 aircraft were beamed into the cargo bay where airframes were scrapped and electronics were used to create a time beacon. Basic modding skills are required t run this mod. credits: RF-101B by erikgen pylons from great Nyghtfal A-4 pack converted to use with Jammin VooDoo. ALQ and AGM-45 by Ravenclav. skins,ini etc..me Have fun Jarek H.
  9. That was hell long two weeks. Check downloads .
  10. View File EF-101D Jammin VooDoo. What If... I have absolutely no idea what I am doing here... The true story behind Jammin VooDoo When USAF realized that maintaining expensive RF-101B become problematic for the budget they started to look for potential clients among allied forces. Imperial Iranian Air Force saw an opportunity in this. After closing the deal IIAF immediately asked the Israeli industry to prepare a possible package for 22 airframes. The deal covered the full conversion of existing airframes into electronic countermeasure fighters. RF-101B received ground mapping radar and sophisticated electronics. It was successfully used by IIAF in escort and SEAD missions until 1979. Soon before the revolution, Israel was afraid that Jammin Voodoo electronics will get into the wrong hands. Thanks to diplomatic efforts Heyl Ha'Avir acquired all 22 airframes. Jammin VooDoo stayed in Israel until 1983 where it served in 253 Tayeset as an experimental ECM detachment. In 1983 due to huge expenses with old airframes, EF-101 was sold back to the USA. All aircraft were sent to two National Guard squadrons where they served for 4 more years in "wild Weasel" detachments. In 2380 due to a temporal anomaly, USS Titan was sent into 1988. On secret assignment, all 22 aircraft were beamed into the cargo bay where airframes were scrapped and electronics were used to create a time beacon. Basic modding skills are required t run this mod. credits: RF-101B by erikgen pylons from great Nyghtfal A-4 pack converted to use with Jammin VooDoo. ALQ and AGM-45 by Ravenclav. skins,ini etc..me Have fun Jarek H. Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 01/23/2022 Category What If Hangar  
  11. Kfir Over Israel. SF2.

    Version 1.0


    This is total pack of IAI Kfir versions used by Israeli Air Force. Pack contains all required models and it is based on regular TW model and available mods on Combat Ace. All skins are based on templates by ludo.m54 => http://combatace.com...ge-5-templates/ Ive edited ini files mostly in weapon stations to seperate bomb stations from IRM, FT etc. Also removed some lines of unrealistic loadouts (like inboard IRM,lgb on belly station etc.) Two seater mod is based on denisoliveira models. Ive renamed all required folder /fake pilots/ mods to avoid causing problems with older versions. You need fake pilot mod to run some of the parts from this pack. To run this mod you need also access to TW lod files from SF2:I (lods and cockpits for Kfir) Generaly full merged instal of SF2 family is recomended. All canopies can be open by Shift+1 animation key. Aircrafts in this pack will apear as: Kfir '75 - First version of Kfir (often wrongly named C1 - it is Kfir only) Kfir Canard '77 - upgraded version of Kfir with small canards added. Kfir C2 - most common version, with bigger canards, additional pylons, Kfir C7 last version of Kfir with engine and avionics improvments. Kfir TC2 Two seater training version. Kfir RC2 Tsniut - early Kfir recon version with adopted from Shahak Tsniut nose with LOROP camera. Kfir RC2 Tsilum - late version of recon Kfir with new nose. All skins are done by me in 2048x2048 format based on templates by ludo.m54 Kfir C2 and C7 can carry MER and TER bomb racks. To have realistic loadouts I've made seperate weapon racks for Kfir based on regular racks (diameter and weight limits) Credits: Ive made all decals for all versions covering years of use in IAF based on available reference materials. All C7 Kfirs were named. Even if i know all names I didn't do all decals..(update may follow soon) Weapons MER and TER racks by ravenclaw. Two seater versions are based on original pack by denissoliveira =>http://combatace.com/files/file/15490-kfir-tc-2/ 3d mods - denissoliveira nose skins in 2048x2048 format yakarov79 data.ini Coupi and small fixes by me. C7 version is based on original pack by denissoliveira =>http://combatace.com/files/file/15556-kfir-c7/ 3D mod: Denis Oliveira Original C7 Cockpit: MirageFactory RC2 Tsniut is based on Tsniut nose from denissoliveira pack => http://combatace.com/files/file/15132-mirage-iiirj-iiicj-recon-converted/ 3d mods - denissoliveira RC2 Tsilum - mod made by me. Its version 0.9 update will be released someday in future. National and squadron markings as always in my case are painted on skins. Effect files are added. Ive also used standard sound files that everyone should have at this point (year 2017). report bugs. Hope you will like it. Enjoy Jarek Hereda
  12. You know...It is a NUCLEAR matter.
  13. quite interesting. Could be handy in a tiles makeover.
  14. quite possible that the microsoft framework ver. is not up to date. I had a similar issue a long time ago, and if I remember correctly net framework solved the issue. Unless it was something installed along with the framework.
  15. Scooters

    May the universe bless you every day. In fact, I was hoping for such a party from you. And while I am done with Corsairs, I am slowly preparing for Intruders over Vietnam. Thank you. Live long and prosper.
  16. while Poland can give a variety of scenarios to play starting from 1939 up to the cold war what-if scenarios (maybe even east coalition against Big Brother) I would give my vote China-Vietnam border war. Mostly because of similarities in equipment. Although my ultimate vote would go for terrain that could cover hypothetical Sino-Soviet border war (For example Ussuri River, Damansky Island etc...)
  17. After consideration, I will pass this one and wait for holosuite version. Miles and Julian said it is worth trying.
  18. Eurofighter will remain operational up to 2060

    It means it is a good plane perhaps.
  19. well, I finished skin, brag about it in the screenshots section...and that is all. It is somewhere on my PC. Did not occur to me that someone might expect it . give me two weeks.

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