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About pizolato

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  1. I´m not sure but you can try this one: TSF Saab 37 Viggen(*) Flygvapnet Package - Viggen - CombatACE
  2. If you decide for a replacement I´d suggest to take a look at the Acer Predator Triton. I´m also thinking about a replacement and this is my choice for now...
  3. Merry Christmas!!!

    Merry Christmas to all of us!!
  4. Happy 4th!

    Happy 4th! "Land of the free and the home of the brave"
  5. Real life problem

    My condolences to you and your family.
  6. They just delivered Revamp Phase One: http://yankeeairpirate.net/
  7. Does anyone have more info, or news, about the Yankee Air Pirate remake (mod/expansion?) for SF2 from Revamp Works Team? I found some very interesting info on their page, trying to keeping the original idea alive (http://yankeeairpirate.net/yap-revamp-works/) Thanks!!
  8. Hello, thanks for the tip, first picture seems to be missing althought.
  9. Best F/a-18 Sim manual?

    Let me see a way to do this share... do you have a percentage running on the top of the bar..just check if its very close to 100% or a little above...if its about 70% or below you need to tune your sistem config, trying different hardware emulation or chipset config..this was I problem that I had, trying a powerful emulated system that eventually slowed down the whole performance, sometimes minus is more... Its really hard to set it..sad to hear that you re strugling with it
  10. Best F/a-18 Sim manual?

    This show how I set my SAITEK
  11. Best F/a-18 Sim manual?

    Just google, for example, "voodoo 3dfx iso" (in the case of voodoo driver) and you will find some drivers in ISO format that you can use in your emulated CD drive, than just follow the install in Win98. If you just find the drivers in .exe you can save them as ISO using any program like "IsoCreator" and use them in your emulated CD drive as well...maybe the hard part is to find a proper driver, in the case of Win98 any S3 based video card will work as a basic driver to start As for the joystick I selected "CH Flightstick Pro" in joystick config under PCem and in "Joystick 1" "device" I just selected my SAITEK (it was seen automagically by PCem) the pain was to map correctly the buttons inside the emulated Win98..a lot of try and errors... I know its hard to set PCem correctly, but once done you will have a good time installing and playing old games...lol
  12. Best F/a-18 Sim manual?

    Im using the same as bazilius above, it works for me to play Janes. Im also using my old Saitek X52 but I lost some functions using it in Win98, and was not easy to set it up. As for the Op System I set PCem with Win98SE, working very fine, but never tried the Win7.
  13. Best F/a-18 Sim manual?

    I heard that PCem is beter than Virtualbox, and its working ok for me, but I never tried Virtualbox, so I dont have a way to compare... Janes is more complete, and has better graphics, but I prefer Korea...
  14. Best F/a-18 Sim manual?

    Just to compare stuff you get in each game

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