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About JacksonM

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    The Russian Federation

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  1. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    Thank you so much for this skin, sir! Good job, I appreciate)) And, by the way, your new skin's for S.E.5a quality is great! Prosto velikolepno! (rus. Just magnificently! ) Thanks again.
  2. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    W-wow! So beautiful pics!
  3. My picture

    Thank you, VonS. You're the first who told me about this game, I knew nothing about it before today. I'm sure I have to find out more, that would be quite interesting for me
  4. My picture

    Thanks for the support, friends. I really appreciate it. Hmmm, what on earth I'm talking about? Which one? Gentlemen, if somebody didn't guess what the game it is, in fact, I can easily answer your question: this is Counter Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes. Yep, I know that anybody could object and tell me that's not an awesome game but as for me, guys, this is the best game amongst the Counter Strike series. I never mind there's low graphics in that game, I even like it! Indeed, I like the weapon models very much and the NPC models also. The maps in Deleted Scenes are varied and made in a good taste, not to mention the big list of munitions which can be used in this versatile game. By the way, this game is quite exciting thanks to an interesting, sometimes amazing plot. And at last... This is a big sandbox. Thanks to the developer console I can bring to life a lot of cool ideas. Do you know, guys, what inspired me to draw this picture? Certainly, that was the Condition Zero game! When I was making this topic, I expected someone to guess the name of the game looking at the quote of Command and Control speech, which I wrote below the picture. I've also left a prompt in the tags. Of course, if anyone didn't play this game, he couldn't tell it's name. In this way I was trying to find the people who have also liked Condition Zero. Now I've explained everything what I wanted. If somebody have read it to the very end - I want thank you for the attention, mates. I'm just a little bit upset that such a cool game is forgotten. I have a lot of interesting ideas on this topic, if I only knew how to make new missions...
  5. My picture

    Do you still remember this awesome game, gentlemen?
  6. My picture

    This pencil-drawing took me for about 7 hours with a very short break. I even didn't try to paint shadows because I could spoil everything and I was afraid of it.
  7. My picture

    CNC: "Congratulations soldier, the enemy has been scattered and defeated. You have averted a certain catastrophe this day. You are the shadow that protects our world from those who are bent on destroying it. Thank you."
  8. We are crashing! (An anecdote)

    "Dispatcher, this is flight number 1-2-7. We are crashing! I repeat, we are crashing!" "Roger that, flight number 1-2-7. I cross out."
  9. Polish Anatra DS "Anasal"

    As always... Just great work.
    Thank you very much for this cockpit, Steve! Nice work, my friend. I'm glad you've done it
  10. New Aircraft

    Is everything OK with you?
  11. New Aircraft

    Geezer, where are you? At least, I'd like to know how are you doing. Could you tell me something about it?
  12. New Aircraft

    A lot of thanks for these WIPs, Geezer! By the way, what's the matter with old Junkers D.1? How are things going with it?
  13. Congratulations!!!

    Congratulations on the Victory Day! The 9th of May, one of the most important days in our life, the day when the fascist empire was crushed by our side! The Greatest Day, when the Great Patriotic War ended with VICTORY OF THE RED ARMY! And this mean that now we are free of the nazis pressure by the Feat of our Ancestors! Endless Thanks to our Grandparents and Great-Greandparents, Men, Who presented us the peaceful sky over our heads! Everlasting memory to True Heroes, Who gave their lives in the Great Patriotic War for our sake! A few more months would pass and the World War Two would be fininshed with Victory of our anti-Hitler coalition! Thanks to all the Soviet, British, American, Chinese, French, Polish and other People Who completely didn't take any care about Their Own well-being and were sacrificing everything for the sake of achieving This Great Victory! Endless Thanks to the Red Army and Russian Partisans, Who have liberated the whole USSR from the fascists! Endless Thanks to All the Heroes Who have liberated the whole Europe and the nazis Germany from the fascists! Everlasting memory to True Heroes, Who gave Their Lives in the World War Two for our sake! I want to wish all the best to People, Who survived in this nightmare, to our Veterans! Many years to you, Dear Veterans, our Defenders and Liberators! I bow before Your Courage, Steadfastness, Full Commitment, Strength - Mental and Physical! We are eternal debtors of our Ancestors, People who have Eternal Glory. They and Their Feats are immortal forever. Jackson M.
  14. New Aircraft

    O-oops... Thank you, Crusader.

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