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Everything posted by JamesWilson

  1. I got this problem: I run SFP1 pretty well, without any sort of issue. The only very tedious thing i have is that the most of the times a vocal call is given, my game freezes for like 1/2 seconds. This may sound like not a big thing, but TRUST ME, since this pops up for 8 comms given out of 10, this problem turns the game into UNPLAYABLE. And also (i got no idea why and what is the correlation with comms) almost every single time i shoot down a plane or i see an explosion in front of me, this issue happens. I thought it was a setting problem, maybe a graphical one, or something related to my PC, i could never ever though it was an audio file problem... I made many tests, but after several months of testing, removing all the audio calls files from the game files, i finally discovered what was the cause of those freezes: the audio communications. Even if the game is perfectly playable as it is right now, without any radio chatter, it would be nicer if i could play it with audio comms again, instead of just ambience, plane and weapon sounds, i really loved HQ calls, wingmen comms and radio chatter. I have no idea what could it be that "interfers" with the game and makes it freeze whenever a call is given, or even an explosion happens. Only removing all audio comms from game files the problem solved. Could you help me please? Any idea or suggestion would be great! Thank you a lot guys!
  2. Doesn't the NVIDIA GPU bugs out if i unistall its audio drivers? What should i do? I wrote my PC specs and also explained the problems i have in the replies before this one btw Thank you so much for reading those and helping me out :)
  3. Since i play it on Win10, i also had "low lag issues" as soon as i started playing it on my PC. I had to download those "ENB patch" files and select my NVIDIA graphic card as default GPU to play the game, instead of integrated one which made me play at 5 fps. The only problem now is the "radio comms files", which make my game stutter and freeze as i said before; the issue disappears as soon as i remove these files from game directory.
  4. I play on Windows 10 Home 64 bit I always had these "stuttering issues" since i started playing it on my actual PC, 'till i removed all audio communication and chattering files from game directory. The game has turned "silent" now when i play (there isn't any kind of radio chattering or comm) I hadn't any of these problems when i used to play it on my old Windows XP PC btw... My specs are: Win10 Home 64 bit - NVIDIA GTX 1050Ti - i7 8750H - 16 GB RAM
  5. Hi everybody, I just got interested in the Operation Desert Storm mod, which is amazing imho. I haven't bought SF2 yet, and i see some planes (like the Tomcat) are not in the standard edition, but i should buy DLCs (North Atlantic expansion in this case). I've seen the Tomcat, among many other planes that are not included in the vanilla SF2 in the OP Desert Storm mod. Now i was wondering: do i need North Atlantic expansion or all DLCs for SF2 to get OP Desert Storm mod to work? Or even if i got no Tomcat in the vanilla game, as soon as i download the mod i'll get it together with all other planes and assets? Are all those things included in the mod, so i just need to install it, without having all SF2 DLCs bought? Or all the "extra" planes and assets i see in the mod are there thanks to DLCs and expansion packs? Thank you very much for helping me out guys

    Ah ok then. It's a bit of a shame for me, but it's not fundamental, since flying even with the arrow keys is greatly made in SF series. Thank you btw!
  7. Great! Thank you very very much for helping me out!
  8. Being a must you mean that i need it to get ODS to work? Or you just mean that NA should be bought cause it's great
  9. So theoretically i can still fly planes included in OP Desert Storm even without buying extra DLCs? Cause for example aircrafts like the Tomcat are not in the vanilla game, but they are in Desert Storm. So if i buy the vanilla game and download Desert Storm i can still fly those planes that are not in the vanilla? Or do i have to buy the external DLCs that include them?
  10. VF-84 Jolly Rogers

    The skin looks like it glitches. Idk why but it doesn't work well for me, even if i've done everything correctly.
  11. Mirage Factory F-14A Tomcat

    Why? Are you sure? How have you found it out?
  12. Hi guys, i have a very big issue regarding one of my favourite games of all time: Strike Fighters: Project 1. I play this beautiful old game on my PC and i run it pretty well at lowest settings and 1920x1080p (i had ALSO to change "default graphic card option" to my high-performances NVIDIA graphic card, due to the fact that the game heavily lags if i run it with the default graphic card option, even if it's all set on lowest settings). After i figured out this little issue, the game runs pretty smoothly and at an high framerate so, what's the problem? The problem is that whenever i hit or shoot down a plane or i look at an explosion, the game freezes for a couple of seconds... So i don't know what to do and why this happens… Is that because Strike Fighters: Project 1 is too old for a modern medium-high end PC? (I used to play it also on my previous low end Windows XP PC, and i never had any kind of problem) Should i play the game at lower resolutions even if all settings are already at lowest? Why had i to choose my high-performances NVIDIA graphic card to play the game without lag even if it's an old and well optimized game? Please help me, i know SF:P1 is a very old game and i should go for SF2, but the first one is one of my favourite games of all time and THIS PROBLEM MAKES THE GAME UNPLAYABLE!!! THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH, cause this is a HUGE PROBLEM, i really have no idea of what to do and i'm very confused about what's happening...
  13. Yeah exactly, I think that too (I used to play SF:P1 on my old Windows XP PC before and I hadn't any kind of performance problem, it used to run perfectly on that older machine) It's the same @MigBuster is saying to me: older versions of Strike Fighters like SF:P1 have compatibility problems with more modern PC or OS than XP, and it's very little you can do if the game brokes... So he's telling me to switch to some more modern and Windows 10 compatible Strike Fighter version, like the upcoming Strike Fighters 2 Windows 10 supported edition. Thank you very very much anyway for helping me anyway Mr.gerwin
  14. When i say that my game used to run at extremely low fps (such as 3 to 5 fps) I mean I had the infamous "Windows 10 Low FPS" problem, that has already been discussed on COMBAT ACE website, but the fix shown in that video nor the 2008 patch did not change anything... The only way I could run SF:P1 well was to set my high-performance NVIDIA graphic card as "default running method", as I already said before..
  15. I've done it, and i have also updated the game to last 2008 patch, but framerate has not improved. The only way i could fix that was to change my default "running game settings" of my PC for SF:P1, from default graphic card to my high-performance NVIDIA graphic card. Now the game runs perfectly (50/60 fps), even if i play it at lowest settings (except for 1920x1080 res) THE ONLY PROBLEM IS THAT whenever me or another aircraft shoots down another plane, THE GAME SUDDENDLY FREEZES for 1 or 2 seconds… this also happens when a comm is given (like QG or wingmen) HELP ME PLEASE, CAUSE THIS ISSUE MAKES THE GAME UNPLAYABLE!
  16. I must say that i had to set everything to lowest settings (except for 1920x1080 res) and change default "running method" to my high-performance NVIDIA graphic card though, cause it would heavily lag (between 3 to 5 fps) if i played it with default graphic card.
  17. It is unmodded, i've just updated it to last 2008 patch and downloaded some aircrafts.. that's it. I run it at good framerate, it freezes sometimes when a comm is given (such as QG that spots enemy boogies or wingmen who say something) or when me or someone else shoots down a plane and an explosion or destruction of a plane happens (like if the game starts loading destroyed plane model and so freezes for 1 or 2 seconds)
  18. Hi, guys, i just wanted to ask you a simple question… when i set the "selected weapon" button to LCtrl, it does not work… If i hold LCtrl, i cannot even control the plane, it does not move, but if i press LCtrl together with another button (if i bind "selected weapon" button with LCtrl together with another button), i can shoot my selected weapon, but if want to set a control only on LCtrl, without mixing it with another button, it does not work... Why? Can you help me that i really can't explain this and i' m confused too?? Thank you very much guys
  19. EF-2000

    the same for me... do you got any fix for that?
  20. OK, thank you very much, and sorry for being annoying

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