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24 files

  1. English Electric Canberra B(I)8

    Third-generation Canberra derived from B.6 as an interdictor.
    Fitted with a new forward fuselage with teardrop canopy on the port side,
    and Navigator station forward of pilot (early marks had the navigator
    behind the pilot). Provision for a ventral pack similar to the B(I)6
    with 4 20 mm (0.787 in) Hispano Mk.V cannon, one external hardpoint
    under each wing for up to 1,000 lb (454 kg) of bombs or unguided rockets,
    LABS (Low-Altitude Bombing System) for delivery of nuclear bombs.
    Prototype converted from the only B.5 and first flown 23 July 1954,
    72 built including 17 for export and two converted from B.2s.
    WHAT's IN:
    - a new plane
    - 10 skins for all squadrons
    - every 72 plane serials made
    - screens
    - sounds, pilot, weapons
    - Bobrock/Soulfreak: model & original temps;
    - Paulopanz: skins, decals, screens, ini tweaks
    - All in Main mod Folder and overwrite



       (1 review)



  2. Canberra B(I).66

    10 refurbished B(I).6 bombers sold to India in 1957.
    During the Indo-Pakistani Wars of the 1960s and 1970s, the Canberra was used by both sides
    The entire Indian Air Force Canberra fleet was grounded and then retired following the crash of an IAF Canberra in December 2005.
    After 50 years of service, the Canberra was finally retired by the IAF on 11 May 2007.
    WHAT's IN:
    - A new plane
    - 4 new skins
    - Screens, decals, weapons
    - Tk/TW for basic Canberra mk.6
    - Ahmed Junaid Raza for SF.1 old model weapons, pit, loads
    - Ghostrider883 for references and help
    - Soulfreak for extra pylons and seat (Camberra 62)
    - Ludo for Templates
    - Yakarov79 for bump maps
    - paulopanz for skins, decals, screens, Sf-2 edits etc.
    - Exp 2 needed
    - put all in main mod folder and overwrite if needed
    - recon flares work like rockets
    - a better gunpack should be needed

    "pigs on the wind" 1.5


       (0 reviews)



  3. Canberra PR.57 & PR.67

    Canberra PR.57: tropicalized PR.7 for India. 8 (1957) + 2 (1963) delivered.
    Canberra PR.67: 2 refurbished PR.7s sold to India in 1971.
    No. 106 Squadron ("Lynxes") is a squadron of the Indian Air Force.
    It was raised on 1 May 1957 with eight newly inducted PR.57 English Electric Canberras
    in the strategic photo-reconnaissance role.[3] Initially positioned at Bareilly,
    later the squadron moved to Agra.
    When the Canberras were retired in 2007, the squadron was equipped with
    Hawker Siddeley HS 748.
    One of the early commanding officers of No. 106 Squadron, Wing Commander Jaggi Nath,
    who was awarded a Maha Vir Chakra in both the 1965 and 1971 wars, said : “106 Squadron
    (with the Canberra PR.57/PR.67) was not just an Air Force asset, it was a national asset”.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - 2 planes
    - 4 skins, historical decals
    - screens, sounds, seats
    - TW/TK: plane model
    - Ghostrider883 for references and help
    - Ludo: templates
    - Yakarov79 bump maps
    - Paulopanz: skins, decals, screens, ini edits
    - all in main mod folder



       (0 reviews)



  4. Canberra B(I).58

    Tropicalized B(I)8 for India. In January 1957 India placed a large order for the Canberra:
    a total of 54 B(I)58 bombers that later became 79. It was used by No. 5, 6, 16, 35 Squadrons and JBCU OCU.
    First used in combat by the IAF in 1962, the Canberra was employed during the UN campaign against the breakaway Republic of Katanga in Africa.
    During the Indo-Pakistani Wars of the 1960s and 1970s.
    The entire Indian Air Force Canberra fleet was grounded and then retired following the crash of an IAF Canberra in December 2005.
    After 50 years of service, the Canberra was finally retired by the IAF on 11 May 2007.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - a new plane
    - 11 skins, historical decals, screen
    - weapons, sounds, guns, pilot
    - BobRock: plane model
    - Soulfreak: templates
    - GhostRider883: references & help
    - paulopanz: skins, decals, screens, ini edits
    - all in main mod folder



       (1 review)

    1 comment


  5. Canberra B.72

    6 refurbished B.2 bombers sold to Peru.
    Peruvian Air Force Canberras flew combat sorties against Ecuadorian positions during the Cenepa War in 1995.
    Peru retired its Canberras in June 2008.
    WHAT's IN:
    - A new plane
    - 2 new skins
    - Screens, decals, weapons
    - Tk/TW for basic Canberra mk.2
    - Soulfreak for extra pylons and seat (Canberra 62)
    - Ludo for Templates
    - paulopanz for skins, decals, screens, Sf-2 edits etc.
    - Exp 2 needed
    - put all in main mod folder and overwrite if needed


       (1 review)



  6. Canberra B(I).56

    6 refurbished B(I).6 bombers sold to Peru.
    Peruvian Air Force Canberras flew combat sorties against Ecuadorian positions during the Cenepa War in 1995.
    Peru retired its Canberras in June 2008.
    WHAT's IN:
    - A new plane
    - 2 new skins
    - Screens, decals, weapons
    - Tk/TW for basic Canberra mk.6
    - Ahmed Junaid Raza for SF.1 old model weapons, pit, loads
    - Soulfreak for extra pylons and seat (Canberra 62)
    - Ludo for Templates
    - paulopanz for skins, decals, screens, Sf-2 edits etc.
    - Exp 2 needed
    - put all in main mod folder and overwrite if needed
    - recon flares work like rockets
    - a better gunpack should be needed


       (0 reviews)



  7. Canberra B.52

    4  refurbished B.2 bombers sold to Ethiopia
    WHAT's IN:
    - A new plane
    - 2 new skins
    - Screens, decals, weapons
    - Tk/TW for basic Canberra mk.2
    - Soulfreak for extra pylons and seat (Camberra 62)
    - Ludo for Templates
    - paulopanz for skins, decals, screens, Sf-2 edits etc.
    - Exp 2 needed
    - put all in main mod folder and overwrite if needed


       (0 reviews)



  8. Canberra B(I).68

    Refurbished B(I).8 bomber sold to Fuerza Aérea del Perú (FAP).
    Peruvian Air Force (FAP) Canberras flew combat sorties against Ecuadorian positions during the Cenepa War in 1995.
    On 6 February 1995, a Canberra Mk 68 disappeared over the operations zone;
    the aircraft had apparently struck a hill in poor weather conditions. Peru retired its Canberras in June 2008
    WHAT'S IN:
    - a new plane, 4 skins, decals
    - screens, pilot, weapons etc
    - Bobrock: plane
    - Soulfreak: templates & tweakings
    - Paulopanz: skins, decals, screens
    - the first 3 skins are about FAP Canberra B(I).8 as Canberra B(I).68 were refurbished in 1974
      I add them to the pack so You have a whole FAP line up. When B(I).8 will be ready You could
      use them as skins and edit data and userilist inis if you like.
    - this little job is dedicated to a friend of mine who collects all FAP planes
    - maybe someone else could use to build up the Cenepa war against Ecuador....
    - all in your mod folder


       (2 reviews)



  9. Canberra B(I).12

    Canberra B(I).8 bombers built for New Zealand (11) and South Africa (6)
    In 1992 5 ex SAAF planes were sold to Peruvian Air Force.
    WHAT'S IN:
    - a brand new plane, 7 (RNZAF, SAAF, FAP) skins, decals
    - pilot, weapons etc
    - Bobrock: plane
    - Soulfreak: templates & tweakings
    - Paulopanz: skins, decals, screens
    - all in your mod folder



       (3 reviews)



  10. SAAF Canberras

    In 1963 the South African Air Force (SAAF) procured six B(I) Mk.12 Canberra interdictors and three T. Mk.4’s from Britain.
    Initially the Canberra was seen as an interim measure until the arrival of Hawker-Siddeley Buccaneers in 1965.
    The SAAF used the B(I) Mk.12 as bombers and interdictors over a 27 year period.
    The SAAF T.4 had Glass nose too alongside the solid nose ones.


    - Canberra Mk.12
    - Canberra T.Mk.4
    - Silver & Blue Skins
    - Decalset
    - Screens
    - Weapons
    - Pilot
    - Sound


    Adjunair - plane model B.12
    MiGBuster - first SF-2 porting
    Paulopanz - new skins, decals, screes, T.4 conversion from B.2


    - All in mod folder


    - Adjunair' canberras have shadow issues, shadows are disabled. Weapons & pilots don't cast shadows
    so the issue is not so evident.

    N.B. You must have exp.2 to use T.4

    Enjoy / HAHA


    Made for Angola/WestAfrika usage by Spud.


       (5 reviews)



  11. English Electric Canberra B.62

    Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.2 Version 2.0

    Canberra B.62 Mod & high Rez Skins
    <FILE UPDATE, January 17th 2015>
    This is the Argentinian used EE Canberra B.62 (update for the Stock Thirdwire-Expansion 2 Canberra)
    This Mod works only if you have Expansion Pack 2!!!!
    - Kesselbrut´s Canberra Bomber Cockpit
    - New Hangar & Loading Screens
    - 3 high Rez Skins (Pre war, 1982 combat paint & post war)
    - Martin Baker Mk.3 Ejection Seat
    - Edited the inis (Loadout, working air brakes)
    - addet new Sound
    - added *.jpg Textures
    - added new bump maps
    User with a not so powerful system should resize the Skin bitmaps to 1024x1024.
    Hangar Screens are widescreen, alternate there are normal screens includet, just edit the file names!
    - Ludo.m54 for the basic Templates
    - Ravenclaw_007 for the 3d work, ini edits, Mk3 Seat and all other support
    - Kesselbrut for the Cockpit
    - Spillone104 for the Sound (borrowed out of a pack he released earlier)
    - Souli (me) for the weathering effects on plane, the new skins with more Details, hangar & loading screens
    - Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock Canberra B.6
    Special Thanks to:
    Steven Beeny from http://www.nazcastudios.com/ who providet great references to me about the Canberra.
    All Guys from http://canberratalk.conforums.com/ who helped me with background info and references too.
    Mod is for SF2 Expansion pack 2!!!
    Mod is tested in merged SF2V, SF2E, SF2I with Expansion Pack 2
    this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
    You have to read the readme.txt!!!
    I hope you´ll like this Mod.
    Schapen, 2nd May 2011
    Carlo "Souli" Vecchi


       (4 reviews)



  12. SF2_CanberraB20_EXP2

    Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.4
    Canberra B Mk.20 Mod & high Rez Skins
    This is the RAAF used GAF Canberra B Mk.20 (update for the Stock Thirdwire-Expansion 2 Canberra)
    This Mod works only if you have Expansion Pack 2!!!!
    - Kesselbrut´s Canberra Bomber Cockpit
    - New Hangar & Loading Screens
    - 6 additional high Rez Skins (Silver, test units, early Camo & late Camo)
    - Martin Baker Mk.3 Ejection Seat
    - Wingtip weapon stations
    - Edited the inis (Loadout, working air brakes)
    - addet new Sound
    - new specular maps
    - new bump maps
    Hangar Screens are widescreen!
    - Ludo.m54 for the basic Templates
    - Ravenclaw_007 for the 3d work, ini edits, Mk3 Seat and all other support
    - Kesselbrut for the Cockpit
    - Spillone104 for the Sound (borrowed out of a pack he released earlier)
    - Souli (me) for the weathering effects on plane, the new skins with more Details and new bump & specular maps, hangar & loading screens
    - Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock Canberra
    Special Thanks to:
    Steven Beeny from http://www.nazcastudios.com/who providet great references to me about the Canberra.
    All Guys from http://canberratalk.conforums.com/who helped me with background info and references too.
    Mod is for SF2 Expansion pack 2!!!
    Mod is tested in merged SF2V, SF2E, SF2I with Expansion Pack 2
    this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
    You have to read the readme.txt!!!
    I hope you´ll like this Mod.
    Schapen, 16th January 2015
    Carlo "Souli" Vecchi


       (2 reviews)



  13. Canberra_BI6_SF2_EXP2

    Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.3
    Canberra B(I) Mk.6 Mod & high Rez Skins
    This is the RAF used EE Canberra B (I) Mk.6 (update for the Stock Thirdwire-Expansion 2 Canberra)
    Based on B6 with a detachable ventral pack housing four 20MM Hispano cannon for strafing; also had provision for two wing hard points. LABS (Low-Altitude Bombing System) for delivery of nuclear bombs. 22 produced.
    This Mod works only if you have Expansion Pack 2!!!!
    - Kesselbrut´s Canberra Bomber Cockpit
    - New Hangar & Loading Screens
    - 3 high Rez Skins (Silver, early Camo & late Camo)
    - Martin Baker Mk.3 Ejection Seat
    - Gunpack
    - Wing stations
    - Edited the inis (Loadout, working air brakes)
    - addet new Sound
    - Ludo.m54 for the basic Templates
    - Ravenclaw_007 for the 3d work (Model & Gunpack), ini edits, Mk3 Seat and all other support
    - Kesselbrut for the Cockpit
    - Spillone104 for the Sound (borrowed out of a pack he released earlier)
    - Souli (me) for the weathering effects on plane, the new skins with more Details, hangar & loading screens
    - Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock Canberra
    Special Thanks to:
    Steven Beeny from http://www.nazcastudios.com/who providet great references to me about the Canberra.
    All Guys from http://canberratalk.conforums.com/who helped me with background info and references too.
    Mod is for SF2 Expansion pack 2!!!
    Mod is tested in merged SF2V, SF2E, SF2I with Expansion Pack 2
    this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
    You have to read the readme.txt!!!
    I hope you´ll like this Mod.
    Schapen, 15th January 2015
    Carlo "Souli" Vecchi (not Paulo)


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  14. Canberra Mk.2 - ultimate install

    The English Electric Canberra is a British first-generation jet-powered light bomber manufactured in large numbers through the 1950s. The Canberra could fly at a higher altitude than any other bomber through the 1950s and set a world altitude record of 70,310 ft (21,430 m) in 1957. Due to its ability to evade the early jet interceptors, and its significant performance advancement over contemporary piston-engined bombers, the Canberra was a popular export product and served with many nations.
    Canberra B Mk.2 was the first production version, crew increased to three with addition of bomb aimer, Avon R.A.3 engines with 6,500 lbf (28.91 kN) of thrust, wingtip fuel tanks. 418 built by English Electric (208), Avro (75), Handley Page (75) and Short Brothers & Harlan (60) including eight for export (Australia, United States and Venezuela).
    - What's in
    This is the stock TW Canberra Mk.2
    2 planes flyable using Kesselbrut´s cockpit
    (with recover ini for after patching included)
    - The basic Mk.2 one
    RAF Squadrons:
    No. 9
    No. 10
    No. 10 Suez(*)
    No. 12
    No. 15 Suez(*)
    No. 18
    No. 18 Suez(*)
    No. 21
    No. 27 Suez(*)
    No. 35
    No. 44 Suez(*)
    No. 50
    No. 57
    No. 61
    No. 61 Suez(*)
    No. 90
    No. 101
    No. 102
    No. 103
    No. 104
    No. 109
    No. 149
    No. 199
    No. 231
    No. 249
    No. 617
    Foreign operators:
    EtAF Camo (*)
    FAP Silver (*)
    FAV Silver (*)
    RNZAF Silver (*)
    WTD 61 Luftwaffe (*)
    - Rhodesian field modded one:
    4 skins (*) & new nose rocket rack
    A big thank to Nidcki for help and consultings.
    Install as usual: all in main mod folder and overwrite
    @ paulopanz

    (*) Historical serial numbers set


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  15. Canberra B(I) mk8

    Canberra B(I) mk8 for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
    by Ahmed Junaid Raza
    Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
    Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
    Temp Gunpack by Wrench (July 2009)
    The B(I) mk8 was derived from the B(I)mk6 and retains the same Engines, fuel load and loadout. The main change was a redesigned nose and offset fighter style canopy - which was put in place due to the targetting difficulties of the B.mk2 fishbowl style canopy.
    The B.1 Mk8 Interdictor came into service in 1956 with around 69 being built. Other Later variants also used the offset Fighter style canopy.
    Read the install instructions!
    Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


       (2 reviews)



  16. Canberra B(I) mk58

    Canberra B(I) mk58 (Indian Air Force) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
    by Ahmed Junaid Raza
    Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
    Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
    Temp Gunpack by Wrench (July 2009)
    The B(I) mk58 was the export version of the B(I) mk8 and retains the same Engines, fuel load and loadout with some cosmetic changes.
    Sixty Five Canberra B(1) 58's were delivered to and flown by the Indian Air Force from 1957 along with eight PR.57 and seven T.4 trainers. Canberras saw combat in the major conflicts (1965, 1971, and 1999). The last IAF Canberra retired in 2007.
    Read the Install instructions!
    Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


       (1 review)



  17. Canberra B(I) mk12

    Canberra B(I) mk12 (South African AF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
    by Ahmed Junaid Raza and skin by Michael (Mike1) Riddell
    Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
    Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
    Temp gunpack by Wrench
    The B.(I) mk12 Interdictor was a new build export version of the British B.(I) mk8
    The SAAF received the first B(I) Mk 12 aircraft in 1963. Six B(I) Mk 12 bombers (451 to 456) and the T Mk 4 trainers (457 to 459) were operated by 12 Squadron.
    The SAAF have used these in several regional conflicts most notibly Angola.
    read the install instructions
    Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


       (0 reviews)



  18. Canberra B mk20

    Canberra B.20 (RAAF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
    by Ahmed Junaid Raza
    B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kessselbrut" Himmel
    Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
    Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
    The B.mk20 was licence built B.mk2 by the Government Aircraft Factories, Melbourne, Australia. It featured an increased fuel capacity thanks to wing fuel tanks and outer wing pylons were also added.
    The B.mk20 was used by the Australian RAAF between around 1966 and 1971 in conflict during the Vietnam war as part of the US 35th TFW.
    The version in this pack is the later model with the Avon 109 engines and has outer wing pylons according to pictures ive seen. It is also mentioned that the RAAF could use wingtip racks for extra bombs though not too sure on that.
    read the install instructions!!
    Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


       (0 reviews)



  19. Canberra B (I) mk66

    Canberra B.(I) mk66 for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
    by Ahmed Junaid Raza
    B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel
    Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra - didn't realise they were so out!
    Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
    Temp gunpack by Wrench (July 2009)
    10 B(I).mk66s were delivered to India in 1970. These were slightly upgraded versions of the RAF B.mk6 and were similar to the B(I) mk6 Interdictor.
    They are included with the same Avon 109 turbojets and option to carry a gunpack.
    Read the install instructions!
    Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


       (0 reviews)



  20. Canberra B mk2 Luftwaffe and Rhodesian AF

    Canberra B.2 (West German Luftwaffe) and
    Canberra B.2 (Rodesian Air Force) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
    by Ahmed Junaid Raza
    B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel
    WGAF skin by Soulfreak
    RRAF skin by Michael (Mike1) Riddell
    Special thanks to Spinners for making the 3D model more accurate and making me find some better reference material :)
    Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
    In 1957 the Royal Rhodesian Air Force ordered 15 B.2s and three T.4s. These were delivered two years later. These were said to have seen action in several regional wars in the area. The version here represents the RRAF from 1971 to 1980. (Rhodesia is now called Zimbabwe)
    In 1961 three ex-RAF Canberras were purchased by Germany for trials and experimental use flying with Erprobungstelle 61 - these were delived in 1966.
    Read the installations!!
    Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


       (0 reviews)



  21. Canberra B. mk2

    Canberra B.2 (RAF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series by Ahmed Junaid Raza
    B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kessselbrut" Himmel
    Special thanks to Spinners for making the 3D model more accurate and making me find some better reference material :)
    RAF0 skin by Spinners
    RAF1 skin by Michael (Mike1) Riddell
    Updated for the SF2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
    The RAF's first bomber, the Canberra, had a career spanning over 51 years on the front lines. Chief designer W. Petter had just joined the design team at English Electric when work began on the Canberra. He changed the swept wings of the original design to a more unconventional design with the engines part way out on, and embedded in, the wing. The end sections of the wings were broad and square, and two powerful Rolls-Royce Avon engines completed the design. The crew of two sat side-by-side in a pressurized cabin. With good fuel economy, and excellent maneuverability at all altitudes, the EE.A1 was an instant success.
    The prototype was first flown on May 13, 1949, and was problem-free. The first four prototypes were designated the Canberra B.MK 1, and were intended for use with a radar-assisted bomb aiming system. A delay in this system led to the production of a day bomber prototype, the Canberra B.MK 2, and the first operational aircraft were delivered on May 25, 1951.
    Around 410 B.mk2s were built for the RAF - some saw action in the 1956 Suez crisis.
    Read the instructions!!!
    Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


       (2 reviews)



  22. Canberra B (I) mk6

    Canberra B.(I) mk6 (RAF) for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
    by Ahmed Junaid Raza
    B.2 Cockpit with bombardier view by Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel
    RAF1 skin by Michael (Mike1) Riddell
    Special thanks to "Spinners" for tweaking the 3D model to be more like the real Canberra!
    Updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners (July 2009)
    Temp gunpack by Wrench (July09)
    The B(I).mk6 was an interim interdictor version of the B.mk6 having the same engines and fuel load of the B.mk6 but was fitted with 2 under wing pylons for stores and could now carry a Hispano 4 x 20mm gun pack which could be fitted to the rear bomb bay.
    This version was superceded by the B(I).mk8 variant.
    Engines : Two RR Avon 109 Turbojets
    Thrust : 7,500lbs static thrust each
    Speed : 620mph
    Service Ceiling : 45-50,000ft
    Range : 3,000 miles (with tip tanks)
    Armament :
    Up to 10,000LBs in the bomb bays
    2 x 1,000lb bombs or rockets (on 2 single wing pylons)
    1 x Hispano mkV 20mm gunpack could be fitted to rear of bomb bay
    16 x Flares in front bomb bay
    Read the install instuctions for any issues, controls etc!!
    Released under Freeware Licensing only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


       (0 reviews)



  23. Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.1

    Carlo´s Cranberries Vol.1

    Canberra B.Mk6 flyable Mod & high Rez Skins

    This is an update for the Stock Thirdwire (Expansion 2) Canberra B.6
    This Mod works only if you have Expansion Pack 2!!!!
    - Kesselbrut´s Canberra Bomber Cockpit
    - New Hangar & Loading Screens
    - 2 high Rez Export Skins
    - Martin Baker Mk.3 Ejection Seat
    - Edited the inis (Loadout, working air brakes)
    - addet new Sound
    User with a not so powerful system should resize the Skin bitmaps to 1024x1024.
    Hangar Screens are widescreen, alternate there are normal screens includet, just edit the file names!
    - Ludo.m54 for the basic Templates
    - Ravenclaw_007 for the ini edits, Mk3 Seat and all other support
    - Kesselbrut for the Cockpit
    - Spillone104 for the Sound (borrowed out of a pack he released earlier)
    - Souli (me) for the weathering effects on plane, the new skins with more Details, hangar & loading screens
    - Thirdwire for this great Simulation Series & the stock Canberra B.6
    Special Thanks to:
    Steven Beeny from http://www.nazcastudios.com/ who providet great references to me about the Canberra.
    All Guys from http://canberratalk.conforums.com/ who helped me with background info and references too.
    Mod is for SF2 Expansion pack 2!!!
    Mod is tested in merged SF2V, SF2E, SF2I with Expansion Pack 2
    this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
    You have to read the readme.txt!!!
    I hope you´ll like this Mod.
    Schapen, 25th February 2011
    Carlo "Souli" Vecchi


       (4 reviews)



  24. Royal New Zealand Airforce Canberra B.2 & B(I) Mk12 for SF2

    Strike Fighters 2 Canberra B(I) mk12 operated by the Royal New Zealand Air force and Canberra B.2 loaned by the RNZAF before the purchase of the mk12
    The B.2 is the stock B.2 with RNZAF skin/markings and make flyable with the cockpit from the SF B.2 by Ahmed Junaid Raza & Daniel "Kessselbrut" Himmel
    The mk12 was made by modifying the Canberra B(I) mk12 (South African AF) by Ahmed Junaid Raza
    Credit also goes to MigBuster and spinners for their part in the original mods and of course Third Wire.
    To install place files in appropriate folders and override. Make sure you read the original readme as well.
    You will need the Europe expansion Pack 2 to use the B.2
    History on the RNZAF Canberra:
    In 1958, while awaiting delivery of their own Canberras, the RNZAF "hired" a squadron of 17 B.2s and three T.4s from the RAF as part of the Commonwealth Strategic Reserve. The B.2s and one T.4 were used, from 1958 until 1962, by the then newly formed RNZAF 75 Squadron. The squadron was based at RAF Tengah (Singapore) and became involved in active service during the Malayan emergency with their first bombing raid being carried out on 30 September 1959.
    In February 1958 New Zealand placed a contract for 11 aircraft for use by 14 Sqd, the contract called for nine B(I)12 and two T.13 Canberras. The B(I)12 was the equivalent of the RAF's B(I)8 but with auto-pilot and modified navigation kit. The T.13 was equivalent to the T.4 but with auto-pilot and an extra bomb bay fuel tank.
    14 Squadron was based at RNZAF Ohakea in New Zealand
    Initially the squadron continued to use their D.H. Vampires for rocket projectile firing practice as the B(I)12s did not get this capability until December 1961. Trials then began with wing-pylon mounted Microcell rocket launchers each holding 37 rockets. Gradually the squadron achieved operational status in all its roles, including anti-shipping, and took part in deployment exercises to Singapore as part of the Commonwealth Reinforcement Force.
    In late 1962, the OCU was incorporated into the squadron as "C" Flight giving 14 Squadron a strength of ten B(I)12s and two T.13s. In 1964 the B(I)12s received their camouflage paint scheme ready for deployment to Singapore. 14 Sqd arrived in Singapore in September 1964 to assist in Operation Confrontation against Indonesia. A month later they went to the forward base at Labuan but were moved back to Tengah a week later! 14 Sqd stayed as part of the FEAF and, in March 1965, moved to RAAF Butterworth in Malaya. Not for long however. In 1966 the squadron returned to RNZAF Ohakea. Sadly, in the final month at Butterworth, NZ6104 crashed during a low-level RP attack at the China Rock range.
    Back in NZ, the decision had been taken to phase out the B(I)12 which duly took place in July 1970. New Zealand's Canberras were sold as a job-lot to India in November 1970. Some are still flying today


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